Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 384 [Spiritual Golden Elixir, Taoist of Tianfu]

Xuan Jie moved and landed next to Xu Changan.

"Senior Brother Xuan?"

Xu Changan was a little surprised.

Xuan Jie Zhi ridiculed him many times during the competition between the three sects and sixteen sects. Later, after Xu Changan suppressed Huang Buyan in one fell swoop, Xuan Jie Zhi was very embarrassed, so he went out to look for opportunities.

At that time, he was just a Dzogchen practitioner in the foundation building stage.

Xu Changan glanced around and found that the current Xuanzhi had already cultivated the golden elixir.

And his cultivation level is not low, he is already at the fifth level of Golden Core.

It's two floors higher than Xu Changan.

It is indeed a mutated single wind spiritual root.

"Let's go..." Xuan Jiezhi pulled Xu Changan back several hundred feet, avoiding the waves of evil spirit: "The evil spirit here is very powerful. I accidentally got a trace of it before. What a big loss!”

"Junior brother, didn't you... fall under the catastrophe?" Xuan Jie said: "The last time I heard the news, I felt really sad for my brother for a while!"

Xu Changan said: "Really?"

Xuan Jiezhi smiled bitterly: "Really, I was wrong to ridicule you before, but I don't want you to die either!"

Xu Changan nodded, Thaksin believed in this.

Looking at Xuan Jiezhi's red eyes, Xu Changan asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Xuan Jiezhi's expression suddenly became serious and he said: "This evil spirit can disturb people's minds!"

"If you inhale too much, it will easily make people go crazy, and the blood in the body will surge and boil, as if there is endless energy. I suspect that if you inhale too much, it will make people go crazy until they die of exhaustion!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded.

He had just inhaled a trace of evil spirit, and it was indeed as Xuan Jie said, once the breath entered his body, his whole blood boiled.

If it weren't for the thirteen drops of golden blood in his body, Xu Changan would not be so stable.

"Are you okay?" Xu Changan asked Xuan Jiezhi.

The way to declare the precept: "It's okay. I won't inhale too much. I can control it. In two months, I can get rid of this damn thing!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "Then when this Jedi opens, how will you get in?"

The way to declare the precept: "It's okay. When the Jedi is activated, there will be nine stars in the sky. The power of starlight will suppress this evil spirit. By then, the evil spirit will be reduced to an extremely low level. In addition, I am already negotiating the price with that guy. He I have a high-quality [Lingming Golden Pill] on hand. If I can buy a bottle, then this trip to Jedi will be fine!”

As he spoke, Xuan Jie pointed at another chubby guy wearing a white Taoist robe: "This man is a Taoist from Tianfu, a monk from the Qi Kingdom, and has good attainments in alchemy!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan nodded calmly.

At this time, Taoist priest Tianfu also came over.

This man is tall and fat, with a kind smile on his face, but looking at his cultivation, he has already reached the perfect state of the twelfth level of the golden elixir stage, and is just a little short of entering the Great Nascent Soul.

"Fellow preacher, how are you thinking about it?" Tianfu Taoist said with a smile: "If you don't want it, I will sell my top-grade [Lingming Golden Pill] to others!"

Xu Changan looked around and saw that there were more and more monks around.

Lingming Jindan, a thing that can drive away evil spirits, naturally has no worries about sales.

The way to declare the precept: "Wait a moment, I will discuss it with my junior brother!"

"Junior brother!" Tianfu Taoist looked at Xu Changan and said, "My little friend, are you also going to enter this Zhenwu Jedi Land? It is very dangerous here. If you don't have the Lingming Golden Pill, you will be seeking death if you go in!"

"I have a high-grade Lingming Golden Pill here, do you want it?"

While he was talking, he took out a porcelain bottle: "A bottle of golden elixir, and it's top grade. There are twelve pills in total. I'll sell you two million mid-grade spiritual stones!"

Hiss, hiss...

Xu Changan gasped and said, "Two million?"

"Isn't this too expensive?"

You know, Lingming Golden Pill sounds very high-end, but in fact, this thing is just a third-grade pill.

Previously, Xu Changan purchased a lot of third-grade medicinal materials for refining [Lingming Golden Pill] from the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce. Such a complete set of medicinal materials is about 60,000 medium-grade spiritual stones.

According to the standards of the cultivation world, five medicinal materials and one pot of pills only amount to 300,000 medium-grade spiritual stones.

This guy asked for two million.

It's's really dark.

"Expensive?" Tianfu Taoist sneered and said, "Xuan Jiezhi and I have been friends for many years. What I'm giving you this time is a friendship price. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't sell it for three million yuan!"

"That's just right!" Xu Changan cupped his hands and said, "I don't want to buy it either!"

"Hmph..." Tianfu Taoist snorted coldly, turned and left.

Xuanzhi looked sad and said: "Junior brother, if you don't want to buy it, you won't buy it. Why bother to offend him? Let's do this. I still have 800,000 spiritual stones. You can lend me some and I will buy them!"

Xu Changan immediately looked at Xuan Jiezhi like a fool and said, "Senior brother, have you forgotten that I am an alchemist?"

"Give me your 1.2 million spiritual stones, and I will refine two bottles for you!"

The next moment, Xu Changan took out his Hundred Refining Cauldron.

At the same time, another piece of material was suspended in the void.

"I'll help you refine it!"

Xuan Jiezhi's eyes lit up slightly: "Okay, okay, I forgot, junior brother, you are also good at alchemy!"


Xu Changan waved his hand, and a formation took root on the ground, and immediately a fourth-grade defensive formation rose up.


The fourth-grade forbidden god formation also landed.

"Hey..." Xuan Jiezhi next to him was stunned: "Oh my God, this is a fourth-grade formation... Junior Brother Xu, what's wrong with your formation? How can you set it up with a wave of your hand?"

Xu Changan smiled and said, "This is a formation talisman. I'll tell you later!"

"Let's make the elixir first!"

The materials he bought from Yanbei Chamber of Commerce were not many, only ten.

For Xu Changan, the third-grade elixir was simply a piece of cake.

In half an hour, he refined a furnace of the best [Spiritual Bright Golden Pill] and gave it to Xuan Jiezhi.

Xuan Jiezhi took out a storage bag and said, "Junior brother, this is 1.2 million spiritual stones!"

"Don't!" Xu Changan waved his hand and said, "You really give it to me..."

Xuan Jiezhi said, "This is a top-grade product. I saved 800,000 yuan. Why don't you give it to me?"

Xu Changan said, "You don't need that much. According to the rules of the cultivation world, you can give me 300,000 yuan. Well... This is a top-grade product. You can give me more and make up 500,000 yuan!"

"Okay, okay... That's great!" Xuan Jiezhi took out 500,000 medium-grade spiritual stones and gave them to Xu Changan.

Xu Changan continued to refine the elixir.

One furnace after another, soon, all ten medicinal materials were refined into [Lingming Golden Pill].

All of them are top-grade, without any accidents.

"Here you go!" After putting away the array talisman, Xu Changan took out a porcelain bottle and gave it to Wu Lian Nihong.

"What?" Wu Lian Nihong asked after taking the elixir.

Xu Changan said, "It's an elixir that can drive away the evil spirit. Swallow one pill and you can avoid the evil spirit for ten days!"

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