Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 214 [Kill the genius again, this is not right]


A powerful fire-attributed air flow rushed over.

The clothes on Xu Changan's body made a rustling sound.

On the opposite side, after Chen Xuanli was blown by the strong airflow, the hairband on his head cracked and his black hair fell loosely on his head.

"So strong..." Chen Xuanli looked at Xu Changan and said, "You are indeed a little stronger than me at the same level..."

Xu Changan smiled: A trace?


The two attacks just now seemed to be exactly the same, but they ended up being a draw.

But in fact, Xu Changan did not use all his strength, he only used 90% of his strength.

Secondly, the opponent Chen Xuanli's move was a powerful magical power.

Xu Changan, on the other hand, was just an ordinary punch and had no magical powers.


Chen Xuanli first jumped into the sky before attacking, coming from a condescending position, while Xu Changan responded from the air below.

With these three rules, Chen Xuanli had the upper hand, but Chen Xuanli didn't know about the two above.

Otherwise, if I, Xu Changan, are tied with you, Chen Xuanli, in terms of the same length of a single spiritual root of ten, wouldn’t my reputation as a dignified thirteenth-level extreme monk be in vain?

"Brother Chen admires..." Xu Changan said: "You are also the most powerful opponent of your level I have ever encountered in my life..."

"Haha..." Chen Xuanli smiled slightly and said: "It's a tie, but Senior Brother Xu, who will send whom out of this dimension is still unknown..."


This time, Chen Xuanli acted a bit ungently. He took advantage of Xu Changan's speech, suddenly moved his body, and launched an attack on Xu Changan.

To put it nicely, this is called taking advantage of someone's surprise; to put it harshly, this is a sneak attack.

At this time, the fire spirit power in Xu Changan's body was almost exhausted.

But at the same time, the benefits of the two dantians were revealed. With a wave of his hand, he calmly took out a palm-sized mountain peak, and poured the surging wood-attribute spiritual power into it. The small mountain peak instantly turned into a size of dozens of feet. In front of me.

Because the hill was filled with wood spiritual energy, it looked green and indescribably weird.

This mountain is another top-quality spiritual weapon [Zhenxian Mountain].

This object was obtained after killing Chunyu Chunfu, the young lady of the Chunyu family, in Fucha Fairyland. Its defensive power is unparalleled.


Chen Xuanli's attack was easily blocked by Zhenxian Mountain.

Naturally, Xu Changan would not give the opponent a chance. He moved around the hill and took out the high-grade spiritual weapon [Pure Jun Mirror] in his hand.

A bolt of green lightning burst out and struck Chen Xuanli.


There's no after that.

Chen Xuanli's body collapsed directly, and then he suddenly left the void.


Xu Changan held a magic weapon in one hand and froze on the spot.


Something is wrong!

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli had just exchanged a shot, and then a punch. The strength of the opponent left a deep impression on him, but he had just summoned 30% of the power in the Pure Jun Mirror and sent the opponent away. ?

Isn't this too reasonable?


Xu Changan had just activated the two actions of [Suppressing Immortal Mountain] and [Pure Jun Mirror], but Chen Xuanli neither used treasures to defend nor attack.

What is he doing?

Are you waiting to be killed by me?

Xu Changan couldn't understand!

But if you don’t understand it, just don’t understand it!

He didn’t think much about it!

Xu Changan took a deep breath and swallowed a top-quality [Spirit Gathering Pill]. Under the operation of the nameless fire-attribute skills in his body, in a dozen breaths, the spiritual power between heaven and earth filled his Dantian. full.

Just after Xu Changan recovered the spiritual power in his dantian, another stream of cyan light passed by in the sky. It seemed to be getting closer and closer, flying in the direction of Xu Changan.

Suddenly, the monk stopped about a hundred feet away from Xu Changan.

A male cultivator with very fair skin.

This man had a handsome appearance, but he seemed to have an evil temperament. A streak of wind flashed between his brows, and he looked at Xu Changan with his feet in the void.

"Just now, Chen Xuanli was here, right?"

The white-faced male cultivator looked at Xu Changan: "I saw the spiritual energy fluctuations here!"

It seemed to Xu Changan that the person was also wearing a moon-white robe, so he knew he was a monk from the headquarters, so he let go of his mind and scanned the person.

I was surprised again when I scanned it.

Damn it...

He almost cursed: Another single spiritual root monk?

The white-faced man in front of him not only had a single spiritual root, but also a mutated single wind spiritual root.

