Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 350 [Ten Thousand Years of Ice Soul, Goodbye Wu Lian]

Elder Tang picked up the green jade slip and scanned it with his mind.

"This..." He said in shock: "This is the material for setting up a fourth-grade formation... Oh my God, hiss hiss hiss... Fellow Daoist Minghe, you are not a fourth-grade formation master, right?"

At this moment, Elder Tang really looked up to Xu Changan.

A fourth-grade alchemist, and a fourth-grade formation master?

Xu Changan smiled and said: "No, no, no... These materials were bought by a friend of mine. I won't use them myself. See if you can get them together for me!"

"Yes!" Elder Tang said: "But not much, only enough for two sets!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded.

He had never set up a fourth-grade formation, but he guessed that his current formation level should be able to set up a fourth-grade formation.

Xu Changan wanted to try, so he bought some formation materials by the way.

"Daoyou Minghe!" Elder Tang put away the jade slip and said with a smile: "How is the [Ningzhen Pill] that I refined last time? If it is really a successful pill, this Chamber of Commerce can sell it on your behalf!"

Xu Changan stared at Elder Tang for a long time and said: "Don't you know everything?"

"Hahaha..." Elder Tang laughed and said: "I know, I know, Daoyou Minghe is amazing!"

Xu Changan opened a Minghe Alchemy Shop. The pills sold in this shop are of high quality, and the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce has noticed it a long time ago.

Even the Great Zhou Dantang came to visit. Xu Changan felt that if the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce didn't know, it could only be said that the Chamber of Commerce was not sensitive to news.

In fact, the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce and Elder Tang knew it a long time ago, but they just didn't take the initiative to mention it.

"Daoyou Minghe, is there anything else you need?" Elder Tang looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan thought for a moment and said, "I want to nurture a magic weapon recently. Do you have any materials suitable for refining magic weapons? The higher the grade, the better!"

"Oh?" Elder Tang said, "Daoyou Minghe, have you started so early?"

After a cultivator reaches the golden elixir stage, he can refine his own magic weapon.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to refine a weapon. You just need to use natural materials and treasures to make the shape of a magic weapon, and then put it in the dantian to nurture it. After a long time, this magic weapon will naturally radiate peerless power.

But most people only start looking for materials to nurture in the middle and late stages of the alchemy period.

Those who start nurturing magic weapons at the first level are a minority.

Xu Changan nodded: "It's better to start early!"

"Yes!" Elder Tang said: "You came at the right time. Our Chamber of Commerce recently got a piece of [Ten Thousand Years Ice Soul]. It is called Ten Thousand Years Ice Soul, but in fact it is a natural treasure that has existed for who knows how many years. It was dug out from the ice layer in the extremely cold land. It contains an origin of ice. If it is used to make a magic weapon, it will be perfect!"

"I just don't know if this ice-attributed material is suitable for you?"

Xu Changan's eyes shrank slightly: "Ice Soul, Ice Origin?"

"But!" Elder Tang said again: "This thing has been scheduled for auction tonight. It has been publicized a long time ago. If you want to buy it, you must go to the auction. I'm very sorry!"

Xu Changan waved his hand and said: "It's okay, let's auction it!"

He didn't have to get this Ten Thousand Years Ice Soul!

After all, he didn't have an ice-attributed spiritual root yet!

He could take a picture of this Ten Thousand Years Ice Soul, and then take out the ice-attributed origin from it to draw the Nirvana Talisman, so that he would have one more ice spiritual root.

But there is no need.


No hurry!

Because as Xu Changan's cultivation level increased and he saw more, he no longer thought that this origin was such a rare treasure.

This thing can be obtained by any large sect.

Moreover, Xu Changan now has five elements of spiritual roots. Five spiritual roots cannot all be upgraded to the Golden Core Stage. What if ten come?

But this auction is still worth looking forward to.

"Pah..." Xu Changan took out a porcelain bottle: "Elder Tang, if it is an auction, please bid more for my pill!"

Elder Tang took the porcelain bottle and took a look, and then the whole person was not calm: "Hiss hiss hiss... God, you really practiced it... Ningzhen Pill!"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan nodded.

"Okay, okay..." Elder Tang said, "Then I have to go and do some publicity right now, otherwise no Nascent Soul Master will come tonight!"


Half an hour later, the materials Xu Changan needed to set up the fourth-grade formation were placed in a storage bag and delivered.

He checked and found nothing was missing.

Then he waited.

After waiting for about an hour, Xu Changan walked out of the luxurious single room and walked to the auction behind.

Auctions are not held every day. It is said that a small auction is organized every month, and a large auction is held once a year.

The one Xu Changan participated in last time was a small auction.

It is said that the annual auction of the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce can be held for several days in a row.

Of course, at that time, all kinds of really good things will be taken out.

Xu Changan came to the door of the auction with the invitation letter.

Then, a familiar person appeared in his eyes.

"Is it you?" A woman in a fiery red dress, with a peerless appearance!

She had two swords on her back, one black and one red.

She was none other than the eldest princess of the Shura clan: Wu Lian Ni Hong.

Wulian Neon stared at Xu Changan, her fighting spirit suddenly rising. Behind her, the two swords, one black and one red, whined softly.

"Don't be impulsive!" Xu Changan said: "Your Royal Highness, this is not a snowfield, this is Jidu, and it is the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce!"

"Fighting under any circumstances is prohibited here!"

It seems that she also knows a lot about the rules of Jidu. The aura of the woman in red robe slowly calmed down. She stared at Xu Changan for a few breaths and said, "What's your name?"

Xu Changan said: "I'm the Master Minghe!"

"Whooping Crane?"

When she heard Xu Changan's call, the woman was even more shocked and her voice trembled.

The remaining hostility on her body also disappeared, and she even saluted Xu Changan with her arms crossed: "Junior Princess Shura, Wulian Neon!"

Xu Changan said: "I know, you have reported your Taoist name before!"

"Are you here to attend the auction too?"

Wulian said: "According to the will of the Holy Mother, this princess is here to find you..."

"Looking for me?" Xu Changan pointed to his nose: "Ahem...that Princess Wulian, we have been to your holy land, yes, we also saw that big head, but we really don't have anything. If you do it, you will only get a little bit of the [Aura of Reincarnation]. Will this have any impact on the nobles?"

"No!" Wu Lian shook her head and said, "But you still have to go back with me!"

Xu Changan:…………

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