Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 373 [Return to Xujiabao, see Huizhu again]


Qingxu roared!

Then, a hole suddenly opened in the void.

However, that opening did not lead to chaos, but to a world of gods and goddesses, in which dense clouds of water flowed, bursts of fairy music, and terrifying but gentle breaths suddenly fell from the sky.

Xu Changan raised his head in confusion and said, "Is this the fairy world?"

"I'm going to go..."

Qingxu raised his head, soared into the clouds at his feet, and flew towards the fairyland above his head.

There was no vast momentum, nor any tribulation thunder, only the dense immortal energy brewed by the golden clouds, which seemed to welcome the arrival of an ancient creature.


After Qingxu's figure disappeared from the sky, the gap closed instantly.

Peace was restored between heaven and earth.

The huge barrier with a radius of 100,000 miles that Qingxu had inspired before was also gone.

The breeze blew, causing the two people who were ignorant on the top of the mountain to wake up immediately.

Li Chijian asked: "Junior brother, tell me, who is Uncle Qingxu? Is he the reincarnation of a god in the sky?"

Xu Changan shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

"It must be!" Li Chijian took a deep breath and said, "I heard that there is an immortal in the sky called Qingxu Daodezhenjun. It can't be him, right?"

Xu Changan was startled and asked, "Is there any?"

The two were silent for a while.

After more than ten breaths, Li Chijian asked: "Are you really not going back to Taixuanmen?"

Xu Changan said: "I'm not going, I'll go to Xujiabao first, and then I'll return to Jidu!"

His current cultivation requires huge spiritual power, which neither Xujiabao nor Taixuan Sect can satisfy. He can only go to Jidu to take advantage of the Great Zhou Dantang.


The wings behind Xu Changan's back trembled slightly and he left the place!

Yiyang County!



An old man wearing a tattered yellow monk's robe placed a thick book in front of a young female cultivator: "My dear lady, I see that you are extremely talented and have a wonderful skeleton. Buy a [Hundred Treasures Book of Cultivation]" , as long as one hundred low-grade spiritual stones, you will make a lot of money!"

The young female cultivator in front of her immediately covered her mouth and nose with her sleeves and said with a look of disgust on her face: "Go away... you dirty old Taoist, stay away from me!"

While talking, the female nun ran away.

At this moment, the old man in the dirty yellow Taoist robe suddenly turned his head, looked at the place where Qingxu ascended with his seemingly casual eyes, and then murmured to himself, "It's strange, in this world of cultivation now, Anyone else can ascend?"

" turns out to be a reincarnator, let me tell you!"

He shook his head and no longer cared about the ascension hundreds of millions of miles away. Instead, he wiped the Hundred Treasures Book of Cultivation with his dirty sleeves again, and then looked at another young disciple: "Sell another three thousand copies." , I will stop!"

"Sigh... It's hard to ascend to immortality, but it's even harder to educate the world..."

Among the towering mountains, there is a place hundreds of miles away that is covered by clouds and mist all year round.

Xu Changan stood in the void, and the wings behind his back vibrated slightly, making him levitate in the void.

Looking down from the void, the clouds and mist with a radius of a hundred miles appear to be a circle.

"The formation is still there, I hope Xujiabao is okay!" Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

This circular mist is naturally the [Hidden Moon Fantasy Sea Sumeru Formation] that he originally arranged.

call out……

Falling from high altitude.



The Hidden Moon Fantasy Sea Sumeru Formation suddenly opened a passage.

Xu Changan stepped into it and arrived at the mountain gate of Xujiabao in an instant.

The gate of the mountain was very calm. Two disciples wearing emerald green robes stood guarding the gate. After seeing Xu Changan descending from the sky, the two people did not dare to neglect and saluted quickly: "May I ask the senior who is..."

Xu Changan clasped his hands behind his back, looking like a senior master, and asked: "Is Elder Chi Lian of Xujiabao still there?"

One of the disciples said with some confusion: "Are you looking for our ancestor Chi Lian?"

Xu Changan said: "I'm just asking!"

"Yes!" The man said: "Ancestor Chi Lian should be in retreat!"

"Then..." Xu Changan asked: "Are there descendants of the Xu family here?"

The reason Xu Changan came here was because his descendants were what he cared about most.

His son, and his daughter.

His wife Qiao Huizhu is just a mortal and should have passed away long ago.

When he arrived at the door, Xu Changan felt mixed emotions, but he felt a little timid.

He didn't dare to go in.

I don’t know how to face my children.

After all, if you calculate carefully, if your children are still alive, they will be nearly eighty years old.

"Xu family?" The disciple was stunned for three breaths, and then said: "Oh oh oh... I understand, you are talking about our castle master. He is still here. The castle master and his family are prosperous!"

"May I ask you are?"

Xu Changan said: "Let me report it, just say that Xu Changan is here to visit!"


The two men looked at Xu Changan, and their eyes almost fell out of surprise.

They rubbed their eyes hard.

Then, the two of them fluttered and knelt on the ground: "This disciple is blind and didn't know that the ancestor was coming, so I ask the ancestor to forgive me..."

Xu Changan:…………

Am I already an ancestor?

But if you think about it carefully, isn’t that the case?

Such a small place with shallow aura cannot raise golden elixir monks. Some golden elixir masters often choose to go to Shangjun. The one who can stay is none other than an ancestor.

Back then, the old Jindan in Xiaolinggu was feared by the whole Xiaolinggu people.

And the momentum and pride of Fairy Qingling when she stepped into Jindan.

Thinking about it carefully, it is still vivid in my mind.

Xu Changan felt a little ridiculous and a little pathetic.

"Forget it!" He waved his hand: "You two continue to guard the mountain here, I will go by myself!"

He took a step and came to Xujiabao.

He did not see Kongxuan, nor did he see Chilian Zhenren!

He did not see the descendants of the Xu family either, but Xu Changan saw a relative first.

Under a cluster of pomegranate trees in a villa of Xujiabao, there was a woman in a red Taoist robe, sitting on a stone under the pomegranate tree, with a hesitant look.

A gentle breeze!

The red robe on the woman was pulled back by the wind, and the half of the white jade-like calf exposed from the edge of the skirt made her skin look even better than snow.

Xu Changan landed beside the woman and said, "Long time no see!"

The woman turned her head suddenly and looked at Xu Changan with a look of passion, surprise, joy, and bitterness.

She choked and said, "Husband...husband?"

Xu Changan closed his eyes: It has been many years since he heard this name.

"I'm sorry!" Xu Changan walked over, gently held the woman's hand, and asked, "I'm so sorry for leaving you for so many years!"


He didn't expect that his wife was still alive.

This must be...a hundred years old?

After practicing for so long, Xu Changan had forgotten the time.

"It's okay!" Qiao Huizhu lay in Xu Changan's arms and said, "I know you have had a hard time these years. I heard that many of them are chasing you. You hide from here and there and dare not come back here. You are afraid of bringing us a disaster, right?"

Xu Changan nodded.

The second prince of Yan State, who was hunted by Tie Zhongtang, was indeed afraid of bringing trouble to his family and Taixuan Sect, so he never dared to come back.

Today's fifth update is here!

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