Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 313 [Ancestor Hehuan, domineering]

Ancestor Yunmeng's face turned dark at that moment.

What she fears most is that Chen Xuanli's identity as a lucky person is leaked, which will bring disaster to the Taixuan Immortal Sect.

But now the entire sect knows, what's going on?

"Huh?" Yunmeng turned to look at Xuan Jiezhi and asked with a serious face: "Is this serious?"

Xuan Jiezhi nodded and said: "Master, don't you know? Almost everyone in the entire sect knows that Senior Brother Chen is a man of great luck..."

"Hey!" Ancestor Yunmeng said angrily: "Who spread the news?"

"Who else could it be?" Xuan Jie said: "He himself..."

"This kid!" Ancestor Yunmeng gritted her teeth angrily. If Chen Xuanli were here, she could guarantee that she would give Chen Xuanli a severe punishment.

"Master!" Xuan Jiezhi took the opportunity to raise his hands and said to Patriarch Yunmeng: "Senior Brother Chen is a person of great luck. He can trigger the luck of the Jidu royal family to transform into a dragon. If he appears on behalf of our Taixuan Immortal Sect to compete for these three great sects, Bi, of course I have no objection!”

"But I don't accept Xu Changan's request!"

He has been dissatisfied for a long time, but he has never had the chance to speak out. Now that he has found the opportunity, he will naturally not hold it back: "Master, he is only at the eighth level of the foundation building stage. He is not even the tenth or tenth level of the Dzogchen realm. Neither one nor twelve!"

"This competition is very important!"

Xuan Jiezhi gritted his teeth: "Disciple is bold and wants to fight on behalf of Taixuan Immortal Sect!"

Yunmeng stared at Xuan Jiezhi and asked: "An Chengxu, the foundation-building genius of the Ziwei Immortal Sect, and Huang Buyan, the evildoer of the Hehuan Sect, are you confident that you can defeat these two?"

Xuan Jiezhi was immediately discouraged and said: "Disciple, no... Even if I can't beat An Chengxu and Huang Buyan, I will be defeated at most, and I will definitely not lose miserably!"

Yun Meng said: "Isn't that the same?"

"But..." Xuan Jie said: "What about Xu Changan, can he beat him?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "If senior brother is dissatisfied with me, it won't be too late for you to blame me after we have tried again!"

"Then it's too late!" Xuan Jie said: "This competition is related to the sect's interests in the distribution of public resources in the cultivation world of Lulong City!"

At this time, the reception staff from Ziwei Immortal Sect finally arrived.

"Fellow Taoist Yunmeng... hahaha, long time no see!" An old man wearing a purple Taoist robe with white hair and a white beard landed at the gate of the mountain. He flicked the fly whisk in his hand and made a Xuanmen bow, and said: "Welcome arrival!"

Yun Meng nodded, and then said to Xu Changan and Xuan Jie, "This is the ancestor Jing Shen of the Ziwei Immortal Sect, salute quickly!"

"I've met Senior Jing Shen!"

The two handed over.

"Okay, okay..." Jing Shen glanced at Xu Changan and Xuan Jiezhi and said, "Excellent disciples, fellow Taoist Yunmeng, which one of these two is Chen Xuanli Chen's nephew?"


Xu Changan:…………


Xu Changan could even feel Yunmeng's beating three corpse gods at this moment.

"Fellow Daoist Jing Shen has misunderstood!" Yun Meng waved her jade hand and waved her sleeves: "This is the disciple of this palace. I am announcing this. This is the elder of the Alchemy Hall of our Taixuan Immortal Sect, Xu Chang'an!"

"Elder of the Alchemy Hall?" Jing Shen stared at Xu Changan, his mind swept over him unscrupulously, then he gave a thumbs up and said: "Young genius!"

On the surface he is a young genius, but on the inside he is thinking: Is there no one left in the Taixuan Immortal Sect? Let a person with five elements spiritual roots who is only at the eighth level of foundation building be the master of the Alchemy Hall?


This guy looks pretty good. Could it be that he has something to do with this woman Yunmeng?

Jing Shen looked at Xu Changan meaningfully, and felt a little contempt for Taixuan Immortal Sect in his heart. However, he did a good job on the surface. He waved the whisk in his hand slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist Yunmeng, please follow me." Come on, that fellow Hehuan Ancestor has been talking about you non-stop since he came in, hehehe..."

Jing Shen turned around and brought him, and everyone turned into streams of light to follow.


Xu Changan's eyes flashed, and a faint golden streak passed by. The cultivation level of the great master of the Nascent Soul Stage was clearly visible in Xu Changan's eyes: the cultivation level of the fourth level in the middle stage of the Yuanying Stage.

This level of cultivation is a level higher than that of Yunmeng.

Yunmeng is in the early stage of the third level, and Jing Shen is in the middle stage of the fourth level.

Xu Changan's Wisdom Eye Talisman can see through the cultivation of monks who are two levels higher than himself.

And it's not as easy for people to find as if the mind is sweeping over it. This is a kind of reflection, the kind that others can't detect.

Soon, everyone arrived at the main hall of Ziwei Immortal Sect.

