Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 372 [Qingxu Ascension, Tianji Thirteen]

Yiyang County, Yiyang City!

The original city lord's mansion has now become a camp for the Great Qi Army.

General Tian Wen of Qi State lives in the city lord's mansion.

At this moment, he frowned and looked at a fourth-rank national scholar kneeling on the ground: "What did you just say? I didn't understand!"

"You mean, five thousand people, all died, and you are the only one who escaped back?"

"No!" The man knelt on the ground and kowtowed again: "Your Majesty, I didn't escape, but was deliberately released by the Xuanmen master. If he didn't intend to save my life, how could I survive?"

Tian Wen stood up and paced back and forth in the hall with a frown.

The generals and counselors sitting around did not dare to speak.

He asked, "What did that man say? Say it again!"


The fourth-rank national scholar took a deep breath, recalled the situation that day, and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, Taoist Qingxu said that our Taixuan Sect is not interested in the incense dispute between you two countries, Yan and Qi. If he dares to come again, no matter who he is, he will make you all disappear into ashes!"

"He also said that you should wait for him in the army, and he will come to find you in a few days!"

Tian Wen's face was very dark.

He suddenly drew the sword at his waist, stabbed the man in front of him to death with one sword, and said: "You, follow the five thousand Qi troops!"

"Take him away!"

"Bury him!"

Tian Wen sat back in his seat.

He was not worried much: just a cultivator in the Jindan period.

The Jindan was stronger and killed the second-rank national scholar.

It doesn't matter.

I am not a second-rank national scholar, nor a first-rank national scholar.

I am a peerless national scholar!

Compared with Xuanmen monks, they can resist the great power of Lianxu.

"If he dares to come!" Tian Wen drew out the sword from his waist again, and slashed at the table with a sword, and a corner of the table was cut off by him: "Just like this table, I will make him come and never return!"

"Hahaha..." His guests laughed.

There was also a Xuanmen Huashen monk who raised his wine glass and said: "When the time comes, there is no need for you to take action. It's just a golden elixir. I will kill him tomorrow. Hum... How much can a golden elixir do?"


A cold voice suddenly came from the void.

Then, in the Tian Wen Hall, in the void in front of countless guests, the space swayed slightly like water waves, and a person walked out of the 'water waves'.

He was dressed in white like snow, and his black hair was like a waterfall!

It was Taoist Qingxu.

Qingxu narrowed his eyes and looked at the Divine Transformation cultivator: "Do you want to see my tricks?"

"Just a golden elixir, playing tricks!" The Divine Transformation cultivator suddenly jumped up, his big hand turned into a shadow, grabbing Qingxu's head.

Qingxu didn't see how he moved, and the void in front of him suddenly squeezed.


The Divine Transformation cultivator was instantly crushed by the power of space and turned into a bloody rain.

"The people of Xuanmen took refuge in the incense and fire, damn...deserved to be killed..."

When he looked again, the Divine Transformation cultivator had turned into a pile of flesh and blood and fell to the ground.

Qingxu turned around, looked at Tian Wen, and said: "I heard of you when I was in Qi. Your name is Tian Wen, and the princes of the world call you [Mengchangjun], right?"

Tian Wen was not a fool. Seeing Qingxu so powerful at this moment, he waved his hand, and the strong power of incense and fire gathered around him, and layer after layer of defense piled up.

Incredibly strong!

Even if a Divine Transformation cultivator was here, it would be impossible to penetrate it.


Qingxu did not make a move at all, he just said one word, ‘break’...

Bang bang bang...

The several layers of defense that Tian Wen had just condensed were directly broken by a mysterious force.

“General Tian!” Qingxu looked at him and asked, “Do you still want to destroy my Taixuan Sect?”

Tian Wen’s face was as black as the bottom of a pot, “I dare not... I was offended before. From today on, my soldiers of Daqi will only plunder the land of Yan State and will not touch the Xuanmen Immortal Sect!”

Qingxu said, “That’s the best...”

“Thirteenth brother, are you going back to our Wanghe Peak to have a look?”

In the barrier, Li Chijian, who was already in the Nascent Soul stage, looked at Xu Changan and asked.

Xu Changan shook his head, "No, I'm not going. In the whole Taixuan Sect, I'm most worried about you and the Qingxu Patriarch. Now it seems that I've done something unnecessary!"

"It's enough to meet you here. I won't go to the mountain gate of Taixuan Sect!"

"And!" Xu Changan looked at Li Chijian: "I have many enemies in Jidu. When you go back, don't tell anyone that you have seen me!"

"I understand!" Li Chijian nodded.

At this moment, the void fluctuated slightly.

Qingxu's figure appeared.

"Uncle..." The two bowed.

Qingxu waved his sleeves and said, "I just did two things!"

"The first thing is to persuade General Tian Wen of Qi. He has promised not to embarrass our Xuanmen monks anymore!"

"Li Chijian, you can go back and practice with peace of mind!"

"Yes!" Li Chijian bowed.

Qingxu looked at Xu Changan again, and said with a laugh: "The second thing is that I just broke Tie Zhongtang's true body. He is now in the Nascent Soul stage. If he wants to rebuild his true body, it will take decades of hard work at least. You have to do it yourself. This is all I can do for you!"

Xu Changan was overjoyed. He took a deep breath and said: "Thank you, ancestor!"

Tie Zhongtang's knife was finally gone.

"Return the jute to you..." Qingxu took out the strand of jute he had used before and gave it to Xu Changan: "This thing has been used by me. It has the aura of an old man on it. Although it cannot attack and defend, it can be used. Come and understand. In addition, once this thing comes out, everything will change!"

"Thank you, uncle!"

Xu Changan took the jute.

Qingxu took out another iron umbrella and gave it to Xu Changan: "This thing is for your self-defense. Remember: Don't open this umbrella until you see the immortal!"


Xu Changan nodded.

Qingxu said: "Repeat it again!"

Xu Changan said: "If you don't see the immortal, you won't open this umbrella!"


Qingxu nodded and said: "Finally, I give you a secret... please stretch out your hand!"

Xu Changan stretched out his right hand, Qingxu used his fingers to draw two words on Xu Changan's right hand: Thirteen!

Then, there is no more!

Xu Changan was stunned: " this secret?"


"Yes!" Qingxu said: "Your current cultivation level is too shallow and you can't penetrate it. Only when you become feathered and ascend in the future will you know that there is another mystery behind these two words!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan cupped his hands.

Qingxu moved the index finger of his right hand forward, and another beam of light burst out. The light turned into a vast barrier and rippled in all directions.

In just one breath, the boundary of the barrier was beyond the range of Xu Changan's spiritual thoughts.

Qingxu said: "This barrier has a radius of one hundred thousand miles, and within one hundred thousand, there are only three of us!"

"I am ascending today. You must keep the news tight and do not spread it out!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan and Li Chijian cupped their hands.

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