Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 397 [Advanced Space, Crazy Stone Collection]

"Not surprising!"

Yun Meng said: "I heard that the upper reaches of the Xiangshui River is the burial place of Emperor Zhenwu!"

"The river flows down from the burial ground of Emperor Zhenwu. It soaks and bathes in Zhenwu Taoism, and then it has many magical powers. Then these Taoism soaks the stones, so that certain stones can carry specific Taoism. The Dharma flows down the river and nourishes our descendants!”

"Emperor Zhenwu is said to be the supreme emperor of Xuanmen. He is not only proficient in alchemy and talisman making, but also has comprehended hundreds of Taoist methods. He has been rampant in Xuanmen for thousands of years. If he hadn't met the emperor, he would have He is the immortal who can ascend and become immortal!"

Xu Changan secretly thought it was a pity.

Such an amazing and talented person actually fell into the hands of the emperor.

How terrifying is this emperor?

"Ding dong..."

The stone in Jing Shen's hand was thrown far away, and it happened to fall into the perfume.

With a thud, it sank to the ground!

It has not been corroded and melted like the stone Xu Changan threw just now.

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: It is said to be an ordinary stone, but can this stone be ordinary?

He also picked up a black stone from the ground. With a slight movement of magic power in his hand, with a click, the black Yinsha leather shell on the surface of the stone exploded, revealing the true face of the cobblestone.

There is no Taoism on it.


Xu Changan's wisdom widened and he looked directly at the stone.

With a keen eye, I saw that there was a layer of misty air on the stone that was condensed and not dispersed, and neither the naked eye nor the mind could sweep it out.

It's really different!

Let’s put some away first. I don’t know if there is any record of such stones in the [Basic Mechanical Weapon Refining Method]. Maybe they are a kind of weapon refining material!

It’s not difficult to take it out anyway.

"Okay!" Jing Shen said: "Everyone, let's start picking up stones. If you come across a stone containing [Star Taoism], don't forget to exchange it with me!"


The crowd began to disperse and pick up stones by the river.


Xu Changan opened his eyes again and scanned the dark stones on the river beach.

However, it’s no use!

I don't know if there is one, or there is no Taoist stone at all. Anyway, Xu Changan looked over and saw nothing.


This time, he transported the mana to the eyes, and Taiyi's barrier-breaking reincarnation golden eyes opened.

After double-wisdom scanning, I still couldn't find any difference in the stones here.

It seems that the Yinsha skin on Yin's small layer of stone is not trivial, it can actually block the intrusion of Xuanmen's magic power.

Xu Changan had no means of searching easily, so he could only start to explore piece by piece like everyone else.




The Yinsha skin of each stone was shattered.

But disappointingly, they were all ordinary rocks.

Xu Changan didn't waste any time. He wanted to put all the stones that had broken through the Yinsha skin into his storage bag, but the next moment he suddenly realized that he couldn't put them in at all.

"No need to be surprised, Master Nephew Xu!" Jing Shen said: "The stones here contain some kind of power of the laws of heaven and earth, so they cannot be taken away!"

"Only those Tao Dharma stones can be taken away after your Tao Dharma resonates with the Tao Dharma on the stone!"

"Otherwise the monks would take all the sand and gravel back to the sect and then slowly wipe off the skin. Wouldn't that be bad?"

Xu Changan nodded: Indeed.

"I found it... I found it... Look..."

Xuanzhi shouted.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads and looked at Xuan Jiezhi, and saw that he was holding a stone in his hand, and there were streaks of green light emitting from the stone.

Yunmeng said: "What kind of Taoism is it?"

The way to declare the precept: "'s a water attribute. It's a pity that it's not right for me!"

"It doesn't matter!" Yun Meng said: "Resonate the mana and spiritual thoughts in your body with this stone, and then you can put it in the storage bag!"

"Okay, let me try!"

The divine will and magic power of the announcement came out at the same time.

Then, a dazzling light emitted from the stone, and then it was successfully put into the storage bag by the admonition.

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: just now he scanned the area with his Wisdom Eye and Taiyi's Barrier-Breaking Samsara Golden Eye, but he didn't find any Taoist stones in this area, but now, Xuan Jiezhi picked up one.

That means that it's not that there are no Taoist stones here, but that these two magical powers of my own cannot be used.

Invalid for Wanfa sand and gravel?


Xu Changan removed the leather shell from one of the stones, and found another ordinary stone.

This time he didn't throw it away, but looked around.

The rest were earnestly searching for stones.

With a thought, he sent the stone in his hand to the golden talisman space.

In the golden talisman space, the immortal fire burned unbridled.

After the stone was sent into it, it was melted by the fire in three seconds, and then turned into a pool of colored glass.

After half a stick of incense, the pool of liquid disappeared.

This proves a problem. One's own golden talisman space can indeed collect such useless stones, but after being collected, this thing will be burned to nothing by the immortal fire.

The second stone.


This time, the income is in the small world.

That’s ok too!

It seems that it is not that the storage space cannot be stored, but that the low-level storage space cannot be stored.

"Collect, collect, collect..."


Pieces of Yinsha sand and gravel with leather shells were taken into the small world by Xu Changan and placed on the top of a high mountain in the small world.

Dabai transformed into a shelling maniac, peeling stones crazily.

Of course, in order not to attract the attention of others, Xu Changan did not loot on a large scale. Instead, he bent down and collected them one by one. The speed seemed very slow, but he removed the shells one by one and inspected them better than others. Much better.

However, this method does not seem to be very fast.

"This is for you!" Xu Changan gave his Thunder Ruler to the eldest princess Wu Lian Nihong: "You hold on to the power of Yin evil here, and I'll go over there and take a look!"

He pointed to the side.

Wu Lian said: "Aren't you afraid?"

Xu Changan shook his head: "I'm not afraid!"

After giving the ruler to the eldest princess, Xu Changan went upstream along the river.

After exiting the tens of feet of space opened by the [鑴雷 Ruler], the outside was filled with a gloomy and sinister aura.

It was foggy, and no more than five feet could be seen.

And within five feet, you can't see clearly, you can only see some shadowy figures.



Where no one was looking, Xu Changan felt like a fish in water. With a wave of his hand, his spiritual thoughts spurted out like a river. Although there was only a distance of five feet, all the black stones within five feet were swept away by him and moved away. In my own little world.

Keep going!



Thousands of stones were collected by Xu Changan crazily.

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