Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 361 [Pretending to be acquiescent, the Qin envoy]


A ray of golden light slightly emerged from Xu Changan's eyes.

He glanced at it and found a mark on the ring: Damn Tie Zhongtang, how could this guy be so insidious, never forgetting to plot against others.

But he took it calmly and took out the Bailian Treasure Cauldron.


Shenzhao Zhenren said: "Junior brother, are you refining pills here?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "I have to go to the store to replenish pills later, and time is a bit tight, hehe... Sorry for making a fool of myself!"

"Hehe..." Tie Zhongtang said: "No problem, brother, you can do whatever you want!"

Xu Changan began to refine pills in front of the two.

The first furnace!

The furnace exploded!

The second furnace, the pills were made.

But Xu Changan did not add his own blood, but refined it normally, so the pills refined in this furnace were not of the best quality.

There were four top-grade pills and eight mid-grade pills.

"Sorry!" He handed the twelve pills to Tie Zhongtang and said, "Elder Tie, I'm sorry. The probability of producing top-grade pills is too low. I can only refine this quality!"

"No problem, no problem..." Tie Zhongtang put away the pills.

Xu Changan bowed to the two of them and said, "Brother, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave!"


Xu Changan left the dojo.

Then, he returned to his own dojo.

He took out the ring and was about to erase the mark on it.

But after a little thought, he stopped quickly.


Damn... Tie Zhongtang, this old thing, is still plotting against me.

If I erase this mark, it will be a big problem.


Because I am only in the second level of the Jindan stage. As an ordinary Jindan stage cultivator, I can't find the mark in it without any means to defy the heavens. If I erase it directly, Tie Zhongtang will feel it immediately.

Don't they doubt it?

You bastard Tie Zhongtang, damn it!

You know there is a pit here, but you can't erase it?

Xu Changan took a deep breath, then came out of the dojo and walked towards the alchemy shop.


Zhang Datong and Han Xiaozhi were there.

Niu Baoguo was there too.

After not seeing each other for a few years, Niu Baoguo looked much older.

After all, he was just a mortal, but this mortal got a great opportunity by working with Xu Changan. Now he is already a wealthy person in his mortal circle.

He was pot-bellied and his clothes were full of nobility.

After seeing Xu Changan, Niu Baoguo came up and said, "Master... I miss you so much after not seeing you for so many years!"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "You are afraid that you can't use the Lightning Meteor Fist now, right?"

"I can't do it!" Niu Baoguo waved his hand: "I'm old."

Xu Changan said, "Do your work well..."

After that, he went to the backyard, where there was no formation.

But it didn't matter. Xu Changan didn't enter the small world. It was useless to use the formation. He started to refine pills in the house.

After refining hundreds of second-grade and third-grade pills in a few days, Xu Changan walked out of the small courtyard.

He gave the ring with the mark of Tiezhongtang to Zhang Datong: "Here are the latest pills I have refined. There are not many, but they can be used by you for one or two years. You take them first. I will come back in a few days!"

"Okay!" Zhang Datong was overjoyed.


After leaving the alchemy shop, Xu Changan rode a wooden horse and walked on Zhuque Street.


"Everyone, stop where you are!"

"No more!"

A third-grade national scholar fell from the sky and landed on Xu Changan's side.

All the people walking on the street stopped.

The state scholar looked around and said loudly: "The envoys of the Great Qin State are going to the Golden Terrace from Zhuque Street to pay homage to His Majesty. No one is allowed to pass!"

"Everyone, please wait for a moment and let the Qin envoys go first!"

Xu Changan understood.

This is the Qin envoys.

In this case, the common people must stand on both sides of the road to ensure the smooth flow of the street.

This is the etiquette between countries.

Similarly, the envoys of Yan State will do the same when they arrive in Qin State.

Xu Changan was not in a hurry and waited on the side of the road.

After a while, a team of Yan State cavalry passed by, about one or two thousand people, and all of these cavalry were fourth-rank state scholars.

In other words, it is equivalent to the foundation-building period of Xuanmen.

Although the cultivation is not high, there are many people.

The military sage Sun Wu wrote the book "The Art of War", which records various methods for low-level cultivators to form huge power through formations. Therefore, facing thousands of well-trained fourth-grade national masters attacking together, even the powerful ones in the Nascent Soul stage have to retreat.

On the battlefield, there are often tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fourth-grade national masters fighting. In such a situation, even the gods dare not easily set foot.

Xu Changan's eyes swept through this group of cavalry, and he saw a familiar figure: Huang Zhicheng.

It turned out to be him?

Back then, Huang Zhicheng was the first in the Taixuan Immortal Sect's competition. He was severely calculated and thrown to the Golden Terrace of Yan State to become a national master.

Yes, he did become a national master.

But he was only a fourth-grade.

I don't know if this guy regretted it.

"Woo woo woo woo..."

"Dong dong dong..."

Accompanied by the solemn sound of the fairy music, the fourth-rank national soldiers in armor came from behind!

Behind them was the Qin envoys.

Xu Changan saw a holy elephant.

On the back of the elephant, which was dozens of feet high, sat a Qin envoy wearing black clothes. He was tall and had a huge umbrella on his head.

And around this envoy, there were tall Qin soldiers following him.

Someone exclaimed in surprise: "Qin people, what a big physique!"

That's right!

Xu Changan also took a deep breath.

I have heard that the Qin army is invincible, and when fighting, they will go forward bravely and never retreat, and they are fearless.

Seeing it today, it is indeed extraordinary.

Even the ordinary guards of the Qin national soldiers who came here are all 15 feet tall.

They are muscular and strong.

The four words "burly" are not enough to describe their majesty.

Let's put it this way, the height of the Qin people is more than twice that of the Yan people.

It's so exaggerated.

Of course, Xu Changan didn't know whether these Qin people were deliberately selected as big guys or just everyone was like this.

Someone in the crowd worried: "If we go to war with the Qin people in the future, how can we win?"

"Don't worry!" Someone else said: "The Qin people are an ancient alien species, their physique is naturally strong, but their spiritual power is insufficient, so they are not invincible!"

"Back then, Emperor Wu of Wei fought five battles against Qin and almost destroyed Qin!"

Xu Changan nodded.

If the spiritual power is weak, it will still be a disadvantage in the war.

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