Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 357 [Alchemy in public, establishing a dojo]

"No need!"

The elder waved his sleeves and said, "Junior Brother Minghe opened a shop in Jidu, who among you doesn't know?"

"His shop sells fourth-grade elixirs!"

"I have seen this elixir, it is definitely genuine, it is the fourth-grade [Ningzhen Pill]!"

Yangming still defended Xu Changan.

"Uncle Master!" A disciple of the eighth level of the Golden Core Stage bowed and said, "Don't be fooled, old man, this guy is only the first level of the Golden Core Stage, how can he control the fourth-grade elixir?"

"Whether this elixir was made by him, I don't know!"

"I am afraid that this guy got the elixir from somewhere and made it look real!"

"Yes!" Someone echoed, "He has not yet developed the root of Taoism, and cannot comprehend the power of the rules of heaven and earth. How can he make elixirs with the power of rules?"

"I don't believe it!"

"I don't believe it either!"

Xu Changan's Minghe Alchemy Shop is becoming more and more famous, and all the disciples of the Alchemy Hall know about it.

But their idea is also very simple: you have a fourth-grade elixir in your shop, which does not prove that you are a fourth-grade alchemist.

"Well!" Xu Changan thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, then I'll show my ugliness!"


He slapped his storage bag, and a small tripod flew out: the Hundred Refinements Treasure Tripod.

In addition, another cluster of flames was ignited by him.

All the materials of [Ningzhen Pill] also fell into the void!

Including the great elder, everyone's eyes looked over, and everyone wanted to see Xu Changan making the elixir.

Xu Changan looked around and said, "Everyone, when I am making the elixir, you can watch, but you have to interfere with your spiritual consciousness, otherwise this elixir will definitely not be made!"

"Don't worry!" Someone said, "We are not despicable people!"

Xu Changan nodded and began to smelt.


In one breath, he threw more than a dozen materials into the small cauldron at the same time and melted them.

Just this one move shocked many disciples.

Second Senior Brother Master Shenzhao said: "In the entire Yan State Hall, only you can do this!"

The Taoist Yangming stroked his beard and said: "Junior Brother Minghe's mind is powerful and meticulous. This mind has been practiced!"


For the second time, Xu Changan put all the remaining materials into the furnace.

Half an hour later.


The furnace exploded.

All efforts failed!

Let's put it this way!

Xu Changan did not do it on purpose, but he was refining pills at his own level. Without adding his own blood, this furnace of pills had an accident as expected.

"Ah this..." Everyone looked at each other.

Someone showed a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Master Shenzhao said: "When we refine pills, who can guarantee that the first furnace will be refined?"

Everyone kept silent.

Shenzhao Zhenren said: "When refining Ningzhen Dan, the most important thing is fusion, because the fusion between materials is only different in the five elements. It is difficult to say but easy in reality, but the fusion of rules and materials is more difficult!"

"Junior Brother Minghe, don't be impatient, take your time, and continue!"

"Yes, thank you for your guidance, senior brother!" Xu Changan continued to refine the second furnace.

Half an hour later.


The second furnace exploded again.

This time, everyone frowned even more deeply.

Xu Changan looked at them.

Someone waved his hand directly: "Don't look at me, my divine thoughts definitely didn't extend, and I definitely didn't disturb you!"

"Yes, I didn't!"

"Me neither!"

This time, Xu Changan waved his hand openly, and a transparent barrier was activated by him: the God-suppressing Talisman.

This thing is specifically used to deal with divine thoughts interference.

Before, no one disturbed him, but for the sake of safety, in order to prevent someone from peeping at him dripping blood into the furnace, Xu Changan activated the God-suppressing Talisman this time.

The third time refining the elixir!

This time, he dripped his own blood silently. Although others could see him reaching into the furnace, they all thought he was adding materials. No one could see that he secretly squeezed out two drops of blood from under his skin!

Half an hour later.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Twelve gray pills rushed into the void in an instant.

"Did it work?" Everyone was surprised.

No one could have imagined that Xu Changan really refined this [Ningzhen Pill].

"Hehehe..." Yangming also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "How is it... Junior Brother Minghe successfully refined the fourth-grade pill. Let me ask you, can he be the third elder of Yan Guotang?"

The disciples bowed their heads one by one.

Shenzhao Zhenren asked: "Junior brother, what quality is it?"

Xu Changan looked at it and said: "I am incompetent, all of them are middle-grade!"

"It's already very good!" Shenzhao Zhenren said: "When I refine this Ningzhen Pill, I can only guarantee that half of it is middle-grade, and the rest are all low-grade. Your pill refining has surpassed me!"

"Of course!" The elder said: "Otherwise, how can he refine the top-grade [Chaoyuan Pill]?"

"By the way, if you want to refine the [Pohua Pill] in the future, just find your third uncle, don't you bow?"


The disciples were finally convinced this time, whether they were convinced or not, anyway, they all bowed to Xu Changan.

"Okay!" The elder waved his hand: "I am going to rest, Junior Brother Shenzhao, you take Junior Brother Minghe, choose a valley, and then introduce our Yan Guotang to him in detail again!"


Everyone left the great elder's courtyard.

Master Shenzhao took Xu Changan to a valley.

He said: "This complete spiritual vein is mostly occupied by the Xiankeju in front. This Xiankeju was built by the royal family!"

"As for the four exposed branches at the back, three valleys are formed!"

"Now the disciples have taken one, I have taken one, and there is one left. It originally belonged to the great elder, but the great elder has stopped practicing in these years. From now on, you can practice here!"

Xu Changan raised his hand and said, "Thank you, senior brother. Why doesn't the Great Elder stop practicing?"

"Alas..." Shenzhao Zhenren said: "Time is running fast. If you can't break through this physical barrier, you won't be able to climb to the realm of divine transformation, and your lifespan will soon be exhausted!"

"Actually, the Great Elder passed his thousand-year-old birthday thirty years ago. I don't know how many more years he can survive?"

Xu Changan felt a trace of sadness for no reason.

A twelve-level Nascent Soul such as the Great Elder cannot break through that threshold in the end?

Cultivation is indeed a struggle with the way of heaven.

If you can get by, keep fighting for it!

If you can't get through it, you will sink into the long river of time and be lost to no one.

Stronger than Emperor Zhou, so what?

"A few years ago, I said that I would help him find a disciple with good qualifications to seize his body!" Master Shenzhao continued: "But the great elder was unwilling... That's all. Everyone has his own ambitions and choices!"

"Junior brother, just take a look here. If you need anything else, just go to my dojo and find me!"

Master Shenzhao left.

Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts scanned the valley.

Very small.

Compared to the Changfeng Valley of Taixuan Immortal Sect, this valley is extremely small.

The entire valley is only 1,500 feet long.

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