Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 358 [The Sutra Hall, Retreat and Practice]

Xu Changan jumped up and landed on a high place behind the valley.

Overlooking the entire valley.

He also understood why the valley was so small.

This is the Ji capital of Yan State!

It would not be suitable if it was too big.

It would be better if it was too small, as the concentration of spiritual energy would remain unchanged.

Next, it was time to set up the formation.

Xu Changan drove away the two disciples who were originally practicing here, and then used his sword to cut out a cave on the mountain. Finally, he took out the formation materials and began to set up the formation around his cave.

It took two months.

Fourth-grade forbidden god formation!

Third-grade defense formation!

Third-grade spirit gathering formation!

Third-grade illusion formation [Hidden Moon Illusion Sea Xumi Formation].

Let’s put it this way, the formation arranged in this valley is similar to the formation arranged in Changfeng Valley of Taixuan Xianzong. The only difference is that the forbidden god formation has been upgraded from the third grade to the fourth grade.

The fourth-grade forbidden god formation can prevent the peeping of Yuanying period cultivators.

Anyway, there are no Divine Transformation cultivators in Yan State Hall, so there is no need to worry about anyone really invading the divine thoughts.

After arranging the formation and the cave, Xu Changan did not retreat immediately. Instead, he left the valley and came to the Sutra Hall.

"Uncle Master!" Seeing that the deacon of the Sutra Hall was a powerful person at the eleventh level of the Golden Core Stage, he looked at Xu Changan with a smile: "I wonder if Uncle Master needs anything?"

Xu Changan stared at the man for three breaths, and always felt that the title of Uncle Master was strange.

"You are higher than me in cultivation, and I feel very terrified when you call me Uncle Master..." Xu Changan said: "How about this, from now on, you call me Third Elder, not Uncle Master, okay?"

"Alright!" The man smiled and said: "Third Elder, what do you need?"

Xu Changan said: "I want to borrow some books on alchemy and read them systematically!"

"Oh!" The man stretched out his hand: "Contribution points..."


Xu Changan didn't have any.

How to get contribution points?

In fact, it's very simple, just complete the tasks of Yan State Hall.

Xu Changan ran to the mission hall again without stopping. Among the scrolling missions of various national halls, he selected 100 missions such as refining "Top-grade Foundation Building Pills", "Top-grade Chaoyuan Pills", and "Top-grade Juyuan Pills".

When refining pills, the hall will naturally provide materials, and Xu Changan does not need to consume them himself.

In this way, it is much easier to do the mission.

He did ten years of missions in one go.

Then he returned to the Taoist temple to start refining pills!

In less than ten days, he completed all the tasks and exchanged them for a large number of contribution points.

If these pills are given to the auction, they will definitely make a lot of spirit stones.

Therefore, this Da Zhou Dan Hall is still very profitable.

Xu Changan came to the Sutra Hall again!

After exchanging three jade slips, Xu Changan left the Sutra Hall directly.


The deacon of the Sutra Hall ran to the Taoist temple of the second elder Shenzhao Zhenren.

"Master!" He bowed to Shenzhao Zhenren: "Just now, Elder Minghe came to the Sutra Hall and exchanged three jade slips!"

"Oh?" Shenzhao asked: "What jade slips?"

The steward said: "One [Wanjin Fang], one [Bencao Jingmu], and one [Liandan Shiyao]..."

Wanjin Fang, there are many recipes for pills.

Bencao Jingmu, there are many herbs.

And Liandan Shiyao, is a jade slip that records the techniques and experience of alchemy.

Shenzhao nodded and said: "This person is actually an alchemy madman... Never mind, let him go, you don't need to pay special attention to him, this person is beneficial to the master, no harm, no threat!"


Xu Changan's alchemy skills come from three aspects.

At the beginning, he learned the alchemy foundation carried by Tian Qianqiu, and later, it was the knowledge about alchemy collected from Master Baodeng, and the third time was collected from the cheap master Zhu Zimu.

He did not undergo systematic training and learning when refining pills. He explored all the way by himself and combined it with his own blood.

So his learning was incomplete and the recipe was not very complete.

When he first obtained the [Yu Dao Shen Ma], Xu Changan did not know the recipe of this [Yun Dao Dan].

Now that he has come to the Dan Hall, he must search and learn it.

First open the [Wan Jin Fang] and stick it to his forehead to watch for a while.

"Got it..." Xu Changan's eyes lit up.

He saw the recipe of [Yun Dao Dan].

The level of [Yun Dao Dan] is not high. It belongs to the fourth-grade pill. The main material required is Yu Dao Shen Ma.

In addition to Yu Dao Shen Ma, there are more than a dozen other materials, but most of them are ordinary materials. Only [Yu Dao Shen Ma], [Wu Dao Tea] and a material called [Po Xin Cao] are rare.

But now, Xu Changan already has two of these three materials, and the only thing missing is [Po Xin Cao]!

Xu Changan recorded the recipe of this Yun Dao Dan.

Then, it was the recipe for the [Pohua Pill].

This thing was already in Zhu Zimu's recipe, and Xu Changan mainly compared the two recipes to see if there was any discrepancy.

There was no discrepancy in the materials, but there was a slight difference in the refining techniques described in the two recipes, which was not very big.

This meant that there was no problem with the two recipes.


Xu Changan took a deep breath: After all these busy days, I can finally practice with peace of mind!


In his body, the fire attribute technique started to work.

A red cyclone formed above his head, and suddenly became ten feet high. The countless fire spirits between heaven and earth gathered like a hurricane, and then wrapped Xu Changan, and penetrated into his flesh and blood through the 480 million pores on his body.

From the flesh and blood into the meridians, the meridians are refined and gathered into the dantian, this is a cycle.

Because there is no effect of ten times the time blessing, the spiritual power cyclone above Xu Changan's head is only ten feet.

But this is still much stronger than the cyclone intensity of many cultivators when they practice. Jindan cultivators who can cause a ten-foot cyclone are already amazing talents.

As for the ten-foot cyclone, it is basically only achieved by Yuanying cultivators.

Of course, because there is the [Hidden Moon Fantasy Sea Xumi Array] blocking outside, let alone ten feet, even a hundred feet is not a problem.

Xu Changan is not only practicing the technique.

With a wave of his hand, the green tree stump was taken out and thrown into the dojo.


The divine thoughts turned into flying knives, slashing fiercely one after another.

The Emperor of Heaven controlled his nerves and practiced simultaneously.


A tortoise shell fell from Xu Changan's hand.

The water-controlling rune on the Xuanyuan water-controlling flag was also taken out by Xu Changan.

Simultaneous comprehension!

Three things in one mind!

In order to increase the speed of practice, Xu Changan did not care about the side effects of the pill, and directly took out a top-grade [Juyuan Pill] and put it into his mouth.

Absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth from the outside, and gathering the power of the pill from the inside.

In this way, you can get twice the result with half the effort, and your practice will naturally improve by leaps and bounds.

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