Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 383 [Entrance to the Jedi, seeing familiar faces again]

"This rabbit can actually fly?"

"And fly so fast?"

"Damn Xu Changan...wait for me..."

Wulian stepped on two black and red fairy swords with her feet, and her body was like a stream of light passing through the sky.

Her speed was almost as fast as the extreme, but she couldn't catch up with the seemingly clumsy and bald rabbit in front of her?

What the hell is this thing?

"Dabai, slow down, wait for her..."

Lying on Dabai's back, Xu Changan patted its neck.

Dabai whined twice in dissatisfaction, and then slowed down.

When I came out of Jidu, I took the teleportation array, but unfortunately I couldn't get to Lulong County.

Because Lulong County was now occupied by the Qi army, the teleportation array in Lulong County could not be used, so I could only go to the next door of Lulong County, and then fly directly for the rest of the journey.

Over the years, Dabai has been thrown into the small world by Xu Changan.

The speed in the small world is ten times that of the outside, and there are all kinds of spiritual herbs. Although the level of the spiritual herbs is relatively low, it doesn't matter, as long as there is a large amount.

Dabai has been practicing in seclusion here, and now he has reached the twelfth level of the Golden Core Stage.

He is only one step away from breaking through to the Nascent Soul Stage.

It is said that once they reach the Nascent Soul stage, some gifted monsters can transform into human form.

I don’t know if this Dabai will transform into a human form.

Since the Golden Core Stage, Dabai can fly, but Xu Changan has never ridden it. After trying it for a few days, Xu Changan didn’t expect that Dabai’s speed was so fast?

Even Wu Lian couldn’t catch up.


Wulian stepped on the two swords and finally caught up.

Xu Changan lay on the rabbit’s back and said lazily: "Or, you should come up with me, flying is too hard!"


Wulian put away her proud face and landed on the rabbit’s back.


The rabbit suddenly accelerated, and its speed was more than twice faster than before.

"So soft!" Wu Lian sat on Dabai's back, as if she had discovered a new world. Her little hands kept pinching it left and right, and she said while pinching: "It feels so good, Xu Changan, what kind of pet is this?"

Xu Changan said: "Rabbit!"

"Tsk..." Wu Lian looked unconvinced and said: "Have you ever seen a rabbit fly? And this one is in the perfect stage of Jindan, and is only one step away from stepping into Yuanying. Can a rabbit practice?"

Wu Lian looked at Xu Changan and felt like she was looking at a fool.

Xu Changan said: "Can't rabbits have spiritual roots?"

"Okay!" She was too lazy to argue with Xu Changan.

After about half an incense stick of time, Wu Lian couldn't help but ask again: "Is your rabbit male or female?"

This question stumped Xu Changan.

Since he got this Dabai, he really hasn't cared about it.

"This..." He scratched his head and said: "This... I don't know either!"

It should be a male, right?

Xu Changan thought: If it is a female rabbit, it won't be bald, right?

It must be a male!

While thinking, he saw Wu Lian turned around, crawled back, and stretched out his hand to lift Da Bai's tail.

Xu Changan asked in confusion: "What are you doing?"

Wu Lian said: "I want to see if it is a male or a female!"


Xu Changan's face turned black.

Then the flying Da Bai shook directly, almost throwing the two off its back.


In the west of Lulong County, there is a mountain that towers into the clouds!

There is a deep valley that is thousands of feet deep and about a hundred miles long. It is the first Jedi of Yan State: Zhenwu Jedi.

Legend has it that in ancient times, the Zhou Emperor killed the Xuanmen Zhenwu Emperor and threw his head in this valley. Over time, endless Yinsha power accumulated in this valley.

The evil spirit condensed and did not disperse, gathering in the valley, thus deriving many evil treasures. For countless years, many cultivators went there to seek opportunities.

As a result, more cultivators died here.

Later, because almost all the cultivators who entered it died here, later generations dared not enter it easily.

It is unknown from when that people discovered that the starlight projected when the nine stars in the sky were in a row had magical power and could suppress the evil spirit here, so they entered the Zhenwu Jedi to explore when the nine stars were in a row once every five hundred years, and actually walked out of the deep valley unscathed.

From then on, whenever the nine stars in the sky were in a row, cultivators came from all over Yan State to enter the Jedi to search for treasures.

The opening of the Jedi is probably like this. It is not really the opening of the entrance, but it is just the nearest time to enter.

"Is this the evil spirit?"

Xu Changan, lying on the back of the rabbit, turned over and looked at the black airflow rushing out of the valley in front.

"I don't know!" Wu Lian shook his head and said, "But it should be!"

The two jumped off the back of the rabbit.

There are two mountains thousands of feet high in front of him.

There is a valley between the two mountains, and Xu Changan is facing the valley mouth.

These two huge mountains seem to be a special formation, trapping the evil spirits in the valley. These evil spirits can only burst out through the valley mouth.


A black airflow is fiercely pressurized out of the valley, and it is sprayed hundreds of feet away.

After a few breaths, the black airflow is sucked clean by the valley again.

Then it continues to spray out and then sucked back.

This valley mouth is like a living thing, swallowing and spitting out like breathing.

Xu Changan's eyes swept around.

Although it is still a long time before the opening of the Jedi, many people have come to wait.

You know, Lulong County has been taken over by Qi, so Xu Changan estimated that there will definitely be many Qi Xuanmen coming.

Of course, there are also many people in Yan Xuanmen.

"I'll go and see!"

Xu Changan took a step forward and came to the place where the evil spirit was gushing.


A black airflow rushed along the valley like a flood.

Xu Changan skimmed over the water and collected some [evil spirit] with a porcelain bottle.

He wanted to try to see what this evil spirit was.

Back then, he could easily detoxify the miasma under Doujiao Mountain with the golden blood of his thirteenth brother, but he didn't know if this evil spirit would work.

"Hiss..." Xu Changan inhaled a trace of evil spirit to try.

He was not afraid of what the evil spirit would do to him, because even if the power of starlight suppressed the evil spirit here in the future, he would definitely inhale the evil spirit when entering the Zhenwu Jedi.

Let's feel it in advance.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The evil spirit just inhaled was cleaned up by the golden blood in his body.


Xu Changan's eyes moved slightly: Golden blood can actually clear the evil spirit, then I will have a great advantage when entering this Jedi in the future!

"Junior Brother Xu... No!"

At this moment, a crisp voice came from the side.

Xu Changan turned his head and saw an acquaintance: Xuan Jiezhi.

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