Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 249 [Middle-grade Spiritual Stone, Heading to Jidu]

Xu Changan took a purple jade slip.

"Phew..." Another purple card flew down from Ancestor Yunmeng's hand.

"You have made meritorious service for the sect this time. Go to the Internal Affairs Hall and you can receive corresponding rewards. Go ahead..."


Xu Changan was pushed out of Rumeng Palace by Patriarch Yunmeng with great magic power. Then the formations at the door of Rumeng Palace were closed layer by layer, and the door of the main hall was also closed.

Xu Changan looked at the purple card and purple jade slip in his hand, swiped it and turned it into a stream of light. He crossed the highest mountain and there was a huge sect inner gate square below. There was a teleportation array on the square leading to the sect. All major halls.

This kind of teleportation distance is within a hundred miles, generally speaking, it is an ultra-short-distance teleportation array.

Although this thing is not something ordinary people can set up, it is relatively easier than the ultra-long distance teleportation array.

Buzz buzz...

There was a burst of light from the teleportation array of the Internal Affairs Hall, and Xu Changan appeared at the door of the main hall of the Internal Affairs Hall.

"Junior Brother Xu..." A woman wearing a moon-white robe stood at the door with a smile and said: "The ancestor just sent me a message, saying that Junior Brother has made great contributions to the sect and deserves a reward!"

"Give me the card!"

Xu Changan gave the card to the woman.

By the way, I took a look at the woman's cultivation level with my discerning eye: she is at the eighth level of the Golden Core stage!

Good guy, another great power at the Golden Core stage.

"Dare I ask senior sister..." Xu Changan quickly handed over his hand: "I still don't know how to call senior sister!"

The woman said calmly: "Mingyu!"

"Sister Mingyu!" Xu Changan saluted again!

"Come with me!" The woman turned around and entered the hall.

Xu Changan also followed.

After entering the main hall, Mingyu said: "You have two choices, 200 million spirit stones, or 200 million contribution points!"

Xu Changan thought for a while and said, "Give me the spirit stone!"

Contribution points can only be used within the sect, while spirit stones are a common currency in the world of cultivation.

"Hmm..." Mingyu nodded and said: "If you want a low-grade spiritual stone, it will be 200 million. If you want a medium-grade spiritual stone, theoretically, it will be 2 million, but if the level is high, it will be half!"

"one million!"

Xu Changan scratched his head.

He knows that one piece of medium quality is equal to 100 pieces of low quality.

It's true that 200 million low-grade products are also 2 million mid-grade products, but when you convert it by half, it's a bit nonsense.

"I won't cheat you!" Mingyu looked at Xu Changan and said: "One day I will count on my junior brother to refine the [Breaking Pill] for me, so I don't dare to offend you! Haha... What I said is all about cultivation. The rules of the world, of course, are the same in our Taixuan Immortal Sect!”

Xu Changan asked: "Is there any difference?"

"Of course!" Mingyu said: "Slightly higher-end chambers of commerce or auctions use mid-grade spiritual stones as the settlement unit!"

"And!" Mingyu continued: "If you exchange mid-grade for high-grade, the exchange ratio is theoretically 100, but in fact, even if it is 200, no one is willing to exchange it for you!"

"In many cases, five hundred is needed!"

All right!

Xu Changan also knows that the higher the level of the spirit stone, the more precious it is.

High-grade spiritual stones can only be mined by entering the spiritual veins. Taking them out is equivalent to destroying the spiritual veins.

Who would be so stupid as to do such a thing?

Of course, there is also the heaven-defying top-grade spiritual stone.

It was made by the heart of the spiritual vein, and its value is beyond heaven.

But sometimes, this thing is still necessary. For example, the driving energy source of some large puppets is high-grade spiritual stones, or top-grade spiritual stones.

Another advantage of using the best spiritual stone as a puppet driver is that it can be automatically charged.

After the spiritual power in the top-quality spiritual stone is consumed, it can slowly absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth to replenish itself.

It’s so outrageous!

Xu Changan received 1 million medium-grade spiritual stones from Master Mingyu, and then left.

Returning to the dojo, he sat cross-legged on the ground and took out the purple jade slip given by Yun Meng.

Divine consciousness swept into it.

Name: Taixuan Formation Code!

A very common name.

Xu Changan's mind sank into it and he started to watch. Looking at the name, he thought that this array was very ordinary. However, after reading the introduction inside, Xu Changan was greatly inspired. He was sure that he had never been exposed to anything more special than this before. An advanced formation book.


