Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 382 [Three Rules, a Pie in the Sky]

Outskirts of Jidu!

On the top of a mountain.

The Asura Mother stood on the top of the mountain, looking at Xu Changan in front of her, nodded and said: "My name is Fei Buqian!"

"I am the patriarch of the Asura clan, and I am also respected as the Mother by the clan members. I am also the mother of Wu Lian!"

"Hello, senior!" Xu Changan bowed his hands.

Fei Buqian said: "This [Asura Plate] in your hand is the sacred object of my Asura clan. It was originally part of the supreme fairy weapon [Karma Fire Red Lotus] in the fairy world. Billions of years ago, the Karma Fire Red Lotus shattered, and I, Indra, partially obtained a wisp of the Red Lotus Karma Fire, and the lotus platform fragment in your hand!"

"This thing was lost tens of thousands of years ago!"

"Since it is in your hands, and your master Minghe Zhenren and my Asura clan have some cause and effect, so this palace will not chase it back, and leave this thing for you to use for self-defense!"

Hearing Fei Buqian say this, Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, he reacted: There is no free thing in the world.

This woman must be asking for something.

"Senior!" Xu Changan bowed and said, "What do you need from me?"

"Smart!" Fei Buqian smiled, then raised her jade hand, and a wisp of red flame rose between her index and middle fingers: "This is a wisp of red lotus karma fire tamed by me, it is the real heavenly fire!"

"It can drive away the vast karma in you!"

Fei Buqian still did not say what she wanted, but offered a higher price to tempt Xu Changan.

Xu Changan was unmoved.

Karma fire?

He wanted it!

But he knew that this would definitely come at a price, so he should first see the other party's conditions.

"Hehe..." Looking at Xu Changan's expression, Fei Buqian smiled and said, "He is indeed a person of great luck, and has a good character!"

Xu Changan bowed again: "Please speak frankly, senior!"

"Okay!" Fei Buqian said: "The Zhenwu Jedi is about to open, and my Asura clan has lost a treasure in it. After the evil spirit of the Jedi is suppressed by the star power of the Nine Stars, you follow Wu Lian into it and find the treasure of my clan. This [Asura [The Asura Plate] belongs to you, and this strand of [Red Lotus Karma Fire] in my hand is also given to you! "

Xu Changan folded his hands and said, "Then, junior, do your best!"

"Not do your best!" Fei Buqian said, "You must get it!"

"If you can't get it, don't blame me for being ruthless. By then, what you lose will not be as simple as this Asura Plate!"

"I will take your life!"

Fei Buqian's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the brilliance of the Zhoutian Sun suddenly decreased by three points. Snowflakes flew across the sky and dark clouds gathered.

The thought of a great cultivator of the Lianxu period can cause the sky to change.

Xu Changan couldn't even raise his head and couldn't breathe.

The whole person was completely suppressed by the power of rules between heaven and earth.

When he felt the sunlight above his head was bright again, he raised his head and found that the great cultivator of the Lianxu period had left the top of the mountain without knowing when and disappeared.

Beside him, there was only Wu Lian Nihong in black.

"Hu..." Xu Changan exhaled deeply.

Wu Lian held two swords, one black and one red, and said, "Xu Changan, you made a fortune!"

Xu Changan looked at her and asked, "A fortune? Do you know what is in this Zhenwu Jedi?"

"I only have the cultivation of the third level of the Jindan period, I will die!"

Wu Lian said, "Don't worry, you won't die... What is there to be afraid of for a person with great luck? It's just a Zhenwu Jedi, it's not like you'll run into my mother!"

Xu Changan was immediately confused: "Hey... Since your mother is a great refining virtual, why doesn't she go to the Zhenwu Jedi in person? Wouldn't it be easy to take out your treasures?"

"As far as I know, this Zhenwu Jedi does not suppress cultivation, and there is no restriction on the cultivation level of entry, right?"

He stared at Wu Lian.

Wu Lian shook her head and said, "You don't understand this. First, my mother can't leave the Ashura Holy Land for a long time."

"Second, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the probability of falling into the Jedi!"

"Then you have to tell me, what treasure of your family is in the Zhenwu Jedi?" Xu Changan looked curious.

Wu Lian said, "It's a sword, a broken sword!"

"Here!" She took out her red rapier and said, "See? This red sword is made in imitation of that short sword."

"It is the treasure of my Asura clan. Once this sword is out, it can kill a Mahayana cultivator!"

Hiss hiss hiss...

When Xu Changan heard this, he felt cold all over.

Damn it!

A broken sword can actually kill a Mahayana cultivator?

"Isn't it an immortal weapon?" Xu Changan asked again.

Wulian said, "Yes... but it is a broken one, but with this sword, my Asura clan can truly stand on this continent for billions of years. Of course, this sword has limitations in use. Every time you use it, you must bathe..."

"Hey, why are you asking this?"

"Don't ask about our Asura secrets!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan shook his head, his body turned into a stream of light, and came to Jidu.

Wu Lian caught up with him, riding two magic swords. She flew beside Xu Changan and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xu Changan said, "Back to Jidu!"

Wu Lian said, "Aren't you going to Zhenwu Jedi?"

Xu Changan said loudly, "The Nine Stars will not come until March next year, and there is still nearly half a year. Why go so early? We need to prepare first!"

After returning to Jidu, Zhuque Street was under martial law again.

A huge guard of honor walked slowly with the envoys.

Xu Changan looked at the envoys riding on the giant elephants and frowned: Are they the envoys of Qin again?

The Qin people are tall, about twice as tall as the Yan people.

It is easy to identify.

The people around were also talking about it!

"The Qin envoys are here again?"

"Yes, not only the Qin envoys, but these days, the envoys of Zhao, Han, Chu and Wei have basically come, saying that they want to support our Great Yan in the war with Qi!"

Xu Changan suddenly remembered what Zhen Qingyan had said to him before!

It seems that the other princes and countries are a little restless. Is the conspiracy of Emperor Yan and Yue Yi about to succeed?

"You find a place to stay first!" Xu Changan said to Wu Lian, "I'm going to visit an old friend first, can you not follow me?"

"No!" Wu Lian held the sword and said, "Where you go, I will go!"

Xu Changan's face darkened.

He had planned to go see Zhen Qingyan.

This woman sucked him full at Xiankeju last time, saying that she wanted to leave Xu Changan with a flesh and blood descendant. I don't know if she is pregnant. If she was pregnant at that time, maybe the child is two years old now!

But now, Wu Lian is stuck to me like a dog skin plaster, and I can't get rid of it.

How to go?

It's not good if Senior Sister Zhen misunderstands after I go.

Forget it!

I won't go for now. I'll go to find Senior Sister Zhen after Zhenwu Jedi is over.

"Let's go!" Xu Changan made a prompt decision and said, "Go to Zhenwu Jedi and wait for it to open!"

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