No wonder it was so fast, it fell from the sky in front of me in almost a breath.

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed involuntarily. He secretly compared himself with the male cultivator in front of him and found that even if he, Xu Changan, used the two talismans [Jue Ying Talisman] and [Spirit Wing Talisman], he would only be able to use them at most. It was just as fast as the monk in front of him.

If the white-faced male cultivator in front of him had one or two accelerating talismans or weapons, Xu Changan would not be able to catch up with him.

This is the terrifying aspect of Shan Feng Linggen’s talent.

Mutated wind spirit roots should still be given the respect they deserve.

Of course, at this time, Xu Changan also roughly knew who the monk in front of him was.

I have long heard that the Shang Sect has a genius named Xuan Jiezhi who has a mutated single spiritual root. I guess it is this person.

Xu Changan did not answer his words, but cupped his hands and said, "But Senior Brother Shang Zongxuan?"

Xuan Jiezhi nodded: "My name is Xuan Jiezhi..."

"Let me ask you again, was Chen Xuanli here just now? Where is he now?"

Xuan Jiezhi frowned and looked at Xu Changan, staring at him.

Xu Changan said: "Yes, Senior Brother Chen just had a few sparring matches with me, and then... I was lucky enough to send him away..."


Xuan Jiezhi was startled at first and said: "You?"

Then, a smile appeared in his eyes again, and he said: "So that's it... Little friend, you sent Chen Xuanli away... Hehehe..."


He laughed loudly, but he didn't explain to Xu Changan why he laughed!

After more than ten breaths, Xuan Jiezhi said: "Since you can send Chen Xuanli away, I think you must have some magical powers. Well, let me learn from you and see if you are worthy of sending this young master away..."

"Get up..."

Xuan Jiezhi stretched out his white hand, which was almost the same as a woman's, and then pointed his slender fingers at the void.

The surging spiritual power in his body flew out, and suddenly turned into a tornado, which rolled towards Xu Changan in an instant.

Xu Changan was about to dodge, but suddenly saw that the tornado split halfway, and one tornado turned into three.

When the three tornadoes flew to Xu Changan, they turned into nine.

Nine tornadoes surrounded Xu Changan from all directions, reaching the sky and the earth, making it impossible for Xu Changan to escape.

All the retreat routes were blocked.

Don't look at this tornado, it contains huge energy.

Xu Changan naturally did not dare to underestimate it. He waved his hand and sacrificed the small mountain again, and another seal was also taken out.


[Zhenhai Seal] was activated and turned into a size of dozens of feet, smashing towards the tornado.

Zhenxian Mountain was guarding Xu Changan's head to prevent the attack of the tornado.

In this way, although the tornado was strong, it could not cause any harm to Xu Changan.

"Sure enough, you have some skills!" Xuan Jiezhi said: "But you only have some defensive skills, don't you have any offensive means?"

Xu Changan sneered and took out a hammer with a wave of his hand.

[Muyuan Hammer]

This hammer was taken from the hands of the great elder of Wuyinmen. After Xu Changan activated it, it turned into a war hammer of dozens of feet in size. The handle of the hammer was slender and hundreds of feet long. It was dropped from the sky by Xu Changan and smashed towards Xuan Jiezhi's head.


Xuan Jiezhi had no defense and was knocked down by him with a hammer, sending him out of Huangliang Shengjing.

Xu Changan did not have the confidence to defeat his opponent. He frowned and narrowed his eyes: Interesting...

Something is wrong!

These two, Chen Xuanli and Xuan Jiezhi, are both single-spiritual geniuses. It is impossible for me to kill them so easily.

If Chen Xuanli can be explained by carelessness, Xuan Jiezhi is different. This guy simply came all the way here to give himself up.


Why don't they want to stay?

Don't they want to compete for the first place and compete for the [Innate Golden Mother]?

The foundation-building disciples of Taixuan Xianzong are so rich that they don't want the five elements origin?

Obviously not.

The geniuses of Daqi don't like this thing because they have it at home.

But the headquarters of Taixuan Xianzong, to put it bluntly, is just a very ordinary small sect in Yan State. How can the disciples of such a sect be so generous?

There must be a reason!

Xu Changan was suspended in the void, and his mind was working frantically.

He remembered what Yunmeng had said before: the top ten disciples would be sent to the Golden Terrace to become the royal family of Yan.

This means... these two guys don't want to go.

Why don't they want to go?

Is there a trap here?

Xu Changan's eyebrows jumped for no reason.

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