Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 314 [Two bets, the competition begins]

Jiupan Mountain was originally a spiritual stone mine of the Hehuan Sect.

The Hehuan Sect was weak before, but the Taixuan Immortal Sect was extremely strong because of Ji Zhengfeng, so Ji Zhengfeng took away the spiritual stone mines in Jiupan Mountain through a bet.

And this happened one hundred and twenty years ago.

Now that Taixuan Immortal Sect Ji Zhengfeng has fallen, it is understandable that people want to take the opportunity to take back the spirit stone mine in Jiupan Mountain.

"Junior sister Yunmeng!" Master Zhengyang said: "Do you dare to bet with me this year? If your disciple wins, I will give you another spiritual stone mine. If our Hehuan Sect wins your Taixuan Immortal Sect's Disciple, then return the spirit stone mine of Jiupan Mountain to me, Hehuan Immortal Sect!"


Yun Meng said: "What if I don't agree?"

"Don't agree?" Zhengyang sneered and said: "Back then, your Ji Zhengfeng was so aggressive. Didn't we also agree? If junior sister, you don't agree, then I will use all my means to bring you along, junior sister." Return to our Hehuan Immortal Sect!”

"Joke!" Yunmeng sneered.

How can a powerful Nascent Soul be taken away just by being asked to take him away?

The Jing Shen Taoist on the lotus platform in the middle said: "Junior sister Yunmeng, logically speaking, the bet between the two sects is not excessive, and, hahaha... I have to say it unpleasantly, the spirit stone mine in Jiupan Mountain was originally owned by others. From the Hehuan Immortal Sect!”

Obviously, Jing Shen also sided with the Hehuan Sect.

Among the three major sects, the Hehuan Sect has two Nascent Soul Powers, and the Ziwei Immortal Sect also has two. But this is much better than the Taixuan Immortal Sect having only Yunmeng.

In the world of cultivation, strength is respected.

Not to mention that these two major sects looked down upon the Taixuan Immortal Sect, even the smaller sects below had people with sneers in their eyes who wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Don’t forget, these small sects have Nascent Souls.

We are all Nascent Souls, so why do you occupy the second-best Cave Heaven Blessed Land in Lulong County while we can only huddle on our small spiritual veins?

Throughout the hall, evil eyes flickered everywhere.

Ancestor Yunmeng took a deep look at Xu Changan and said: "Forget it, if the rules of this martial arts competition are exactly the same as before, then I will agree to this bet!"

"But you must not go back on your word!"

"Don't worry!" Master Chunyang was immediately overjoyed and said: "If I regret it, I will be punished by God!"

Yunmeng also nodded: "The way of heaven is above. If I regret it, my cultivation will never improve again."

"Okay!" Taoist Jingshen said, "Old Taoist, be a witness!"

"Everyone, let me announce the rules of this martial arts competition between the three sects and sixteen sects!"

Jing Shen stood up from the lotus platform, took a deep breath and said: "As before, the points system is adopted. The participating disciples of each sect must compete with the disciples of other sects. In other words, each sect's participating disciples must compete with each other. Eighteen games in total.”

"And in each game, the winner gets one point, the loser gets no points, and the total score is eighteen points."

"Finally, I want to say that the magical power has no eyes. In order to allow all the disciples to go all out, all the participating disciples do not care whether they live or die!"

"But one thing is, if the other party surrenders, no more attacks are allowed!"

The rules are very simple!

A life and death battle!

He deserves to die.

But if someone has already raised their hands and surrendered, you can't kill them.

"As usual, each sect prepares one main battle disciple and one candidate disciple. Everyone can sign up!"

Taoist Master Jing Shen took out a roster, and he first said to everyone: "I, Ziwei Immortal Sect, have the main disciple An Chengxu and the candidate disciple Li Chuisheng!"

Under his lotus platform, two disciples were sitting.

Xu Changan looked over and saw that the two disciples, a man and a woman, were both at the twelfth level of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

The male disciple is An Chengxu, who has a golden spiritual root, but this golden spiritual root seems to be a little different. Xu Changan can't tell the specific difference; the female disciple is naturally Li Chuisheng, who has a single earth spiritual root.

"Fellow Taoist Zhengyang?" Jing Shen looked at Master Zhengyang.

Zhengyang smiled, pointed at his only disciple Huang Buyan under the lotus platform and said: "Hehuan Immortal Sect, the main disciple Huang Buyan, the candidate disciple is also him!"

Hiss, hiss...

Everyone gasped.

This means that you are not prepared to be a candidate for disciple.


Because I am confident enough, absolutely confident.

Of course, Huang Buyan is indeed worthy of this consideration, because his reputation has long spread to every corner of Lulong County, and he is known as the number one genius in the foundation building period.

"Tai Xuan Immortal Sect?" Jing Shen looked at Yun Meng.

Yun Meng said: "Xu Changan, the chief disciple of the Taixuan Immortal Sect, here he is, the candidate for discipleship..."

