Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 321 [Break through two levels in a row and comprehend the ancient formation]

"Don't miss this opportunity, practice hard!"

Yunmeng's voice was not loud, but it was extremely emotional.

Xu Changan, who was floating in the pool, pursed his lips and said, "Did you hear that? Our Supreme Elder is urging us. Okay, Junior Sister Li, I won't tell you any more!"

"Let's practice first!"

"Yes!" Li Chuisheng nodded, and then she slowly closed her eyes not far away from Xu Changan. The skills in her body turned slightly, and a vortex spread out with her as the center, and the spirits in the fairy pool The force condensed along the vortex, slowly wrapping Li Chuisheng's body.

In just a few breaths, she completely disappeared.

Only a three-foot-square vortex was left.

Xu Changan took a deep look at the shore, and through the mist he saw his ancestor's extremely unfriendly eyes. He quickly took it back and started practicing.

The fire-attributed talent technique operates.


A huge vortex formed around Xu Changan's body.

A huge amount of spiritual power and spiritual liquid gathered around him like a whale sucking a river, and suddenly enveloped Xu Changan's entire body.

The large whirlpool with a radius of several feet occupied almost half of one side of the fairy pond, which made the surrounding monks feel unhappy and moved away one by one.

A small flame burned above Xu Changan's head.


Ancestor Ancestor Anshang Jingshen was horrified when he saw it, and said: "Master Nephew Xu's method of inhalation, I'm afraid the spiritual liquid in this immortal pool will not last for half a year, and it will be mysterious for three months!"

Yunmeng asked back: "Isn't it possible?"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Ancestor Jing Shen smiled bitterly.

Time passed slowly.

I don’t know how many hours passed, but Patriarch Jing Shen leaned towards Yun Meng and whispered: "Actually... I want to bring the disciples together. If we Li Chuisheng and you Tai Xuan The disciples of the Immortal Sect have become Taoist companions, fellow Taoist Yunmeng, and our two sects will be completely connected in the future!"

"Aren't you happy to see this happen?"

He stared at Yunmeng, with a trace of expectation in his eyes.

He didn't know Xu Changan at first, but yesterday Jing Shen visited the temporary dojos of Zhenhuomen and Daoxuanmen. After hearing Xu Changan's performance at Qiuren's Ruins, he was extremely shocked.

But it can almost be determined that Xu Changan is the one with great luck.

Otherwise, he would not have done such an unseemly thing today as deliberately asking his granddaughter to strike up a conversation with Xu Changan.

Ancestor Yunmeng nodded and said: "I have another disciple under me, Monk Shanlinggen, with extraordinary qualifications!"

"No, no, no..." Patriarch Jing Shen pointed at the Immortal Pond and said, "Hehehe... I want this Five Elements Spiritual Root!"

"That won't work!" Yunmeng shook his head.

"Why?" Jing Shen was confused.

Yun Meng smiled and said: "Xu Changan already has a Taoist companion, a young lady from the family of Su Xiang, the Prime Minister of Yan State. If you don't know, you can go and find out!"

"Ah?" Jing Shen was extremely shocked.

Su Xiang?

Miss Su family?

National scholar?

Facts have proved that Jing Shen overestimated the spiritual energy in this fairy pond and underestimated Xu Changan's suction power.

There is no half a year, nor three months.

A month later, the spiritual power in this fairy pond was exhausted.

"It's gone?" Someone complained: "It's only been a month, why is my spiritual power gone and I haven't made a breakthrough yet?"

"That's right, I haven't made a breakthrough either!"

There were more than thirty people in the pool, but none of them except Xu Changan had made a breakthrough.

There was a crash!

Xu Changan stood up from the water, then jumped up and landed on the shore. With the fire spirit power on his body slightly operating, the heat steamed around his body, and the wet robe became as clean as ever.

Li Chuisheng also jumped out.

"Senior Brother Xu, have you made a breakthrough?" Li Chuisheng opened his big eyes and looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "I was lucky enough to break through two levels!"

"Two..." Li Chuisheng gasped in shock: "Two floors?"

That’s right!

This month, thanks to the gentle energy without attributes that is easy to refine in the fairy pond, Xu Changan broke through two layers after sucking the whale into the river.

From the eighth floor of the foundation building stage to the tenth floor of the foundation building stage.

"If you are not as good as others, stop complaining!" Although Jing Shen looked at Xu Changan in shock, he scolded everyone with a righteous look.

But he was extremely horrified in his heart: What kind of technique did this kid practice? One person absorbed more than 90% of the energy, and no one else broke through, but he broke through two levels?

It shouldn’t be!

The energy in this immortal pool should be enough for him to break through to the twelfth level of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Why is it only tenth floor?

Jing Shen looked at Xu Changan speechlessly.

Yunmeng smiled slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist Jingcan, I will take Xu Changan to see the ancient teleportation array!"

"Oh oh oh..." Jing Shen held up his hands: "Please!"

Outside the Mingtang Green Valley, there is another high mountain, and there is a huge artificially carved cave on the cliff.

There is another huge altar with a radius of more than ten feet in the cave.

The altar was made of dark square bricks made of unknown material, surrounded by eighty-one spiritual stone slots.

Seeing that the size of the card slot was very consistent with the top-grade spirit stone, Xu Changan recognized it at a glance. This thing uses the top-grade spirit stone as the source of driving energy.

Hiss, hiss...

This teleportation array is even more advanced than the one seen in the Lulong County City Lord's Mansion.

"I suspect that this is an extremely long-distance teleportation array, maybe it leads to Daxi Continent!"

Yunmeng stood beside Xu Changan.

She held her hands in front of her, and a pair of large red robes with gold-embroidered sleeves hung down, making her even more dignified.

Xu Changan asked: "Where is Daxizhou?"

Yunmeng said: "I heard that there is a place further west of the Qin State where a group of monsters live. They have been banned by the emperor with great magical powers. Ordinary people cannot pass through!"

"It's been millions of years, and I don't know what the demon clan on the opposite side of the ban has grown into!"

"Let's go up and have a look!"

The two walked along the simple steps to the top of the altar. Xu Changan waved his sleeves, and the dust was blown away, revealing the lines of the formation.

This pattern is more complex and more breathtaking, but at its southeast corner, a corner has been artificially smashed.

"This was deliberately destroyed!" Xu Changan said: "Why should such a large formation be destroyed?"

Yunmeng said: "I don't know, maybe I can't bear to destroy this great formation, and I don't want anyone to teleport away through this great formation. Our three sects and sixteen sects have also looked for formation masters to repair this ancient teleportation formation, but unfortunately they haven't." success!"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and began to understand the teleportation array.

In fact, there is nothing that can be understood. This formation is too unpredictable. With Xu Changan's ability, it is natural that he cannot peek into it. He just forcibly memorizes the patterns of these formations deep in his soul.

If the formation level improves in the future, it will not be too late to gain further understanding.

[The fifth update today, this chapter happens to be enough for 800,000 words, so let’s add another update. 】

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