Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 320 [Qinglian Fairy Pond, New Discovery]

"So big……"

Yunmeng raised his head and looked at a huge tree in front of him.

Xu Changan was also shocked.

Although this tree was not as majestic as the hibiscus tree he had seen in Fucha Wonderland, it was still extremely majestic.

The thick trunk is several feet thick, and its height reaches a hundred feet.

The shade on it is like a canopy, and the dense leaves can be said to block out the sky and the sun.

Someone asked, "This peach tree must be over ten thousand years old, right?"

"Ten thousand years?" Ancestor Jing Shen sneered and said, "'s so funny! Thirty-nine thousand years have passed since our ancestors discovered this spiritual valley. Legend has it that at that time, this peach tree was It’s so big, how many years do you think it is?”

The man just stopped talking.

Xu Changan said: "This tree is so old. If it is cut down to refine weapons, it will definitely be able to refine a top-quality magic weapon!"

"That's right!" Jing Shen smiled and said: "Master Xu, you still have vision, but this tree is too precious and cannot be used to refine weapons. Although your idea is good, it is a bit of a waste of time!"

"Haha..." Yun Meng smiled and said, "This disciple is speechless, senior brother, don't be surprised!"

"That's not true!" Jing Shen stroked a few white beards under his chin with his right hand and said with a smile: "Master Nephew Xu's ideas are so wild and unconstrained, he is so naive!"

Xu Changan curled his lips.

Damn it, if someone says something, it will make you laugh!

I want to cut down a tree, am I still naive?

have to!

Xu Changan raised his head, and his spiritual thoughts swept into the sky a hundred feet high. Among the dense peach leaves, he finally saw the so-called Jiazi Xiantao.

In the world of cultivation, there is a medicinal material called [Jiazi peach].

Xu Changan had seen this thing before in the Blue Sea Secret Realm of Taixuan Sect. It was a second-grade spiritual fruit and one of the materials for refining the [Foundation Building Pill].

Although there is only one word difference between Jiazi Xiantao and Jiazi Tao, they are two different things in heaven and earth.

[Jiazi Xiantao] is about the size of a fist, and its whole body is covered with a layer of purple skin.

There is a dense mist lingering on the purple skin, which naturally emits seven colors of rays of light without the need for sunlight.

This is a fourth-grade spiritual fruit.

It takes sixty years for each tree to bear four.

"Get the fruits!" This time, Patriarch Jingshen paid more attention. He did not order his disciples to go up the tree, but flew into the middle of the big tree himself, took down the four [Jiazi Fairy Peach] and divided them into four jade boxes. Installed!

"Hahaha... Nephew Xu, you deserve this!" He gave two of the jade boxes to Xu Changan with a smile.

Xu Changan took it with both hands respectfully, and then handed it to Yunmeng respectfully.

Yunmeng smiled, stretched out her slender hand and took away a box, saying: "This is what you fought for for the sect, and you happen to be in the foundation building stage, so I will save this one for you when you break through. Use it!”

"Yes!" Xu Changan was naturally not polite. He put the jade box into the storage space with a wave of his hand, and then handed it over: "Thank you, Supreme Elder!"

Whether it is Jiazi Xiantao or the [Dragon Blood Bodhi], they are only related to the top few.

It has nothing to do with most people and the sect, so others are just greedy.

But it doesn’t matter, the project that is about to be carried out has something to do with everyone: Qinglian Immortal Pond!

There is a cliff shaped like an eagle's beak with exposed spiritual veins, and milky white spiritual liquid drips from time to time all year round. This spiritual liquid drips from the cliff into the stream below, and is washed away by the slowly flowing stream. Finally, they gathered in a pond with a radius of 100 feet.

The pond can only be entered and exited, and it is covered by a layer of white mist. Only a green lotus platform grows in the middle.

Before Xu Changan reached the fairy pond, he felt the rich spiritual power that almost turned into substance.


To be precise, this is not spiritual power, but a pure energy.

Ancestor Yunmeng said that the energy here is not divided into five elements. After being inhaled into the body and tempered with whatever technique, it will turn into energy with certain attributes and gather in the Dantian.

This pool of energy seems to be extremely abundant, but if it is supplied to the Nascent Soul or the Golden Elixir to practice, it seems useless.

Therefore, after discussion among the three sect ancestors ten thousand years ago, they decided to leave it to the disciples in the Foundation Establishment period so that they can be utilized to the maximum extent. This rule has been passed down from generation to generation until now.

