Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 354 [Da Zhou Dan Tang, Taoist Yangming]

"Old Niu... Old Niu..."

Xu Changan came to the shop in front again!

Niu Baoguo ran to Xu Changan: "Master!"

"Go find some masons. The house in my yard has been demolished. I need to rebuild it!"

Niu Baoguo curiously stretched his head and looked into the yard.

Although the formations are all there, they do not block the view. The situation in the backyard can be seen from the front hall.

But you can only see it with your eyes, but you can't hear the sound inside. So the people in the shop naturally don't know that Xu Changan and Wu Lian had a big fight inside just now.

"My God!" Niu Baoguo shook his head and said: "This woman looks weird, but she is so strong that she demolished my grandpa's house in one breath?"

Xu Changan's face darkened: "Hurry up and stop talking nonsense!"

"Okay, okay!" Niu Baoguo nodded solemnly, and then went out.



Han Xiaozhi and Zhang Datong hurried over to greet him.

Xu Changan looked at the two of them and said, "We don't need you two to look after this place anymore. You two can return to the sect and practice with peace of mind!"

"Ah?" Han Xiaozhi shuddered and said, "Senior, no... My brother and I both think that it is our chance to look after the store for you!"

"That's right!" Zhang Datong also said, "My sister and I have discussed it. In the future, we will take turns to look after the store. Each of us will rotate for five years. I will find a few disciples from the outer sect to help. Don't worry, there will be no problems!"

"Please let us continue to help you look after the store!"

Yes, there are indeed many opportunities in Xu Changan's store.

You know, the elixirs here are all rare and precious, and those who can afford elixirs are not ordinary people.

Therefore, the two of them often receive rewards from high-level cultivators.

Xu Changan doesn't want these resources for rewards. These are enough for them to practice.

"Is that so?" Xu Changan thought for a moment and said, "If it doesn't delay your cultivation, then you can continue to watch. I'm afraid that I'll delay you!"

Since they are willing, Xu Changan naturally wants it.

He took out some more pills and added them to the shelf.

"Don't take out all these pills at once!" Xu Changan said, "This is the amount for a year. Just release a little every month. Don't be stupid and sell them all in one month!"

"Okay!" The two were overjoyed.

At this moment, a white-haired old man suddenly walked in from outside the door.

The old man was wearing a black Taoist robe and looked serious. There was a disciple on each side of him, and two disciples supported the old man.

Xu Changan's eyes turned, and a light of wisdom flashed in his eyes.

He also saw the old man's cultivation clearly.


It turned out to be a big Nascent Soul, and it was the twelfth level of the Nascent Soul.

Just one step away, he can enter the realm of transformation.

"Senior!" Xu Changan took a deep breath, stepped forward cautiously, and then bowed.

"Oh!" The visitor nodded and said, "You are the owner of this shop, Taoist Minghe?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said, "I am Minghe... I meet you, senior, please sit down..."

"You need [Ningzhen Pill]?"

"I only have the middle-grade one here!"

The old man sat down and said lightly, "Let's take a look!"

Xu Changan took out a porcelain bottle, and there was a gray pill in the porcelain bottle: Ningzhen Pill.

"Ningzhen Ningzhen... The so-called truth is the power of rules between heaven and earth!" The old man looked at the pill and said, "You are only at the first level of the Jindan stage, so you naturally cannot touch these things, so I guess the power of rules in it must be taken from [Enlightenment Tea], right?"

Xu Changan bowed and said, "Senior, you have a keen eye!"

"Hahaha..." The old man laughed and said, "It's not that I have a keen eye, young people, as long as you are not blind, you can see it..."

While speaking, the old man trembled and took out a porcelain bottle from a storage space, saying, "Come... take a look at this..."

Xu Changan opened the porcelain bottle and saw a pill inside.

In terms of quality, it is Ningzhen Pill.

But this pill is golden.

"This is also a Ningzhen Pill!" The old man said, "I made it myself. The [Truth] condensed in it is my understanding of the [Golden Rule Power], so it is golden when refined!"

"The gray one is naturally the leaves of the Enlightenment Tea Tree!"


Xu Changan suddenly realized and said, "So that's it!"

The pill recipe only mentioned the refining method and material types of Ningzhen Pill, but did not mention the various differences after the pill was made.

"Senior is also a master of alchemy..." Xu Changan looked at it again.

I thought it was a customer!

Unexpectedly, a colleague came.

"My Taoist name is Mingyang!" A ray of light flashed in the old man's seemingly turbid eyes, and he said, "The great elder of Yan Guotang of the Great Zhou Dan Hall is also the head of Yan Guotang, hehe..."

Da Zhou Dan Hall?

Xu Changan remembered it immediately.

“Hehe…” Taoist Yangming said, “I sent someone to tell you something before, but you didn’t come. There’s nothing I can do. If you don’t come, I’ll have to come in person. One of us has to go out, hehe…”

After a few words, the serious expression on the old man's face faded, replaced by a much more amiable one.

Xu Changan bowed his hands: "I am rude, I went to the snowfield some time ago, and I just came back recently!"

He barely found an excuse.

Taoist Mingyang did not dwell on this issue, but said: "It is not easy for you to cultivate your five elements spiritual roots to the level you are today. But if you can cultivate to the Nascent Soul Realm, your future achievements will not be trivial. Five elements spiritual roots make it easier to touch the rules of all things between heaven and earth..."

"So refining pills will naturally be twice the result with half the effort!"

"Hehe... This time, I came here to invite you to join our Yan Guotang, young man, please consider it!"

Xu Changan frowned.

The old man slapped his forehead and said, "Look at my memory. Hi... I want to tell you what our Alchemy Hall is all about!"

"This Great Zhou Alchemy Hall was established with the approval of the emperor of Luoyang, the capital of the gods. It is the world's number one alchemy force. In the past, the first head of the Alchemy Hall was one of the twelve disciples of the emperor. In the near future, the Great Zhou Alchemy Hall is now an important office of the Great Zhou imperial family."

"Joining the Alchemy Hall is equivalent to becoming an official of the Great Zhou imperial family!"

"With the token issued by the Great Zhou, you can travel to all countries in the world without anyone stopping you!"

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