Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 355 [Joining the Dan Hall, the Third Elder]

Xu Changan's eyes flickered a few times.

The imperial family of the Great Zhou Dynasty?

It sounds very good, these are the descendants of Emperor Zhou.

But in fact, since the emperor disappeared, the imperial family of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been declining day by day. Later, the major princes became powerful and divided one party, causing the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty to continue to shrink. Today, the national destiny of the Great Zhou Dynasty is not even as good as that of the Yan Kingdom.

It's so outrageous!

But no matter what, Emperor Zhou still exists and his status is still there.

Everyone also gave him a portion of thin noodles, so this great Zhou Dan Tang could be opened all over the world.

Of course, today's Emperor Zhou is just a weakling with the title of Emperor, not the legendary Emperor Zhou Mian who looked down on the world throughout the past and present.

"Of course!" The old man continued: "Our Yan Guotang is located in the Jidu of the Great Yan Kingdom. It has half of the top spiritual veins and is a paradise for cultivation!"

"If you enter the Alchemy Hall, you can freely use the various immortal cultivation resources in our Cave Heaven Paradise!"

"In addition, the Alchemy Hall is rich in books. Not only does it contain many books on alchemy, but also some formations, weapon refining, etc. It also has countless secrets hidden throughout the ages, as well as introductions to secret places in various countries!"

Xu Changan nodded.

Entering the alchemy hall, you can get many sources of information.

Xu Changan asked: "Senior, if I enter the Dan Hall, what can I do for the Dan Hall?"

This is the most important.

There is no free lunch in this world.

"Of course it's alchemy!" Yangming Taoist said: "There are countless types of elixirs in the world, and some people always have special needs and need to refine all kinds of strange elixirs, but there are always some elixirs. Medicine needs specific people to refine it!”

"In this way, there will be big profits!"

Yang Ming did not hide anything and said it directly: "And my Dantang, which connects all the countries in the world, can collect the needs of the entire world, so that we can make huge profits."

"Normally, I won't let you take the common pills, but if you encounter special needs, you can't shirk it!"

Xu Changan understood.

There are many people in the world who need elixirs. The more bizarre the demand, the more money they can make.

For example, just like the Tianhe Taoist who wanted to refine the [Reincarnation Pill] before, most people really couldn't do this job, but Xu Changan refined this pill and got a lot of benefits.

"Also!" Yang Ming said: "Some people pursue the best elixir, and you, fellow Taoist, can refine this elixir. To the elixir hall, this is your value!"

"The key is that you only have the golden elixir cultivation level now. The further you go, the greater your value will be!"

"Of course, we will never exploit fellow Taoists and reduce them to nothing more than cows and horses!"

"Moreover, if fellow Taoists are dissatisfied, they can withdraw from our alchemy hall at any time!"

Xu Changan was a little moved.

The other party definitely wants to take advantage of his value, but where is this not the case?

Didn't becoming the elder of Taixuan Immortal Sect also bring many benefits to Taixuan Immortal Sect? He also made many Chaoyuan Pills and Foundation Establishment Pills for Yunmeng.

Everyone gets what they need, it doesn't matter.

"Okay!" Xu Changan said: "I want to go to the Alchemy Hall with my senior!"

"No problem!" the old man said, "Please!"

Several people got into a carriage and headed to the Alchemy Hall.

Dantang is not too far away, just behind Xiankeju.

After arriving at the Alchemy Hall, Xu Changan finally understood why the old man said he had occupied [half of the spiritual vein].

It turns out that there is a top-notch spiritual vein here, most of which is used by the Immortal Guest House, who built a place specifically for the Immortal to practice.

The other half is exposed at the back and becomes the source of spiritual power of the alchemy hall.

The area of ​​the Alchemy Hall is not large, only a few dozen miles in radius. Let's put it this way, this area is not as large as the Fourteen Peaks of Taixuan Sect.

However, the richness of the spiritual energy here is not comparable to that of Taixuan Sect, and is even much richer than the spiritual energy of Taixuan Immortal Sect.

"This is the mission hall!" The old man stroked his beard, looked at the light film of the mission hall, and said: "Here are all kinds of missions from various countries. Each disciple only needs to complete ten missions every year! "

Xu Changan glanced at the rolling mission hall.

Qi Guotang needs ten pills of the best [Chaoyuan Pill]!

Chu Guotang needs a furnace of [Condensation Pill] with thunder attribute, and the quality should not be lower than the top grade.

Wei Guotang needs one pill of [Xiaoyao Pill], no matter the quality!

Xu Changan took a look and saw that there was a demand for all kinds of strange elixirs here, but the ones with the greatest demand were Chaoyuan Pill, Foundation Establishment Pill, Ningzhen Pill, Breaking Pill, and Xiaoyao Pill.

Low level, high quality requirements.

Higher level, lower quality requirements.

Probably so.

"This alchemy hall... there are two elders, one is an old man, and the other is also at the Nascent Soul stage!"

"If junior brother is willing to come, you will be the third elder of our Yan Guotang!"

"In this courtyard, we can also give you a separate valley to practice!"

"If junior brother has disciples, it's okay to bring them in too!"

The conditions offered by the Alchemy Hall can be said to be extremely generous.

Xu Changan's heart was pounding.

If you agree, you can practice here in the future.

However, he cupped his hands and said calmly: "Senior Yangming, please allow me to think about it for a few days. I will give you a reply after a month, is that okay?"

"Okay!" Yang Ming smiled and said, "Junior brother, please do as you please!"

Xu Changan walked out of Yan Guotang.

He has decided to join Yan Guo Tang.

Originally, he wanted to go to Ping Tian Men, but Ping Tian Men also has many inconveniences.

After all, I am an outsider, and there are great masters in Ping Tian Men, and there are six masters of the Divine Transformation Cultivation alone. Others can see through my secrets at a glance.

Forget it, I'd better not go to Ping Tian Men.

It's good to stay in the Alchemy Hall honestly.

But I can't agree to this Yangming Taoist so easily.

There are many smart and thoughtful people in this world, and I must make him feel that I don't have to have you.

Of course, when dealing with these old foxes, you must be more careful.

Try not to show what you can't show.

A few days later, Tianhe Taoist came to Xu Changan's store.

Because he broke through to the Nascent Soul Stage, he became a mediocre elder in a marginal department of Ping Tian Men.

Although he is an elder who is not valued, he also has a certain status.

It's not a big problem to get Xu Changan into the sect.

But Xu Changan refused.

When Taoist Tianhe heard that Xu Changan was going to Yan State Hall, he naturally said nothing.

"Daoist Minghe!" Tianhe took a deep breath: "In the future, if you have any needs, just ask."

"Don't be polite with me!"

"By the way!" He said again: "In another ten years, it will be the opening time of the first Jedi of my Yan State [Zhenwu Jedi]. This place will only open once every five hundred years. When the time comes, I will decide to enter it to search. Do you want to go with me?"

Xu Changan thought about it and said: "My cultivation is too low, let's talk about it when the time comes!"

Today's fifth update, asking for a reward!

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