Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 248 [Make up your mind, Yunmeng's request]

Xu Changan nodded. He looked at Chen Xuanli, then cupped his hands deeply and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Chen. Xu Changan is very grateful to be able to explore the secret realm with Senior Brother Chen!"

In fact, he has been thinking about this for a long time.

Still going.


Because I have to add some magical powers and trump cards of my own.

Although he obtained the powerful magical power of [Taiyi Obstacle Breaking Reincarnation Golden Eye] from Elder Ming Jing, Xu Changan felt that this was not enough.

What he wants is not to be able to defeat anyone, but to be able to escape from the hands of powerful monks.

It is very difficult to fight across levels in the world of cultivation.

Not to mention the Yuanying old monster, even if a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core was placed in front of Xu Changan, he would only be able to compete with him at least 50-50.

The probability of defeating or even killing him is extremely slim.

If those were monks who were in the late stages of Jindan or even Dzogchen, Xu Changan could only pray that he could escape safely.

In the past, he had a [Swallowing Talisman] in his hand that contained the full strength of the Golden Crow, so he was not afraid of the Golden Core cultivator, but now this trump card is gone.

Then we need to add trump cards again.


Practice, practice, practice…

It talks about two aspects, one is cultivation and the other is action.

It is not advisable to stay in seclusion for a long time. Although it can quickly improve your cultivation, it also has some hidden dangers.

You must know that when a monk enters the golden elixir, especially after entering the Nascent Soul stage, he not only accumulates spiritual power, but also comprehends the power of the rules between heaven and earth.

There is a saying in the world of cultivation: Above the Nascent Soul, all living beings are equal.

What is said?

It is a realm above the Nascent Soul. For things like transforming into gods, refining the void, combining the Tao, etc., the qualifications are not very important.

What spiritual roots, what talents?

Until then, understanding comes first.

What does understanding have to do with?

One is talent, the other is knowledge and experience.

If you just practice hard, you will still have huge shortcomings even if you enter Nascent Soul.

Therefore, there is a reason why many Xuanmen monks in the world of cultivation choose to make breakthroughs during their travels.

In a word: You can't always be in retreat, you have to be on and off.

It is necessary to both be born in the world and to enter the world.

"That's good!" Chen Xuanli was overjoyed and said: "Let's set off half a year in advance. I will come to find you then, first to Jidu and then to Qiuren's Ruins!"

"Thank you!"

After Chen Xuanli left, Xu Changan simply stopped going into seclusion.

He practices with Shen Xizhi every day.

Then he moved countless low-level herbs from Changfeng Valley into his little world.

Originally, with the planting of spiritual plants, the spiritual energy in his small world became more and more intense, and even though he couldn't practice, it felt good to see the spiritual energy getting stronger and stronger, wasn't it?


Xu Changan's cultivation level broke through from the fifth level to the seventh level.

Then, the area of ​​his small world also expanded twice, and the accumulated spiritual energy was so diluted by the space that it almost disappeared.

What surprised Xu Changan was that although the spiritual energy in the small world was extremely thin, the spiritual plants lived well and grew luxuriantly inside.


A second-grade illusory formation rose up in Shen Xizhi's dojo.

This illusion formation is much smaller, only about a hundred feet in diameter.

But even a hundred feet is enough to cover up the ten-foot-high cyclone caused by her practice.

"Junior brother is great!" Shen Xizhi ran over and pecked him hard on the face: "This formation is so great, hehehehe..."

Xu Changan looked disgusted and wiped the saliva from his forehead with his wide cuffs.

"You..." Shen Xizhi's face suddenly filled with anger: "You dislike me?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan wiped it again: "Disgusting!"


Shen Xizhi went crazy for a while. She yelled, "I'm still a child. What's so disgusting about children's things?"

Xu Changan remained unmoved and said with a serious face: "If you say so, I will get you some boy urine to try some other day..."


Shen Xizhi suddenly stopped moving. She stretched out her hand to pull Xu Changan: "Junior brother, look..."

"Don't pull me...get away!" Xu Changan solemnly carved the tips for using the formation into the jade slip, then picked up the jade slip and prepared to throw it to Shen Xizhi.

But suddenly he saw a dignified-looking woman standing in front of him.

His face turned pale with fright, and he quickly said: "Disciple Xu Chang'an, I have met Ancestor Yunmeng...please forgive me..."

The great power in the Nascent Soul stage comes without a trace and is unfathomable, which is really terrifying.

"Yes!" Yun Meng nodded, glanced at Shen Xizhi curiously, and asked, "You girl, I remember that you are a foundation builder..."

