Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 303 [Cunning buddy, thousand-year-old fox]

Xu Changan's mind swept into the small world, and he saw the dusty glass Yuanying.

The next moment, Xu Changan took the Yuanying out of the small world without any thought.

It felt warm.

It meant that the Yuanying was not dead, and it still had some vitality.

Xu Changan simply threw it forward, and the Yuanying was thrown into the attack range of the two stone men.


As if sensing that a powerful creature had entered the forbidden area, the stone man suddenly emitted a powerful and unparalleled pressure, and then the two stone men turned around and raised the ancient long swords in their hands with a series of clicks.

This attack was finally different from the previous one.

Xu Changan's mind swept over, and saw that the monstrous spiritual power in the five top-grade spirit stones surged out and gathered on the long sword.

In the past, when the stone man attacked, he was always plain and unpretentious, without any brilliance to show off.

But this time it was different.

A brilliant sword light ignited the gray stone room, and then two swords fell from the air at the same time, and the huge sword intent enveloped the stone room.

It was visible to the naked eye that one third of the energy on the top-grade spirit stone was instantly absorbed.


Xu Changan took a deep breath.

In other words, the two puppets could only perform this level of attack three times.

Xu Changan did not dare to neglect it, and took a step forward and almost retreated to the back of the stone room.

Then he watched the sword light fall from the sky.

However, what made Xu Changan uneasy was that the Yuanying, who had been motionless on the ground, emitted a brilliant light at this moment, and then jumped out with a bang.

The Yuanying seemed to have life and jumped out of the combined force of the two swords.



The sword light in the stone man's hand fell to the ground and did not hit the Yuanying.

"Damn it..." If Xu Changan still didn't understand at this time, he would be a fool. Without saying anything, he stretched out his hand and patted the storage bag. The Thunder Ruler was activated by him. He didn't have time to attract the Nine Heavenly Thunder, so he slashed at the Yuanying with one ruler: "Old fox, you are not dead?"


Tie Zhongtang laughed and said, "Dead? Boy, you are still a little naive to fight with me..."

The palm-sized Yuanying stretched out his hand and took out a small silver shield from somewhere, and then the spiritual power in his body rushed into the small shield crazily. The shield instantly turned into a size of dozens of feet, almost covering half of the stone room.


A crisp sound!

Endless energy surged out.

Xu Changan's powerful attack was ultimately in vain, and was completely blocked by Tie Zhongtang's small shield.

"Xu Changan... Today... I will teach you another lesson..." Tie Zhongtang smiled and looked at Xu Changan, saying: "You can't escape from my palm after all, hehehe... Do you know why I can tease you so many times?"

The palm-sized Nascent Soul was suspended in the void, but it had a domineering aura. It looked a little funny, but Xu Changan didn't dare to underestimate him.

Xu Changan held the Devouring Talisman in one hand and the oil lamp in the other.

He didn't attack again.

He was waiting.

To see what Tie Zhongtang was up to?

"Because..." Xu Changan didn't say anything, Tie Zhongtang started talking to himself: "When I was young, I was deceived countless times. Those foxes who have lived for thousands of years in the cultivation world, those old monsters, which one is not a ghost and ghost..."

"I have suffered a lot, so I naturally learned it!"

"Xu Changan, you should thank me. If I hadn't taught you one lesson after another, you would not know how to die if you met an old fox like me in the future!"

Xu Changan took a deep breath.

It must be said that Tie Zhongtang's words made sense.

Tie Zhongtang looked around, then stared at the pair of stone statues and the stone gate, then laughed: "Good, good... After searching everywhere, I finally found it without any effort. It turns out that Ou Yezi's tomb is here..."

"Xu Changan... That's great..."

"I have been looking for it for hundreds of years!" Tie Zhongtang took a deep breath and said with some emotion: "My family has been looking for this thing for tens of thousands of years, and today I have found it..."

"Xu Changan, today, I will teach you one last lesson..."

"Watch out!"

Tie Zhongtang's Nascent Soul suddenly became more powerful. He took out an iron hammer in his hand, and the hammer was activated by him, and layers of pressure and endless spiritual power fell from it.

Xu Changan did not dare to neglect it, and quickly took out a few defensive talismans to activate them around him, and then took out the black [Asura Plate] and activated it with his own blood.