Jing Shen's hands stopped moving, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

He stared at Xu Changan.

He had seen Xu Changan at the door before, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He thought Yunmeng asked Xu Changan to be a substitute or to give him some experience.

This is the main battle...

"Fellow Taoist Yunmeng, are you sure?" Jing Shen couldn't help but remind him, and said, "Let this five-element spiritual root at the eighth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage be the main disciple?"

To be honest, Jing Shen was a little out of sorts.

But it’s not his fault that he lost his temper in this situation.


After being reminded by Jing Shen, almost everyone turned their thoughts towards Xu Changan.

"Let me it really the Five Elements Spiritual Root?"

"Foundation Stage Eighth Floor?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Is there... no one in Taixuan Immortal Sect?"

Countless doubts rang out.

The eyes of the two Nascent Souls sitting on the next chair even flickered.

Is Taixuan Immortal Sect already so weak?

The eighth-level disciples of the Five Elements Spiritual Root came to join the battle. Was it a mistake, or was there really no one left?

"Junior Sister Yunmeng!" The monk opposite, wearing a white robe embroidered with peach blossoms, looked over with confusion: "Did you get it wrong? He is the main battle disciple, right?"

Master Chunyang pointed at it and declared it a warning.

The announcement of the precept is the twelve levels of great perfection in the foundation building stage of Danfeng Spiritual Root.

But Yun Meng shook his head and said: "That's right, Fellow Daoist Jing Shen, just follow what I said. Xu Changan is the main battle disciple; Xuanzhi is the candidate disciple!"


Since Yunmeng had said so, Jing Shen said nothing more, but nodded and recorded Xu Changan's name on it.

"Down below, Juling Sect, Fellow Daoist Hong, what do your family say?"

Jing Shen continued to ask about the fourth sect. Although this Juling Sect is a small sect, there is a powerful Nascent Soul in the sect, which should not be underestimated!


The few great golden elixirs from the sects near the end looked at each other, and then nodded in shock.

The master of the True Fire Sect is called Tianhuo Zhenren.

Next to Master Tianhuo was Master Kongkong, the master of Daoxuan Sect.

"Fellow Daoist Kongkong!" Master Tianhuo whispered: "See clearly, is it him?"

"Yes!" A look of horror appeared on Kong Kong's face, and he said: "It's definitely him. I know him even when he turned into ashes. Oh my god, it's so scary. When I was in the Forest of Sage Steles, I couldn't see his cultivation clearly. , I thought he was a golden elixir disciple, but I didn’t expect he was just a foundation builder!”

"Oh my God, why are Foundation Establishment disciples so terrifying?"

That’s right!

Taoist Kongkong and Master Tianhuo had both been to the Ruins of Qiuren.

The last time the royal family of the Yan Kingdom opened the Qiuren Ruins, many people from Lulong County participated, otherwise there would not have been queues that lasted for several days.

The two of them saw with their own eyes that Xu Changan was killing people from all directions in the Forest of Saints' Steles, and he killed the living Yama Zheng Youjing of Jidu Jinyi Guard with one punch.

This kind of person, damn...

Master Kongkong was so frightened that he peed: I can't even defeat him, so let my disciples fight with him?

"Yes!" Master Tianhuo took a deep breath and nodded: "Fellow Taoist, you don't know enough about his strength. In fact, when the fourth-grade innate formation was activated later, I saw with my own eyes how he blew away His Highness the Second Prince with just one thought. , At that time, he was still helping the Taoist monks heal their wounds. When he raised his head, his eyes exuded a terrifying light! "

"At the same time, he also repelled Master Qingyun who was hiding in the dark!"

"This kind of actually a foundation-building disciple?"

"Against the sky...Against the heavens..."

As for Xu Changan's earth-shattering move later on when he killed Master Qingyun next to the Five-Colored Baby Lotus Fairy Pond at the core of Qiuren's Ruins, and what happened when he realized the magical power of nine-day sky surveying in the sea of ​​fire and then fought against Lin Guifan head-on. People don’t know.

Because at that time, Xu Changan was disguised as Li Chijian and did it.

In fact, not only Master Kongkong and Master Tianhuo, but also as many as seven or eight sect masters present had been to Qiuren's Ruins and had seen Xu Changan go berserk. They looked at Xu Changan at this moment and were all trembling.

Let my disciple beat someone who I can't even beat?

Do not make jokes.

On the contrary, because the Ruins of Qiuren did not allow Yuanying monks to enter, none of the great Yuanying monks went there.

Coupled with the fear of owing favors to the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, and the fact that Huang Buyan and An Chengxu were not blessed by fire spirit roots, whether it was Jing Shen and Chunyang or An Chengxu and Huang Buyan. , none of them went to the Ruins of Qiuren.

Naturally, they knew nothing about Xu Changan's terror.

"Everyone!" Jing Shen put away the jade slips and said, "Then we won't waste time. Please follow Pindao to the martial arts venue!"

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