Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 302 [Gathering spirits and spying on puppets]

The familiar road, dark and damp!

Xu Changan had no idea how many times he had walked here.

In less than half an hour, he went down to the underground tomb, and with a little effort, he opened the wall he had built.

In the stone chamber, everything remained the same.

Boom... Boom...

The dark oil lamp was taken out by Xu Changan and lit, and the huge flames jumped up, and the whole stone chamber became as bright as day, and everything inside was naturally revealed.

The two tall and simple stone Weng Zhong were still standing there.

Xu Changan walked to a place about three feet away from the two of them, and then his mind burst out and swept over the two puppets.

He had come here many times before, but because he didn't understand puppets, he didn't think about looking for the mechanism of the puppets.

Now after seeing the puppet secret technique, Xu Changan didn't dare to say how deep he knew about puppets, but he still understood some basic principles.

Let's see where the energy source of this puppet is first.

However, Xu Changan still overestimated himself and underestimated Ou Sheng, one of the twelve disciples of the emperor.

On the two tall stone statues at the entrance of Ou Yezi's tomb, there is a faint layer, which seems to be divine consciousness, and also seems to be some kind of formation, covering the stone statues and rejecting all external investigations.

Let's put it this way, Xu Changan's divine consciousness can only sweep outside and cannot penetrate the inside of the stone puppet.


Xu Changan activated [Taiyi Breaking Barrier Reincarnation Golden Eyes], and two golden lights flew out of his eyes and blasted towards the stone statue.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The powerful golden spiritual power fell on the stone with the fire spiritual power.

A faint light curtain immediately appeared on the stone statue.

This light film is very strong, and it can actually defend against Xu Changan's supreme magical attack.

And Xu Changan also saw that this light film was actually formed by a formation, and it was a self-absorption formation, which can continuously absorb spiritual power from the outside world to ensure its own energy attack.

Oh my god!

Xu Changan was shocked. This was not the energy source of the mechanical puppet, but the energy source of the formation on his body.

So strong?

If you want to check the internal structure of Shi Weng Zhong, the first step is to break the formation on his body surface.

How to break it.

You bombard, and he defends!

And he keeps absorbing energy between heaven and earth as a supplement.

It is simply endless and can never be broken.

Unless the force of one blow exceeds the limit of the formation.

But it is obvious that Xu Changan does not have this ability.

Because the formation on Shi Weng Zhong is as high as the fourth grade, it can prevent the bombardment of Yuanying stage masters.

What to do?

Break the formation?

Then you have to get close.

But the key is that Xu Changan can't get close to the puppet.

Things seem to be at a stalemate.

Xu Changan stood in this stone room and thought about it for about half an incense stick of time, then waved his hand and took out a bunch of formation flags and formation plates, as well as various materials for setting up the formation.

Xu Changan threw out a number of formation flags.

Not only in the stone chamber, but also in the caves of Doujiao Mountain outside the stone chamber, he threw several flags.


One day later, a third-grade formation enveloped the entire stone chamber.

Not only that, it also covered part of the cave outside.

This is the formation arranged by Xu Changan, named: Third-grade reverse gathering spirit formation!

What does it mean?

As the name suggests, the gathering spirit formation is arranged in reverse, it cannot gather spiritual power, but instead absorbs the spiritual power in the middle of the formation and discharges it outside.

Thus, the spiritual energy source of the formation on the stone puppet is cut off.

In this way, if you attack the formation again, you can break it easily.

Xu Changan returned to the stone chamber again.

Then he raised his hand and began to attack the formation.

Without the energy source, the formation will not last long. All Xu Changan has to do is to consume its energy.

Very soon!


With a dark sound, the formation on one of the stone puppets was broken.

After a few breaths, the formation on another stone Weng Zhong was also broken.

Xu Changan's mind went deep into it!

The structure and driving formation in the middle of the stone man were presented in front of Xu Changan without omission.

In general, in order to drive the stone puppet, each stone Weng Zhong has a full thirty-six formations of different sizes and functions.

There are various formations responsible for attack, assistance, perception, operation, etc.

