Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 360 [Goodbye, old friend, a battle of wits and courage]


Tie Zhongtang's body turned into a beam of light and flew out.

A distance of a million miles seemed nothing to him, and he arrived in less than half an incense stick.

At this time, Xu Changan had just arrived at the villa of the great elder.

The great elder Yangming Taoist had reached the end of his life. He knew that he could not break through, so he gave up practicing and faced death calmly.

Therefore, he did not want the Taoist temple in the valley, and only lived in a villa of the Dan Hall.

"Minghe, I want to see the great elder and ask how he is!" Xu Changan came to the door and bowed to the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper also bowed and said, "Uncle Master, wait a moment!"

He walked into the yard, and then came out again soon: "Uncle Master, Master said that he has not seen you recently. In a few days, he will specially summon you to come..."


Xu Changan bowed and left!

Xu Changan thought about it!

A few days?

Since the elder said he would summon us in a few days, I will wait a little longer and don't need to go to the shop.

Because the alchemy shop will definitely not be able to finish the alchemy in a few days, it will take at least one or two months.

So, Xu Changan returned to his own dojo.

After adjusting his breath a little, Xu Changan took out the tortoise shell and looked at it again.

He had already deduced the formation.

In order to arrange it better, he took out a jade slip and began to imprint it in the jade slip.

To imprint this [Xuanyuan Water Control Formation] in the jade slip!

Just halfway through the imprint, a stream of light flew in from outside.

Xu Changan caught the stream of light, it was a message light.

The words of the second elder Shenzhao Zhenren came out: "Junior brother, please come to my dojo, there is something!"

Xu Changan did not continue to imprint the formation, but went out of the dojo directly and came to the second elder's dojo.

The second elder's dojo is also in a valley.

"Hello, uncle master!" At the entrance of the Taoist temple of Shenzhao Zhenren, a disciple saluted Xu Changan and said, "My master is inside, please come in!"


Xu Changan did not dare to neglect, let alone be careless. When he stepped into the Taoist temple of Shenzhao Zhenren, his mind was connected with the [Asura Disk] so that he could directly call out the Asura Disk for defense in an emergency.

"Hehehe..." After seeing Xu Changan, Shenzhao Zhenren laughed and said, "Junior brother has come out of retreat... Come on, sit down... I'll introduce you to a friend!"

Just as Shenzhao's voice fell, a white-haired monk suddenly appeared three feet in front of Xu Changan.

White hair and purple robe, with a majestic face.

When Xu Changan saw this person, his heartbeat stopped for a moment: Tie Zhongtang.


If it weren't for his strong mind and firm will, he would be scared to death.

Xu Changan moved slightly, jumped, and said: "I was scared to death... Second Elder, I thought it was a ghost. Who is this Taoist friend..."

He was indeed scared.

But this sentence directly turned decay into magic.

Directly admit that I was scared.

But, I was not scared because you are Tie Zhongtang. I was scared by your sudden appearance.

The reason why Tie Zhongtang suddenly appeared was to achieve the effect of surprise. If Xu Changan's performance was a little bit wrong, he could directly determine that this person was Xu Changan.

On the contrary, if the person in front of him was extremely calm and his expression was calm!

That was also a problem.

A normal person would be scared. If he was not scared, it would be too deliberate.

It can also show that this person is Xu Changan.


Tie Zhongtang's purpose was not achieved. The other party seemed to be scared, but that was just the reaction of a normal person.

"Xu Changan, we meet again!"

Tie Zhongtang did not give up and tried again.

Xu Changan reached out and touched his head, then turned his head and looked back, saying: "Xu Changan? Who is Xu Changan? Are you talking to me, senior?"


Tie Zhongtang narrowed his eyes slightly: two sudden tests did not work.

Then is this kid really not Xu Changan?


The third time!

Tie Zhongtang's divine sense exploded and directly covered Xu Changan.

He knew that Xu Changan liked to hide himself.

If this kid deliberately concealed his cultivation or his own aura, this method was exactly the same as Xu Changan, and it must be Xu Changan.


Tie Zhongtang's divine sense swept over Xu Changan's body, but he saw the middle-aged cultivator in front of him clearly.

The cultivation level of the second level of the Golden Core Stage.

Five Elements Spiritual Root (The ice spiritual root that just came out of Nirvana is in the dark, and the divine mind cannot scan it).


At this point, Tie Zhongtang was relieved: It's not Xu Changan.

Xu Changan has three spiritual roots of gold, wood and fire, and this guy has five spiritual roots.

Then it's naturally not Xu Changan.

It turns out that the damn guy really died under the nine-nine thunder tribulation, which scared me to death!

"Hehehe..." The battle of wits and courage between the thoughts seemed extremely complicated, but it happened in just a few breaths. Except for Tie Zhongtang and Xu Changan, the opposite Shenzhao seemed to have no idea what happened: "Junior brother, let me introduce you!"

"This is the elder of the Tianchui Sect..."

Tie Zhongtang raised his hand and interrupted Shenzhao Zhenren, saying: "I am Tie Zhongtang, the second elder of Tianchui Sect. Fellow Daoist Minghe, I'm sorry, I just saw you look like an old friend of mine!"

Xu Changan felt cold in his heart: Damn, this Tie Zhongtang is really a dog, he is obviously the third elder, but he insists on saying that he is the second elder.

This guy is setting traps everywhere.

"The second elder of Tianchui Sect?" Xu Changan stood up from his seat in surprise and bowed, saying, "That must be a senior in the Nascent Soul stage. I am Minghe, the junior, and I am honored to meet you!"

"Hehe..." Tie Zhongtang nodded and said, "Daoyou are too polite. Shenzhao and I are equals. From now on, you and I will call each other Daoyou!"

Xu Changan paused slightly, with a just right amount of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Senior, this... this is not appropriate!"

"No problem!" Tie Zhongtang said, "I came here this time to trouble Daoyou Minghe to refine a furnace of elixirs for me..."

Xu Changan said, "No problem, what kind of elixir do you want?"

Pah... Tie Zhongtang was separated Kong threw a storage ring over and said, "According to the rules of the cultivation world, there are five sets of materials for [Chao Yuan Dan] in it. My disciple is about to form a pill. I hope that Master can help me refine a furnace of [Chao Yuan Dan]!"

"I wonder if it's possible?"

"Of course it's no problem!" Xu Changan said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Tie... Hey, why are there ten sets of materials in it?"

"Hehehe!" Tie Zhongtang said: "If there are too many, I will give them to you!"

"Thank you very much!" Xu Changan smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Tie, wait a moment, I will refine the pill for you!"

No more to say, today's fifth update is presented!

Ask for a reward.

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