Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 211 [Innate Golden Mother, Huangliang Shengjing]

Ancestor Yunmeng looked at everyone with a sweet smile on his face.

There is no trace of the coercion of Yuanying's power on her body, nor is she very aura, but gives people a very peaceful feeling.

In fact, when Xu Changan looked at her, he felt like the sister next door.

"Of course..." Yun Meng looked at everyone and continued: "There are a total of forty-eight people who are here this time. No matter how many of them can enter the top ten, the remaining disciples who failed to advance do not need to return to the sect. Instead, he became a disciple of the elders at the Immortal Sect Headquarters and became their disciples!"

"You can also practice at the Taixuan Immortal Sect headquarters in the future!"

As soon as Patriarch Yunmeng finished speaking, everyone below was delighted.

After all, being able to become a disciple of the Shang Sect is a great opportunity!

"But you still have to strive for the top!" Patriarch Yunmeng said again: "The first place in this competition will be rewarded with a piece of [Innate Golden Mother]..."

At this time, a female disciple in the Foundation Establishment stage came to Patriarch Yunmeng holding a tray.

The tray was also covered with a red cloth.

Ancestor Yunmeng waved his hand and opened the red cloth strip, and immediately a dazzling golden light flashed out.

The disciples from each branch below all looked at the golden light of the tray, and saw a piece of metal about a foot square lying there. They didn't know what its properties were. Anyway, this thing was golden in color, and it was extraordinary at first sight. .

There is another circle of dense fairy aura around the metal. The dense mist flashes with the fairy light, and from time to time, profound and obscure runes emerge.

"This is the Innate Golden Mother!" Ancestor Yunmeng gently introduced to the disciples: "The Innate Golden Mother is the supreme material used for refining weapons. The treasures made with it as the main material are at least a magic weapon level. !”

"You are all disciples of the Foundation Establishment Stage now. Some of you have even reached the late Foundation Establishment Stage or even the Great Perfection level. Forming the Pill is just around the corner. And after forming the Pill, you must use your own Taoism to understand and nourish the magic weapon. Therefore, this [Innate Golden Mother] is a rare blessing for you!"

"You must try your best to fight for it!"

"Of course!" Yunmeng turned her white palm slightly, then covered the innate golden mother with the red cloth, and said: "It doesn't matter even if you don't get the first place, as long as you are in the top ten, it doesn't matter. They all have their own rewards, ranging from the second to the tenth place, the number of top-grade [Spirit Gathering Pills] personally refined by Elder Zhu of the Immortal Sect’s Alchemy Hall.”

"Do you have any doubts?"

After saying that, Patriarch Yunmeng turned his head again and looked at the disciples with his beautiful eyes.

The disciples raised their hands one by one and said: "Disciple understands..."

"Okay!" Ancestor Yunmeng turned his head to look at the Foundation Establishment disciple next to him and said, "Let them all come in too!"

The beautiful female cultivator in the foundation-building stage walked out, and soon she came with a group of people wearing moon-white robes.

Xu Changan's mind swept away slightly.

There were a hundred people on the opposite side, and the moon-white robes were the uniform uniform of the Shangzong headquarters. Needless to say, these were the one hundred people of the Shangzong who participated in this battle.

Yun Meng said: "These disciples are all disciples of the sect's headquarters, and their cultivation levels are all in the foundation building stage. Some are at the first level of foundation building, and some are at the great perfection stage of foundation building, etc..."

"They will also participate in the assessment with you, but you don't have to belittle yourselves. The monks at the headquarters may not necessarily have great powers, and those of you from the branch may not be useless!"

"Of course, for the sake of fairness, when we enter the Huangliang Shengjing, everyone's cultivation level will be reduced to the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage!"

"You guys, come with me!"

After saying that, Ancestor Yunmeng stood up.

Without even seeing how she moved, the beautiful woman on the lotus platform arrived at the entrance of the hall in an instant. Such magical power immediately caused the disciples in the whole hall to turn pale with shock.

Xu Changan took a deep breath.

You know, he has the Eye of Wisdom Talisman on his body.

With the magic of the Wisdom Eye Talisman, Xu Changan did not see clearly how Yunmeng walked from the lotus platform to the door.

Was it teleportation, or was it too fast that I didn't see it?

