Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 374 [Ice Spiritual Root, Xu Family Genius]

I was afraid of Tie Zhongtang and Yan Pingjing before.

Now Xu Changan is not afraid anymore.

First, Qingxu has basically eliminated most of the threat from Tie Zhongtang. Now this guy is just a Nascent Soul without his true body, and there is no possibility of any threat in a short time.

Secondly, Yan Pingjing?

Now that Yiyang County is occupied by the Qi State, the Yan State can no longer control it, let alone a Yan Pingjing?

"Fortunately, you are still alive!" Xu Changan said: "If you really pass away, I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

Qiao Huizhu smiled and said: "My lifespan was approaching, but then I met Senior Qingxu. He gave me a pill, which helped me extend my life for ten years!"

"Husband, are you leaving in the future?"

Xu Changan shook his head and said: "I'm not going anywhere. From now on, I will stay with you in Xujiapu and spend the last period of your life with you!"

Xu Changan suddenly felt calm.

"Where are the children, are they okay?" Xu Changan suddenly thought of the children.

Qiao Huizhu laughed and said: "Okay... the children are all very good. They got married early and married the immortals, and then they multiplied and multiplied. Now our old Xu family has nearly forty or fifty in Xujiapu." People!”

"You and I are now ancestors!"

"Ah?" Xu Changan was overjoyed.

Qiao Huizhu said: "The talents of these grandsons and great-grandchildren are getting higher and higher every generation, and the little girl has two spiritual roots!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to see it!"

Xu Changan held Qiao Huizhu's hand and walked all the way through the pavilions and pavilions to a mountain behind Xujiabao.

This mountain belongs to Xu Changan's private property, and only Xu family disciples can enter it.


"Meet Grandma!"

"Grandma, who is this?"

Several young descendants were surprised to see Xu Changan and Qiao Huizhu being so close.

Xu Changan smiled and said: "My name is Xu Changan!"


The seven or eight teenage children in front of them were trembling with fear, and they all knelt on the ground.

"I've met my ancestors!"

"Old ancestor!"


Xu Changan said: "Follow me!"

He arrived at the hall and sat on the main seat.

The children came forward one by one.

Xu Changan stretched out his hand: "Give me your hand!"

Everyone shook hands.

A feeling of blood connection came to my heart.

At the golden elixir realm, although the rules of heaven and earth have not yet been touched, the feeling for some bloodlines is different from ordinary people. You only need to reach out and touch it to know whether the child is a descendant of your own bloodline.

Perhaps because his children were united with immortals, their descendants basically all have spiritual roots.

It’s just that some spiritual roots are strong and some are weak.

"Come on, come on..." Xu Changan waved his hand.


A bunch of spiritual weapons were thrown out by him.

Back then at the Ruins of Qiuren, he killed fourteen of the Heavenly Hammer Sect's golden elixirs by himself. These people were not only golden elixir monks, but also masters of weapon refining, so their storage rings contained many spiritual weapons. some type of.

Some of these things were destroyed by the [Immortal Fire] back then, but most of them are still usable.

Xu Changan took it out and threw it to his descendants: "Any descendant of my Xu family who can practice, each person will have two spiritual weapons and three magical weapons!"

"Wow!" He took out a lot of Qi Gathering Pills: "These are several grades of Qi Gathering Pills, two bottles for each person!"

One bottle is twelve pills, two bottles is twenty-four pills.

Let's put it this way, even though there are only twenty-four pills, it is of the highest quality, enough to assist a monk from the early stage of the Qi Refining Stage to the Great Perfection of the Qi Refining Stage.

"Thank you, ancestor..."


The disciples danced happily one by one.

Qiao Huizhu said: "Mu Xian, come here, this is your great-grandfather, come here and let him see your spiritual roots!"

A woman about fifteen or sixteen years old walked up to Xu Changan.

Xu Changan took a quick look and the child's spiritual roots were revealed.

It is a dual spiritual root with ice and water elements coexisting.

"This..." Looking at Xu Muxian, Xu Changan thought of his senior sister Fu Nianzhen.

Fu Nianzhen has two spiritual roots, water and ice.

"Water Ice Spiritual Root, not bad!" Xu Changan asked: "What's the length?"

Xu Muxian said: "Back to our ancestors, the length of the ice system is eight, and the length of the water system is two!"

Xu Changan was moved: What a genius!

Although there is still a gap compared to Shan Linggen's genius, this gap can be made up in other aspects.

For example: practice skills and various resources!


"Muxian..." Xu Changan said: "Please help me organize the jade slips. I am planning to build a [library] in Xujiabao..."

Over the years, Xu Changan killed many monks one after another.

There are countless different kinds of cultivation techniques.

These can be placed in the library pavilion in Xujiabao for future generations of disciples to practice.

Of course, there are also some innate skills of Xu Changan, but he will not put this heaven-defying innate skill in the Sutra Pavilion. This thing is a curse.

It can only be spread by word of mouth.

"Yes, ancestor!" Xu Muxian's face turned red with joy.

"All of you, please get out!" Qiao Huizhu shouted away the others. Only Xu Changan, Qiao Huizhu and Xu Muxian were left in the entire hall.

"bring it on!"

Xu Changan took out his ring.

From the space ring, he took out storage bags one by one.

There were many of these storage bags that Xu Changan didn't even have time to take a look at.

There were countless jade slips!

Most of them came from the cultivators of Xiaoling Valley, the old ancestor of Baodeng, the immortal Changsheng, and the fourteen disciples of Tianchui Sect, as well as the Qingyun Shangren, Zheng Youjing, Zhu Zimu, etc.!

Finally, there were 53 exercises of various attributes sorted out.

These fifty-three exercises can be practiced all the way to the Jindan stage.

There are even some that can reach the Yuanying stage.

In addition to the exercises, there are also some jade slips about formations, alchemy, talisman making, refining, puppets, etc.

These were naturally collected by Xu Changan in the Sutra Library.

The Xu family's library is very small, but it is full of essence.

"Is there anything suitable for you?" Xu Changan looked at Xu Muxian and asked.

Xu Muxian said: "Grandfather, I think this [Ice Condensation Art] is very powerful, and it can be practiced all the way to the Nascent Soul stage, so I practice this!"


Xu Changan smiled and nodded: "Take it and copy it!"

"Practice well!"

Xu Changan actually has a more advanced innate art, with ice attributes.

After all, his ice spirit root has been successfully reborn.

However, he did not pass this art to Xu Muxian immediately.

Xu Changan not only wants spirit roots and talents, but also character and character.

If the character and character are not good, it is useless to pass it on, so it is better not to pass it on!

After observing for a period of time, if she is qualified, then the Qi Refining Chapter and the Foundation Building Chapter will be passed on first.

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