Xu Changan:…………

Shen Qizhi:…………

"Um..." Shen Xizhi said: "When I was fourteen years old, my disciple mistakenly ate the Face-fixing Pill refined by Master. Later, in order to change my appearance, I asked Xu Changan to help me refine a batch of Pure True Pill. After taking the Pure Pill, it became like this!”

"That's it!" Yunmeng took a deep look at Xu Changan and said for no reason: "Xu Changan, you hide it so well..."

Xu Changan's cold sweat broke out on his back.

As a result, Patriarch Yunmeng added another sentence: "I never thought that you would have such achievements in the art of formation?"

"During the sect competition, you didn't participate in the battle formation competition either?"

Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief, cupped his hands and said, "Disciple participated, but unfortunately, someone canceled his registration qualification!"

"Oh!" Yunmeng thought he was talking about the Ji family, but in fact Xu Changan was talking about Cheng Bufan.

"I am here to ask you one thing..."

Next to him, Shen Xizhi, who looked eleven years old but was actually almost thirty years old, quickly backed away knowingly, and then left with Dabai.

Xu Changan and Master Yunmeng were the only ones left behind.

Xu Changan said: "I don't dare. As a member of the Taixuan Immortal Sect, as a disciple, if you have something to do, just give me the instructions, ancestor. No matter what, it is the disciple's responsibility!"

"Haha..." Yun Meng smiled and said, "You can't imitate your senior brother's glib tongue!"

"Two things!"

"The first thing is indeed your responsibility, refining five furnaces of [Chaoyuan Pill] and twenty furnaces of [Foundation Building Pill]. The higher the quality, the better. Many disciples of our sect are facing breakthroughs, and only this is the last step. Damn it, if the disciples break through, our Taixuan Immortal Sect's strength will increase, and you will do a great job!"

"Hey!" Xu Changan nodded.

"The second thing!" Yun Meng said: "I want to build several long-distance teleportation arrays between Taixuan Immortal Sect and the major branches, so as to strengthen the connection between the sect and the major branches. This matter has been discussed for a long time, but it has been delayed because there is no suitable formation master."

"Now, I leave this matter to you, can you do it well?"

Xu Changan looked bitter and said: "Ancestor, the ultra-long-distance teleportation array is too difficult. Disciples don't have this ability!"

"I didn't ask you to arrange it now!" Yun Meng said: "With your talent, you will definitely be able to arrange it one day!"

Xu Changan nodded and said: "As long as the disciple is capable, he will definitely complete the mission!"

In fact, his formation level is due to his ability to draw symbols.

Talismans and formations are inseparable.

In the final analysis, it still comes from the big golden talisman.

"Let's refine the elixir first!" Yun Meng said: "This is the material I have prepared for you. After the refining is completed, I will send it to my Rumeng Palace..."

A storage bag embroidered with yellow flowers was thrown to Xu Changan through the air.

"Yes..." Xu Changan took the storage bag, then looked up and saw that the great power in the Nascent Soul stage had gone somewhere!

Came without a trace.

Xu Changan raised his head and looked around, but there was no one there.

He suddenly remembered that when he was entangled with the Nascent Soul stage powerful [Ancestor Huangquan] a few years ago, this man took a thousand steps and moved in the blink of an eye.

Could it be said that when you reach the Nascent Soul stage, you can teleport?

do not care!

Let’s refine the elixir first!

Xu Changan returned to his dojo, opened the cloth bag embroidered with yellow flowers, and poured out dozens of jade boxes. As expected, they were all materials for [Foundation Establishment Pill] and [Chaoyuan Pill].

Because he didn't know if this storage bag had been tampered with, Xu Changan didn't dare to enter the golden talisman space easily, so he slowly refined the elixir in the dojo.

Just in case!

Otherwise, if Patriarch Yunmeng discovers the golden talisman, let alone an ordinary disciple, she is Patriarch Yunmeng's direct disciple. I'm afraid she will kill people and seize treasures, right?

So when refining the elixir, Xu Changan did not enter the golden talisman space!

Several furnaces are made every day.

It took seven or eight days before Xu Changan pretended to be exhausted and completed the task given to him by Patriarch Yunmeng.

After finishing, he still used the original storage bag embroidered with yellow flowers and exuding fragrance to collect all the elixirs, and then went to Rumeng Palace.

"Not bad!" Yun Meng took the elixir, nodded, and said, "I will mark your merits!"

"This is the highest inheritance formation book of our Taixuan Immortal Sect. You can take it and understand it!"

A purple jade slip was thrown down from the high platform.

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