A ray of golden light emerged from Xu Changan's eyes, and he looked at the purple jade slip.

He wanted to see if there were any traces or marks left by the Yuanying boss on this jade slip, or whether it was a secret door or something.

But nothing was found.

No discovery, but it does not mean that there is none.

Therefore, Xu Changan took a deep breath, and instead of entering the golden talisman space to try to increase the time flow ten times, he just started watching in the dojo.

Because the methods of Yuanying bosses are very powerful, they can adjust the rules of heaven and earth to their own advantage. God knows what hidden secrets this jade slip has, and the golden talisman space is Xu Changan's biggest trump card, which must not be exposed.

So, Xu Changan began to comprehend in his dojo.

There was nothing to do anyway, he didn't even practice his innate skills.

In this way, day by day passed, and in the blink of an eye, half a year was up.

Xu Changan read the purple jade slip thoroughly, and remembered most of the contents. However, remembering is one thing, and wanting to comprehend and understand it is another.

Without decades of time, don't think about understanding this thing.

Xu Changan put away the jade slip and stepped out of the dojo.

Because the time agreed with Chen Xuanli is coming, and he will set off for Jidu soon.

But before leaving, there are two things to do.

First: report.

Now Xu Changan is also an elder of the sect. When he goes out, he must report the travel route and approximate time to the sect.

This time, many people in the sect will go to [Seeking Benevolence Ruins], and Xu Changan naturally has nothing to hide.

Report it.

Second: Demand!

Li Xuenong, this old guy took my top-grade [Chaoyuan Pill], and he hasn't paid me yet!

Xu Changan first reported his itinerary to the Internal Affairs Hall, and then went to the mission hall of the outer gate.

"Elder Xu..." Deacon Liu stood up quickly when he saw Xu Changan, and said, "You are finally here. I have been to Changfeng Valley several times, but it's a pity that you were in seclusion every time I went there. Now..."

"Your things are still here with me!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said, "I wonder how many spirit stones the sect assessed for my top-grade [Chaoyuan Pill]?"

Deacon Liu said, "If calculated according to the lower-grade spirit stones, it is 150 million spirit stones. If it is a medium-grade one, it is 1.5 million!"

"Of course, it is marked as 1.5 million, but in fact it is only 750,000."

Xu Changan nodded: This price cannot be said to be high, but it is not low either.

After all, a top-grade [Chaoyuan Pill] not only has 750,000, but also has 200 million contribution points awarded by the sect!

"Elder Li has placed 750,000 medium-grade spirit stones in the outer gate. Do you want them?"

"If you are not satisfied, I can still negotiate!"

"Satisfied!" Xu Changan said: "Give me the spirit stones..."

750,000 in hand, plus the previous one million, a total of 1.75 million.

Everything was ready, Xu Changan came to Qingye's dojo, and then played with Shen Xizhi for a few days. Chen Xuanli also arrived here as scheduled.

"Junior brother Xu!"

He still carried a black spear behind his back: "Are you ready?"

Xu Changan nodded.

"I'm telling you..." Chen Xuanli smiled and said, "Jidu is a prosperous and magnificent place. There are so many beautiful women and good things everywhere. You should prepare more money!"

Xu Changan said, "I've prepared it!"

Chen Xuanli asked in a low voice, "How much have you prepared?"

Xu Changan: …………

Looking at Xu Changan's expression, Chen Xuanli was not embarrassed by his abruptness. Instead, he said with some disdain, "What can't be said? I won't steal your spirit. Stone, besides, I am afraid I can't snatch it!"

Xu Changan said: "You are somewhat self-aware... I have prepared... um... about two million spirit stones!"

"Tsk!" Chen Xuanli said: "Only two million, you are a bit shabby, it doesn't match your identity as a great alchemist!"

Xu Changan added two more words: "Middle grade!"

Chen Xuanli immediately said with a serious face: "Let's go... Let's go now... I will personally lead the way for you!"


A stream of light flew out of Changfeng Valley.

The little girl Shen Xizhi, who was in the fifth level of Qi Refining, stomped her feet and cursed: "Damn Junior Brother, where are you going to play without taking me?"

"Woo woo woo..."

Next to Shen Xizhi, Dabai flopped and sat on the ground, and raised his fat and fluffy hands to rub his face twice, looking aggrieved.

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