Just when Tie Zhongtang's hammer was about to fall to the ground

Tie Zhongtang's Nascent Soul turned into a stream of light and fled from the door of the stone chamber.

"Ah this..." Xu Changan was stunned: Didn't he want to attack me?

Why did he run away?

"Not good!" Xu Changan slapped his forehead and said, "Tie Zhongtang, you are already exhausted, are you lying to me?"

"Hahaha..." Tie Zhongtang's voice came from the darkness: "That's right, kid... I'm leaving..."

Tie Zhongtang had already exhausted his energy.

Back then, his body was damaged by Su Xiang's rosary, and then he was taken over by Xu Changan's big golden talisman, which scraped off 50% of his soul power. He was attacked by Xu Changan and put into the small world. He was indeed unconscious.

In the small world, he knew that Xu Changan was always watching him, so he kept his soul still and quietly accumulated his own energy.

It was not until he was taken out by Xu Changan to sacrifice to the stone man that Tie Zhongtang used the last bit of his strength to jump out of the stone man's attack range, and then bluffed, scaring Xu Changan into a defensive posture, and then took the opportunity to escape.

When Xu Changan put away his defensive treasures and wanted to chase him again, this guy had already run far away.

After all, he was a Yuanying power. As long as there was a little energy in his body, he could teleport thousands of feet and disappear in a few breaths.

Xu Changan naturally did not give up.

Tie Zhongtang is a time bomb. He is not only a powerful Yuanying stage, but also knows Xu Changan's secret. The huge golden talisman, a treasure beyond the level of immortal weapon, is now known to Tie Zhongtang besides him.

Also, the underground Ou Sheng Tomb is no longer known to him alone from now on.

Letting Tie Zhongtang go is too risky.

So even though he knew he might not catch up, Xu Changan still chased him out. He searched for two hours in the dark and rugged passage, but he didn't even see the shadow of Tie Zhongtang.


Speaking of which, Tie Zhongtang escaped from the stone gate, using the remaining divine thoughts and strength to cooperate with the power of rules he perceived, and instantly passed through countless dark caves, and appeared outside Doujia Mountain in three teleportations.

The powerful soul power belonging to the tenth level of the Yuanying stage swept out, and he soon swept a target in the nearby Doujia Mountain town.

Qin Nongqin, a Taixuan Sect cultivator in the eighth level of Qi Refining, wearing a red Taoist robe, had just left another inn. She walked outside the town and activated the flying boat, flying all the way to Taixuan Sect.

But suddenly she found that there was one more person on the flying boat.

No... it should be said that there was one more baby.

An elderly baby.

"Shua..." Qin Nongqin was so scared that she drew her sword at that moment.

"Don't do it!"

Tie Zhongtang used some tricks to subdue Qin Nongqin: "Have you heard of the Yuanying power?"

"Yuan... Yuanying?" Qin Nongqin opened her mouth wide: "I have heard of a cultivator who is more powerful than the Jindan Patriarch?"

Qin Nongqin's heart was pounding, and she realized now that she had met a senior master: "Senior, you are a Yuanying power!"

Qin Nongqin's voice changed because of excitement.

She felt that she might have encountered an opportunity.

Tie Zhongtang smiled coldly. He could see through the thoughts of a cultivator who had not experienced much of the world in a moment, so he deliberately tempted Qin Nongqin's greed and said, "Yes, I am a great man in the Nascent Soul stage, but I just met my enemy and was beaten by him and lost my real body!"

"If you can send me back to the sect, I will reward you!"


As he spoke, Tie Zhongtang's body shook, and a pile of medium-grade spirit stones fell on the deck of the flying boat.

"This is 10,000 middle-grade spirit stones, which is my reward for you!"

Qin Nongqin's body trembled with excitement. She fell to her knees and said, "Disciple Qin Nongqin, I don't want your spirit stones, but I beg you to accept me as your disciple. I will not refuse even if I die!"

"Hahaha..." Tie Zhongtang laughed and said, "Okay, okay... Good disciple, after I reshape my true body, I will personally accept you as my last disciple... Just listen to my instructions!"

"Turn the flying boat around and go to Yangshuo City, the seat of Yangshuo County, and then go to Jidu through the teleportation array!"

"That's right!"

"Just put me in your storage bag!"

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