"Everyone!" Patriarch Jing Shen said: "The energy in the Immortal Pond has been accumulated for sixty years. Each sect can absorb and utilize it with up to two disciples. How much they can absorb depends entirely on your skills and luck. !”

"As for the time, it ranges from half a year to a year, depending on your ability!"

The total amount of spiritual fluid in the fairy pool is fixed. If you suck it in quickly, it will be gone in half a year.

If you suck slowly, it will take a year.


Jing Shen waved his hand.


Then a disciple from a certain sect jumped up impatiently and landed in the immortal pond, causing a wave of waves.

Fortunately, there is white mist rising in this fairy pond, so the female disciple will not look embarrassed.

"Hello, Senior Brother Xu!" A quiet-looking female disciple walked up to Xu Changan and said, "I am a disciple of the Ziwei Immortal Sect, and my name is Li Chuisheng..."

Li Chuisheng?

Xu Changan remembered.

Isn't this An Chengxu's substitute female disciple?

As a result, Li Chuisheng added another sentence: "Jingshen Taoist Ancestor is my grandfather!"

"Oh..." Xu Changan nodded and said, "Please!"

"Yeah!" Li Chuisheng said, "Would you like to go down together?"

Xu Changan smiled: "You go first, I'll wait for a while!"

A trace of disappointment flashed across Li Chuisheng's face, and then he gently stepped out of his slender legs and went down to the fairy pond.

Xu Changan also found a relatively remote place to enter the water.

He raised his head out of the white mist, feeling the dense and powerful yet gentle energy around him, wishing he could suck it all up in one breath.

Shangtou Jingcan said again: "You are not allowed to steal the spiritual water with a space container, otherwise, the sect will be disqualified from participating in the competition in the future!"

Those who wanted to steal the spiritual water with space treasures immediately stopped thinking.


In Xu Changan's body, the unnamed fire attribute technique turned wildly, and countless energies around him entered his flesh and blood through his skin pores and began to temper.

The energy here is not only strong, but also relatively easy to temper.

While practicing, Xu Changan raised his head and looked at the huge lotus platform not far away.

In the middle of the pool, there is a green lotus platform.

There were twelve lotus petals blooming on it, but from Xu Changan's perspective, he could not see the lotus, but only the bottom of the lotus platform.


Looking up from below, Xu Changan stared at the bottom of the lotus platform, and his brows suddenly frowned slightly: Why does it feel familiar?

The bottom of the lotus platform seems to be something?

What does it look like?

Xu Changan's mind was thinking frantically, and he thought of it in a breath.

Oh my god...

No way!

[Asura Plate] This kind of treasure, could it be the bottom of a lotus platform?

Xu Changan even took out the Asura Plate from the storage ring and looked at the bottom of the green lotus for a long time.

Finally, he came to the conclusion: Yes, this thing is part of the lotus platform, it is a bottom.

Hiss hiss hiss...

It's hard to imagine that the bottom of a lotus platform can have such a strong defense?

If it is a whole lotus platform, how can it be against the sky?

"Brother Xu, what are you looking at?" At this moment, a gentle voice came from the side.

Xu Changan turned his head and saw Li Chuisheng, who was all wet.

He quickly put away the Asura Plate and said, "I didn't see anything. I was wondering what kind of treasure this lotus platform is?"

"Hehe..." Li Chuisheng smiled and said, "It's a spiritual plant. I heard from my grandfather that there was no such thing before. He planted it sixty years ago. Let's see if it can grow into a treasure!"

"By the way, what was that black thing in your hand just now?"

Li Chuisheng's breath was as fragrant as orchids, and his body was almost close to Xu Changan.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and said, "It's a pot lid. Doesn't the bottom of the lotus platform look like a pot lid? I'll take it out and compare it!"

Fortunately, this Asura Plate is not a Xuanmen magic weapon, and it does not have the aura of a Xuanmen magic weapon, otherwise it will definitely be recognized.

"Oh..." Li Chuisheng nodded and said, "Brother Xu, my grandfather told me to get in touch with you more, saying that being with a genius like you will bring me good luck!"

"Is that so?"

She looked at Xu Changan with her fiery eyes.

Xu Changan smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know if good luck will come, but I can bring you a new life... cough cough cough..."

Above the Immortal Pond, the muscles on the face of the ancestor Jing Can twitched fiercely: This dead girl is so stubborn, she doesn't know how to be more tactful when speaking, and she brought up the old man, how embarrassing?

Looking up, he found that Yunmeng's two cold eyes were staring at him. Jing Can touched his forehead a little at a loss and said, "Well, I don't mean anything else, just let the young people communicate more!"

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