Xu Changan didn't know.

This made him feel inexplicable fear: Yuanying is so powerful that he really has magical powers in every move he makes.

If you are targeted by a powerful person of this level, you will really die.

Xu Changan left with the group and followed Patriarch Yunmeng out of the hall.

In the square outside the main hall.

Ancestor Yunmeng waved his hand and took out a treasure.

I don’t know what level the treasure is. It looks like a lotus platform. The lotus platform is pure white and looks extremely holy. Unfortunately, there is a layer of floating purple mist surrounding it, which exposes the white and holy lotus platform. A third of the strange color.


Yunmeng shouted loudly, and the mana in her body was continuously sent into the lotus platform. The lotus platform flew into the sky and instantly became hundreds of feet in size.

The giant lotus platform rotated slightly above everyone's heads, and the pressure it brought made everyone involuntarily fear.

Xu Changan was fine.

The shock that this lotus platform gave him was just a drop in the bucket compared to the big gold card.


Suddenly, a purple-red vortex emerged below the lotus platform.

Ancestor Yunmeng said: "Elders, how long will it take before we take action?"


The more than 20 golden elixir stage elders who had just been sitting in the main hall each used their magic power and continuously sent it into the lotus platform.

Yun Meng then let go of the treasure.

She looked at all the disciples, and then said loudly: "There is a secret realm in this vortex, called [Huangliang Shengjing]. After you enter it, your cultivation will be compressed to the first level of the foundation-building period. Fight for life and death in it!"

"Of course, if you die in this Huangliang Shengjing, you will not really die, but will be teleported out and become eliminated!"

"The ten people who stay in it will advance!"

"The later you come out, the higher your ranking!"

This is a quick selection elimination match.

After saying that, Yun Meng gave everyone a sweet smile: "You guys go in, I look forward to your good news!"


A disciple from the headquarters wearing a moon-white robe stood up, became the first conspicuous bag, and jumped directly into the vortex.

Then one by one, the disciples entered.

Xu Changan, Fu Nianzhen, Huang Zhicheng and other six disciples from Taixuan Sect also jumped in together.

Buzz, buzz, buzz...

Xu Changan felt dizzy, and purple and white lights flashed in front of his eyes. After a few breaths, he landed in a void, and his body fell rapidly in mid-air.

At the same time, Xu Changan's eyes and mind swept around unscrupulously.

Mountains, forests, and rivers!

No wonder it is called Huangliang Shengjing, it turns out that this is a small world.

And this small world is more real than the floating fairyland in the Great Qi Kingdom.

Looking at his own cultivation, it has really been compressed to the first level of the foundation-building period.

But it's a pity that he thought he would fall in the same place with Fu Nianzhen and the others, so that he could take care of each other, but he didn't.

Xu Changan found that there seemed to be no other cultivators in the place he looked at, only himself.

It is conceivable how terrifying the area of ​​Huangliang Shengjing is.

After landing, he took out a few talismans without saying a word, and pasted them on them one after another.

Wisdom Eye Talisman!

Absolute Shadow Talisman!

Spirit Wing Talisman!

If you stick these things on in advance, you can save the time of activating them at the critical moment.

Xu Changan did not rush to run around, but after scanning the place with his mind several times, he found a relatively hidden place to sit down.

Rest first.

Anyway, this thing is not about who kills more people, but who can hide longer.

As long as you don't run into other cultivators and try to avoid duels with others, there will be no problem.

Who can hide the best?

Of course, Xu Changan is definitely not the only one who has this idea.

Many cultivators who entered this Huangliang Shengjing have this idea!

Find a place, hide first, and wait for you to slowly reduce the number of people.

However, it turned out that Xu Changan still underestimated the wisdom of the Yuanying stage masters.

He had just sat there for two hours when he found that another extremely powerful mind swept over from the right.

The strong mind seemed to crush Xu Changan's body.


He suddenly understood.

It was not possible to hide, because the Yunmeng Patriarch was probably watching the situation from outside. Those who tried to gain a place by stalling time were forced to run by the Patriarch's divine consciousness.


The red wings behind Xu Changan moved slightly, and he flew into the sky.

Once he flew up, the huge pressure that had just attached to him disappeared.

This once again proved Xu Changan's conjecture!

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