Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 349 [Trojan Horse Puppet, Chamber of Commerce Sells Pills]

Xu Changan returned to his dojo, and then entered the small world in one step.

In the small world, time accelerates ten times.

Although there is no spiritual power here and it takes ten times longer to consume life span, Xu Changan currently has no better way.

Just consume your life span, it won't consume too much anyway.

Because he just planned to refine the elixir here.


A wisp of fire burned.

Xu Changan took out the Hundred Refining Cauldron and started refining the elixir.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and swallowed a [Ju Yuan Pill], nourished himself with the outer pill, and began to practice.

Although this kind of speed of absorbing spiritual power is a bit slow, it is better than nothing.

In addition, Xu Changan took out the green tree segment and began to hone his spiritual consciousness.

Xu Changan did not stop for a moment, refining the elixir for one hundred and twenty days in one breath.

The materials on his body were all consumed by him.

Of course, in these four months, he also refined piles of pills.

Xu Changan did not go out immediately, but waved his hand and took out another thing [Basic Mechanism Puppet Method].

Having seen the wooden horse puppet in the hands of Taoist Tianhe before, Xu Changan suddenly had the idea of ​​refining one himself. This kind of little puppet seems simple, but it requires a set of complicated methods to make.

This is the introduction, so to speak.

Xu Changan regarded it as just practice.

He casually took out some materials and spiritual stones, and while studying the purple jade slips, he began to make puppets.

Before I knew it, another six months had passed.


Xu Changan shouted loudly, and the last formation on the wooden horse puppet was imprinted by him.

Buzz buzz...

The next moment, a palm-sized wooden horse fell into Xu Changan's hands.

"Phew... finally succeeded!"

It took six months to make a wooden horse.

Of course, during the previous production, I failed dozens of times, and I succeeded only the last time.

"Open..." Xu Changan shouted, and the spiritual power in his body surged out. The wooden horse was instantly stretched open and turned into an existence about the same size as a real horse. There were five spiritual stone slots behind its butt., click...

Xu Changan put five spirit stones into the card slot, and the wooden horse no longer needed spiritual support, and was directly powered by the spirit stones.

With a thought from Xu Changan, the wooden horse started running in the small world.

Very stable.

And the speed is much faster than ordinary horses.

"Great!" He closed the wooden horse with a wave of his hand, and then walked out of the small world.

Ten months of practicing in the small world, but only one month has passed outside.

"Senior!" Seeing Xu Changan coming out of customs, Zhang Datong in the store quickly saluted.

Xu Changan looked at the store. The shelves inside were all empty, and there were still several monks waiting in the store.

He couldn't help but said: "Sold out again?"

"Yes!" Zhang Datong smiled bitterly: "Our elixir is so popular. I heard them say that for the same middle-grade [Juyuan Dan], the spiritual power in our Juyuan Dan is better than other middle-grade pills." The quality will be 30% higher!”

"Ah?" Xu Changan clicked his tongue slightly.

This was something he didn't expect.

"Okay..." He waved his hand, took out some more elixirs, and said, "You can continue to sell them. After selling these elixirs, go back and practice in seclusion!"

You can't always take up other people's practice time, right?

After Xu Changan finished speaking, he was about to step out of the shop when Han Xiaozhi ran over from behind and said, "Senior, wait a minute!"

She looked at Xu Changan with a red face and said: "Senior, during your retreat, an elder who claimed to be the Alchemy Hall came to see you!"

"Alchemy Hall?" Xu Changan frowned and said, "Is it also a sect?"

"No, no, no..." Han Xiaozhi said: "It is an organization that specializes in alchemy. Its full name is [Da Zhou Alchemy Hall]. Its headquarters is located in Luoyang, the divine capital. It is one of the most influential alchemy forces in the world!"

"We have a branch of theirs in Jidu, not far from the Immortal Guest House. The elder said that if you leave seclusion, he will let you go to the Alchemy Hall!"

"This is the sign!"

While talking, Han Xiaozhi also handed Xu Changan a cyan jade token.

The jade tablet is very ordinary, with the ancient Zhou seal character "Dan" engraved on it.

"Okay!" Xu Changan took the jade token and threw it into the storage bag.

He estimated that the Great Zhou Dantang should be an organization similar to the [Liancheng Chamber of Commerce], doing business all over the world.

Looking for him in such a place must have taken a fancy to Xu Changan's alchemy skills.

No need to pay attention.

Xu Changan went out.

With a wave of his hand, the puppet Trojan was activated by him.

He got on the wooden horse and ran wildly down the street.

The puppet Trojan made by myself is different.

"Senior Minghe, please come quickly. Our elder Tang was still talking about you yesterday, saying that he hadn't seen you for a long time..." The shopkeeper invited Xu Changan to the luxurious private room at the back.

After a while, Elder Tang appeared in front of Xu Changan.

"Fellow Taoist Tang!"

"Fellow Taoist Minghe!"

The two sat down again in order of priority.

Elder Tang said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe...the pills you provided to us have been sold out a long time ago. Are there any left? The best ones are [Yuan Ju Dan], [Ling Ju Dan] and [Foundation Building Pill]. These!"

"Hehe... Of course, if you have a heaven-defying elixir like [Chao Yuan Dan], you can also give it to us, and we will give you the highest price!"

Xu Changan waved his hand, and more than a hundred bottles of elixir were taken out by him and placed in front of Elder Tang.

"This is..." Elder Tang's voice trembled slightly.

Xu Changan said: "Sixty furnaces of [Juling Dan], thirty furnaces of [Juyuan Dan], and ten [Chao Yuan Dan]..."

"Hiss hiss hiss..." Elder Tang stood up in a flash, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and said: "Really?"

"Really!" Xu Changan nodded: "Check it out!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Elder Tang excitedly opened his spiritual sense, took a closer look, and then said: "Yes, this is actually a top-grade [Chao Yuan Dan]?"

Chao Yuan Dan, Xu Changan gave ten pills.

This kind of thing can't be taken out casually.

"Fellow Daoist Minghe, I'll calculate the price for you. By the way, I suggest that this top-grade [Chaoyuan Pill] be auctioned at the auction... This way, we can get a better price. I guess the major sects will definitely go crazy for it!"

There are countless cultivators in the foundation-building stage in the major sects of Jidu.

There are so many cultivators, and countless more are facing the breakthrough of the Jindan realm. Most of them need Chaoyuan Pill.

Xu Changan said: "Don't worry, I have a list here, fellow Daoist Tang, take a look, can you give me all these materials?"

A green jade slip was placed on the table by Xu Changan.

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