Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 319 [Ancient Teleportation Array, Spiritual Fruit Distribution]

Xu Changan looked at Xuan Jiezhi in shock.

What was going on in this guy's mind?

"I won't tell you about Master!" Xuan Jiezhi looked at Xu Changan: "I'm afraid Master will stop me, so tomorrow morning when Master asks, you can just give this message to Master!"

As he spoke, Xuan Jiezhi took out a jade talisman and placed it next to Xu Changan.

"No..." Xu Changan said: "Aren't you going to break through the realm?"

"The big golden elixir is within your reach, are you really going to leave?" Xu Changan said: "In theory, our Taixuan Immortal Sect should have two Jiazi Immortal Peaches!"

Jiazi Immortal Peaches, eat one, and you can immediately break through a realm unconditionally and without restrictions.

In theory, as long as Xuan Jiezhi swallows the Jiazi Immortal Peach, he can get the Golden Elixir immediately.

Moreover, as a candidate for this competition and a direct disciple of the Yunmeng Patriarch, Xuan Jiezhi still has a very high chance of getting this thing.

However, Xuan Jiezhi shook his head and said, "Forget it... Let's give that Jiazi Immortal Peach to Senior Brother Chen Xuanli. I feel ashamed to receive it!"

He had hit Xu Changan in every way before, and now he was embarrassed to share the fruits of victory.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Senior Brother, in fact, I really don't care too much!"

"I know!" Xuan Jiezhi patted Xu Changan on the shoulder and said, "You are an open-minded person, but I am not. I will try to become an open-minded person like you and Senior Brother Chen when I come back from this trip!"

"Okay, Junior Brother, take care!"

Xuan Jiezhi stood up, bowed deeply to Xu Changan, and then did not give Xu Changan a chance to persuade him, and went out of the side hall directly. When Xu Changan chased him out, this guy had already turned into a stream of light and left.

He has a wind attribute spirit root and walks quite fast.

Xu Changan looked at the jade talisman in his hand, and then scratched his head again: Hmm... How to explain to the ancestor.

But he saw that the ancestor had stood beside him without knowing when.

"I..." Xu Changan was so scared that he almost swore.

The powerful Yuanying stage came and went without a trace, which was really creepy.

"What's the matter?" Yunmeng looked at Xu Changan and said with a smile: "Did I scare you?"

Xu Changan smiled awkwardly: "No, no, no... It's just that the ancestor appeared a little suddenly. By the way, Senior Brother Xuan Zhizhi..."

"I already know!" Yunmeng stretched out her slender jade hand and slowly took the jade talisman from Xu Changan's hand, and then said: "This child is gifted, but he has been practicing beside me since he was a child and has never seen the dangers of the world. It's good for him to go out and experience it!"

"It's a good thing for him!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan didn't know what to say, just said "oh".

"Come with me, I have something to tell you!"

Yunmeng turned around and left with an unquestionable tone.

Xu Changan followed her into the main hall.

In the main hall, she did not sit on the high platform, but casually sat on a chair, and her slender right leg was placed on the left leg, and the dangling right calf stretched out from the edge of the bright red skirt, swinging playfully.

The little feet wrapped in the crystal shoes that sparkled with crystal light looked white and tender like jade, and Xu Changan was dazzled.

"How is your understanding of the [Taixuan Formation Code] that I gave you before?" Yunmeng's face was rarely relaxed, and the whole person seemed very leisurely.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, held his breath and said: "Reporting to the ancestor, I... have seen almost everything!"

"Almost?" Yunmeng asked: "How much is it missing?"

Xu Changan thought for a while and said: "Disciple is now able to set up an ordinary fourth-grade formation!"

"Oh..." Yunmeng nodded and said: "In this way, the progress is also very fast. It is worth it that you took the jade slip I gave you to comprehend while queuing in the City Lord's Mansion of Lulong City!"

Yunmeng smiled, and a smile flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Chen Xuanli told me!"