"Hahaha..." A hearty and slightly eerie voice came from the hall. Xu Changan raised his head slightly and took a glance, and saw a tall, thin man wearing a white Taoist robe coming from a seat. He stood up and said, "Junior sister Yunmeng... long time no see..."

Xu Changan quickly lowered his head and looked directly at the Nascent Soul stage powerful man. This was very rude behavior.

However, with just a quick glance, Xu Changan still saw the cultivation level of the man in white: the fourth level of Nascent Soul stage.

Ancestor Hehuan and Ancestor Jingshen belong to the same level.

"Please take a seat!" Jing Shen pointed to a white lotus platform that had been prepared long ago.

Yunmeng sat on the lotus platform, then turned back to Patriarch Hehuan and said, "May I ask fellow Taoist Chunyang, is Senior Brother Zhengyang okay?"

This ancestor of the Hehuan Sect is named [Chunyang Zhenren], and he has an even more powerful senior brother named [Zhengyang].

Xu Changan and Xuan Jiezhi followed Patriarch Yunmeng. Yunmeng sat on the lotus platform, and the two of them landed on the futon under Yunmeng's lotus platform.

There are three lotus terraces in the entire hall.

One is Jingcan, one is Chunyang, and one is Yunmeng.

The sect masters and heads of the remaining sixteen sects, no matter what their level of cultivation, sit on a chair on either side of Xia Shou.

Xu Changan's eyes flashed with golden light as he looked over. Among the sect masters or heads below, there were also one or two who were powerful at the Nascent Soul stage.

However, most of them are the cultivation of the Great Golden Pill.

"What?" Master Chunyang looked at Yunmeng with a smile and said: "Junior sister is missing my senior brother... Hey... my senior brother has ruined an old man's beard and has lost his taste long ago. If junior sister wants to find a For a husband and a gentleman who have similar cultivation levels, I can do it...hahaha..."

Ancestor Hehuan laughed very wildly.

Originally, when Ji Zhengfeng was in charge of the Taixuan Immortal Sect, Chunyang was an honest man and never dared to be so presumptuous. But now that Ji Zhengfeng is gone, the Taixuan Immortal Sect only has one Nascent Soul like Yunmeng, while their Hehuan Sect has two. The key is that his senior brother Chunyang Zhenren has reached the terrifying seventh level of the late Nascent Soul.

In this way, even if he acted recklessly, there was nothing Yunmeng could do about it.

For teasing the powerful Nascent Soul in front of so many sects, it was natural that he had no intention of saving face for Yunmeng from the beginning. Yun Meng clenched her silver teeth angrily, but said calmly: "Fellow Taoist Chunyang was joking..."

"Hey!" Chunyang flicked his sleeves, and the white sleeves embroidered with pink peach blossoms were wrapped around his arms. He said with a serious face: "I am not kidding, Junior Sister Yunmeng, this pair of cultivation methods , not only can you and I improve our cultivation, but we can also experience the ultimate happiness in the world. Isn’t it killing two birds with one stone?”

Yunmeng's face was as frosty as ice and she stopped answering.

Master Chunyang, however, refused to give up and continued: "If your Taixuan Immortal Sect loses this time, I would like to ask Junior Sister Yunmeng to join our Hehuan Sect and accompany you to the Yunyu Wushan Mountain in harmony with Yin and Yang."

"Of course, if you don't want to, I won't force you. Just give the spirit stone mine in Jiupan Mountain to our Hehuan Immortal Sect!"

Chunyang Zhenren is a Yunyu on the left and a Jiaotai on the right. He always speaks the way of Hehuan, especially when he mentions it without any scruples in front of Yunmeng's disciples, it can be said that Yunmeng loses all his dignity.

She gritted her teeth angrily and secretly sent a message to Xu Changan, saying: "Xu Changan...have you seen the disciple under the Chunyang old dog lotus platform? This is the most proud genius of the Hehuan Sect in the foundation building period. Kill him for me." …”

Xu Changan:…………

Good guy, my ancestor, who is usually steady and dignified, is so murderous today.

The old dog’s foul language has come out.

Xu Changan nodded lightly, and then looked at the disciple opposite.

Hehuan Sect, Huang Buyan.

Cultivation level: Dzogchen in the foundation building stage, and it is a twelfth level.

Spiritual root: single thunder.

Good guy, he is actually a disciple of the Thunder Spirit Root with the most powerful spiritual power among the ten conventional spiritual roots in the world of cultivation?

No wonder he is called a genius!

"Fellow Daoist Jing Shen!" Yun Meng finally took a deep breath, looked at Jing Shen of the Ziwei Immortal Sect, and said, "Did you come to participate in the martial arts competition of the disciples of our three sects and sixteen sects today, or did you come here? Did the Ziwei Immortal Sect hold a celebration meeting?”

"If it's the latter, I'll have to say goodbye!"

Her eyes flashed with fierceness.

Obviously, Master Zhengyang is so presumptuous, but as the organizer, the Ziwei Immortal Sect actually stands aside and watches, which is somewhat against the rules.

Being reminded by Yunmeng, Taoist Jingshen quickly said: "Sorry, sorry... Actually, Taoist friend Yunmeng and Zhengyang have no ill intentions. Speaking of which, the Lingshi mine in Jiupan Mountain used to belong to the Hehuan Sect. This is not the case. Now you want to get it back..."

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