Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 215 [Life and death decision, tricking Huang Zhicheng]

Xu Changan was stunned in the air for about half a stick of incense, when the powerful pressure came from behind again.

He had no choice but to flap his wings and continue flying forward.

However, at this moment, Xu Changan no longer had the passion to compete for the first place. He was thinking about what Patriarch Yunmeng said before.

Qingxu once told him that after entering the Shangzong, if he participated in the competition and won the first place, he could get the Innate Golden Mother, then become a disciple of the Shangzong, and practice freely in the Shangzong from then on.

It did not say that the top ten would be sent to the golden platform to the country and the royal family.

What does it mean?

It means that Qingxu doesn't know. If Ancestor Qingxu knows, he will definitely not hide it.


Xu Changan looked towards the horizon, pretending to observe his surroundings, but actually he was thinking.

Keep reasoning!

Country, Golden Platform, Your Majesty!

Your Majesty himself is a man of unfathomable power. If he recruits talents, he should be that kind of national scholar.

Will they recruit young monks like us who are in the foundation building stage?

Besides, there are ten people in the Taixuan Immortal Sect in the foundation building period.

So you can imagine how many foundation-building disciples the entire Great Yan Kingdom will gather this time?

One hundred thousand?

Hiss, hiss...

Thinking of this number, Xu Changan's scalp went numb. These are all talented people. His Majesty may not even be able to see them. What is this?

Could it be that he has recruited an army of monks to start a war with which country?

This is……

cannon fodder?

"Fuck..." Xu Changan couldn't help but cursed, and a dense layer of sweat oozed out on his back.

No wonder it’s such a good thing that our disciples from the helm are here. I see.

Xu Changan figured out the causes and consequences almost in one thought.

Therefore, monks like Xuan Jiezhi and Chen Xuanli who can see through the situation or get the news in advance will definitely not compete for the first place.

So here’s the problem?

Xu Changan faced a choice.

Is it to give up [the origin of gold]?

Or fight for the [Origin of Gold] and then be willing to serve as cannon fodder for Dayan Kingdom and Taixuan Immortal Sect, and find a chance in the war between those countries.

Xu Changan almost didn't think too much and chose the former directly.

Save your life first.

The origin of gold is not that important to me. After all, I already have wood spirit roots and fire spirit roots.

Not being cannon fodder is the most important thing.

Then now...

Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked into the distance: How can he reasonably let himself go out?

After all, there is a scary old guy in the Nascent Soul stage who is always watching from behind. If someone catches him doing something clever, life will be difficult in the future.

Take your time and look for opportunities.

Certainly not everyone knows this kind of thing.

Xu Changan flapped his wings and flew forward quickly.

At this moment, he hopes that he will meet some strong opponents, preferably in a group, and then I will be beaten to death by the crowd. Is it reasonable?

But after half a stick of incense, Xu Changan's expression turned bitter.

He didn't meet the opponents of the group, but he met his own people.

Fu Nianzhen, Huang Zhicheng.

The two of them were forming a group together, and they happened to meet Xu Changan, so why not decisively form a group with Xu Changan?

A trio!

Xu Changan looked at Huang Zhicheng and Fu Nianzhen silently, and made a mental calculation: the three of them formed a team and could almost sweep them all.

You know, Huang Zhicheng is not simple.

During the competition, this guy was at the twelfth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and he actually scored.

Although it is only the tenth place in the last place.

It is possible to reach the tenth place among all the disciples of the Shang Zong and the Eight Great Branches. Is this simple?

It's obviously not simple.

Cheng Bufan didn't do it.

Moreover, in the entire Taixuan Sect, only two twelve-level Dzogchen monks, Zhen Qingyan and Huang Zhicheng, were among the top ten.

The key is that this guy built a foundation not long after he returned.

Huang Zhicheng is not simple.

"Xu... Junior Brother Xu..." Huang Zhicheng looked at Xu Changan and said, "I have no hope of getting the first place... But with you, Junior Brother, it shouldn't be a big problem to get into the top ten. If you get the first place later, Thank you personally for the opportunity!”

Xu Changan said: "What did Senior Brother Huang say? We are from the same sect and should support each other!"

"Let's go... let's walk around, the pressure from behind is coming again!"