Xu Changan's face darkened: This big mouth, really says everything.

"This Mingtang Cui Valley should be the location of a sect in ancient times!" Yunmeng continued: "Although all traces have disappeared, I once found an ancient teleportation array in it. Although it may have been destroyed, it should be of some use to you!"

"After entering Mingtang Mountain tomorrow, I will take you to see it. I hope you are ready!"

Xu Changan hurriedly bowed respectfully and said, "Yes!"

"Well!" Yunmeng waved his hand: "Go... Rest for a while today, and go to Mingtang Mountain with me tomorrow morning!"


The next morning, Xu Changan sat behind the old ancestor Yunmeng again.

Hongluan was like a red cloud, floating across the sky.

Mingtang Mountain, at the southernmost end of Lulong County, is very far away from Ziwei Xianzong. Even at the speed of Hongluan, it took nearly half a day to fly.

Yunmeng landed at the gate of Mingtang Mountain.

Although there is no sect guarding this blessed land, there are disciples from three sects and sixteen schools guarding it all year round, and a fourth-grade mountain protection formation is built on the periphery. It can be said that the defense here is no different from that of a sect.

"Meetings, Elder Yunmeng..." The disciple guarding the mountain gate saluted Yunmeng.

Yunmeng nodded and said, "No need to be polite!"

After waiting for about half an hour, the streams of light behind gradually landed. In addition to the Hehuan Sect, the disciples of the three sects and sixteen schools have all arrived.

The old Taoist Jingshen waved his sleeves and said, "Everyone, please follow me into the valley!"

Mingtang Mountain is majestic and steep!

The mountain is lush with vegetation, with cliffs and stone forests everywhere.

Xu Changan followed the large group through several steep mountains and finally came to a wide valley.

The spiritual power in the valley is extremely rich, even stronger than that of the Taixuan Immortal Sect.

"What a blessed place!"

"What a place!"

"A large sect can be built here!"

The elders and disciples of the major Xuanmen were all impressed.

Not long after walking, they saw an old tree guarded by dozens of disciples.

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly.

He had seen this old tree in the Secret Realm of the Blue Sea. Although that tree was not a dragon blood bodhi tree but a blood jade bodhi tree, the two looked almost identical in appearance.

The same trunk shape, the same leaf pattern.

Even the aura was the same.

Xu Changan looked up at the tree and saw twelve red fruits hidden among the dense leaves, each of which was entangled with mist. When he saw the fruit stalks were golden, Xu Changan also exclaimed "Sure enough".

"Are the fruits ripe?"

The purple-robed Yuanying looked at the disciples guarding the trees with a dignified face.

A disciple bowed and said, "Report to the ancestor, it is ripe and can be picked within a hundred days!"

"Okay!" The ancestor Jing Can nodded: "Go pick it!"

"Yes!" The leading disciple personally climbed the tree and collected the twelve fruits.

Then it was distributed, and five of them were distributed to Taixuan Xianzong.

After receiving the five jade boxes, the Yunmeng Patriarch looked at Xu Changan with a smile: "Xu Changan, this thing is useless to you, do you still want it?"

Xu Changan suddenly realized.

Thinking back then, for this thing, he and the Ji family had a quarrel and had a life-and-death situation.

But he didn't expect that this fruit would be within his reach now.

He shook his head: "Disciple doesn't need it anymore!"

Xu Changan was afraid that seeing this thing would affect his Tao heart!

"Well!" The Yunmeng Patriarch said: "Give it to the genius disciples in the sect as a reward!"

Xu Changan frowned again.

Genius disciples generally don't need this thing. They can easily break through with their own abilities, while ordinary disciples need it the most, but they can't get it.

It really fits the saying: The way of heaven is to reduce the surplus and make up for the deficiency; the way of man is to reduce the deficiency to serve the surplus.

The less you have, the less you will get.

The less people need it, the easier it is to get it.

Is it sad?

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