But the source of energy for all the formations is the five top-grade spirit stones located in the abdomen of the stone man.

Xu Changan sat cross-legged on the ground and began to comprehend.

This comprehension lasted for more than forty days.

After more than forty days, he opened his eyes and stood up from the futon. After this period of comprehension, Xu Changan also understood the two puppets made of big stones in front of him.

First of all, this is a puppet in the Nascent Soul stage.

This puppet can at most deliver a strike of the Nascent Soul Stage, and with the heavy pressure, it can easily kill any cultivator below the Nascent Soul Stage.

But the Nascent Soul Stage... probably not.

Xu Changan couldn't help but gasp: What a close call.

If Tie Zhongtang had really listened to him and come here, perhaps he could have easily opened the stone door.

What a pity, this old thing doesn't believe what others say.

Then there is no way, we can only say that Tie Zhongtang does not have this opportunity.

Secondly, it is this top-grade spiritual stone.

The top-grade spiritual stone provides energy for the puppet to operate. The key is that the top-grade spiritual stone has another heaven-defying characteristic: it can be charged.

Once there is a gap in its energy, the stone will automatically absorb the spiritual power between heaven and earth and replenish it.

Of course, all the top-grade spiritual stones in the world have this characteristic.

Finally, this stone puppet has another characteristic: if one is damaged, all will be damaged.

If Xu Changan attacks the five top-grade spiritual stones inside, the spiritual stones will not have any problems, but the formation will be directly disordered. At that time, the puppet will not only guard the area of ​​​​three feet in radius, but will directly chop the cultivator to death when it sees him.

Therefore, the spiritual stone cannot be attacked.

And Xu Changan still hopes to get this intact stone puppet, so he cannot damage the formation mechanism inside.

What he has to do is consumption.

Find a way to consume the energy in the top-grade spiritual stones in the stone man.

And because there is a [Reverse Gathering Spirit Array] outside, there is no need to worry about the automatic energy replenishment of the top-grade spirit stone.

So theoretically, as long as Xu Changan has patience, he will be able to use up all the energy in the spirit stone one day.

Then a new question arises: how to consume it?

Naturally, let the puppet attack.

Once they attack, they will consume the energy in their bodies!

That's easy!

Xu Changan walked out of the stone chamber and the array, ran deep underground and started catching blue spiders.

Because of his powerful mind and cultivation, Xu Changan can now catch blue spiders easily, and caught hundreds of them in half a day.

Among them is a late-stage big spider with the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage.

Xu Changan first took out a small spider and threw it out.


The stone puppets on the opposite side moved instantly. They first controlled the spider with pressure to prevent it from running around, then turned around and started attacking.


There is no gorgeous sword light, only the right attack power to ensure the most energy conservation.

After one strike, Xu Changan's divine sense swept over again.

There was almost no loss of energy on the top-grade spirit stone.


Because the cultivation of the blue spider is too rubbish.

It doesn't take too much energy at all.

Throw one!

Kakakaka... puff...

Another one!

Kakakakakakakakakakakaka... puff...

Xu Changan threw all the blue spiders in his hand out!

Then, his divine sense swept out again and found that the energy of the top-grade spirit stone was almost not lost. The loss of killing these things was even less than one ten-thousandth!


Xu Changan vomited blood!

If so, how long will it take to consume it all?

Even if I capture all the blue spiders in the entire Doujiao Mountain, I can't consume the energy in the top-grade spirit stone of this puppet, right?


Xu Changan took a deep breath: These blue spiders, their cultivation is still too low.

If a Yuanying-stage demon beast comes over, it can probably be consumed faster.


Yuanying-stage demon beast?

Let alone Yuanying, even if it's Jindan, I can't catch it.

What to do?

There is a way!

In Xu Changan's small world, there is still a Yuanying that looks like a living dead. Although the Yuanying has lost its true body and soul, it is a real tenth-level Yuanying.

If this thing is thrown into the puppet's attack range, how will these two stone Weng Zhong judge?

They must judge that a great cultivator of the tenth level of Yuanying has entered the attack range.

In this case, the power of this attack must be not small.


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