In fact, Xu Changan really wanted to tell Fu Nianzhen the news, but he was also afraid.

After all, Patriarch Yunmeng was watching. If he told Fu Nianzhen these things, God knows whether the Nascent Soul stage power outside would be able to hear them.

If you hear it, you'll be in trouble.


How to remind Senior Sister Fu!

Xu Changan took the two of them flying while spreading his spiritual thoughts.

His spiritual thoughts in the foundation building stage cannot be released very far, but several thousand feet is still no problem.

Coupled with the discerning ability brought by the Wisdom Eye Talisman, Xu Changan's grasp of the surrounding information is much better than other monks.

Soon, he saw a group of monks in his mind.

Ji family monk.

Not only the Ji family monks, but also the five Ji family monks who came together as a team.


Now there is a reason.

"Senior brother, senior sister... let's go this way..."

Xu Changan deliberately pointed in the direction of the Ji family monks.

The two followed Xu Changan's advice and walked forward. Soon they found the monks of the Ji family.

"Not good!" Huang Zhicheng said, "There are five monks from several families ahead... Let's go first..."

"Want to leave?" At this time, the five monks of the Ji family on the opposite side also saw Xu Changan and the other three. The five of them immediately turned into streams of light and flew over to surround the three.

"Hehe... It's this kid who just mocked our Ji family. We must send him away today!"

The Ji family members were naturally not afraid because they had more people.

Xu Changan added fuel to the fire at this time and said, "I would be afraid of you... Just now, the head of your Ji family, Ji Changgeng, was sent away by me..."

"What?" The Ji family disciples were furious when they heard it.

Xu Changan looked at Huang Zhicheng in a low voice and said, "Brother Huang, it's a bit troublesome with so many people... I think we'd better withdraw!"

"Yeah..." Huang Zhicheng said, "That's what I mean!"

Xu Changan said, "I will use my magical power to open a gap later, and the three of us will escape in three directions. Let's make it clear first, no matter who is in trouble, you are not allowed to rescue... You must leave... Because this is not real death, it's just being sent out!"

"Did you hear that?"

Xu Changan looked serious.

"Okay..." Huang Zhicheng nodded.

Fu Nianzhen frowned and said nothing.

Xu Changan shouted, "Open..."


He condensed all the fire spirit power in his body, and then blasted it towards the disciples of the Ji family opposite.

In an instant, a sea of ​​fire boiled.

"Go..." Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Changan ordered the two people around him.



Fu Nianzhen and Huang Zhicheng found two gaps and took the opportunity to escape.

Xu Changan was not so lucky. Five disciples of the Ji family were staring at him. He did not break out, but was blocked.

"This..." Fu Nianzhen, who had just escaped, hesitated for a moment.

Xu Changan said: "Don't look back, hurry up..."

Huang Zhicheng bowed: "Junior brother Xu, anyway, if you die here, you are not really dead. I will go first..."

"Okay!" Xu Changan responded while dealing with the disciples of the Ji family in front of him.

Huang Zhicheng escaped in two breaths, but Fu Nianzhen was different. She knew that Xu Changan would not really die, but she was worried. She could not help but return and fight side by side with Xu Changan.

"Hehe..." Xu Changan laughed and said: "Senior sister Fu, maybe both of us will not be able to be in the top ten?"

"No chance, no chance..." Fu Nianzhen said: "Anyway, I will not leave you alone... I... I... woooo..."

What Xu Changan did not expect was that Fu Nianzhen suddenly cried.

And she cried very sadly.


He was a little at a loss and said: "Senior sister, you are not really dead, why are you crying..."

"I... wuwuwu..." Fu Nianzhen cried and said: "I remember the time when we were underground in Doujia Mountain..."

Xu Changan's heart moved suddenly.

Some things are definitely ordinary things for some people; but for others, they may be a knot that follows them for a lifetime.

For example, Fu Nianzhen.

Xu Changan sighed several times in his heart, then smiled and said: "Senior sister...To be honest, I have never blamed you...If you were trapped in the underground of Doujia Mountain back then, I probably wouldn't save you..."

"The reason why I can survive is all due to God's will, and it has nothing to do with you!"

"If you really turned back to save me at that time, it is very likely that both of us would not survive..."

"So, don't let this matter become your inner demon!"

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