Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 398 [Both mother and child dead, exchange one leg]

Xu Changan went upstream against the direction of the river. After a short time, a small mountain had been piled up in the small world.

Dabai rubbed the leather shell desperately.

You know, Dabai is in a small world, and the flow of time here is ten times faster than outside, so the speed at which it rubs its skin is also ten times faster.

Two hours later, many stones with various Taoist magic appeared.

The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth have the most attributes.

There are also thunder attributes, wind attributes, etc.

There was even a stone with space properties.

Xu Changan waved his hand and took the space-attributed stone in his hand. There were countless magnificent and profound dharma on it.

can't read!

I can't understand it at all.

"This thing shouldn't be something I can comprehend!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and put the stone away.

He doesn't plan to continue filling the small world with rocks.

On the one hand, it is useless, because his spiritual roots are mixed spiritual roots of the ten series. I believe that in this huge pile of stones, all ten series must be found. After all, Dabai has only found one after rubbing it for two hours. of eight.

It just lacks light and ice attributes.

Secondly, Xu Changan was afraid that if he played like this, he would disturb some kind of taboo among the Jedi.

So he stopped!

Walking back out of the mist, he returned to everyone.

"Senior Brother Xu, I found it!"

"what about you!"

"I found it too!"

"I have a thunder attribute here!"

"I have an ice attribute here, who wants it?"

It had only been about two hours, and almost everyone had been found.

Only Master Jingshen had a sad face.

It's not that he didn't find it, but what he needed was a stone with the power of the stars, and this stone didn't appear.

"Master Nephew Xu, have you found it?" Jing Shen looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan nodded and said: "Senior, I found them all!"

He waved his hand and took out five stones, with five different types of light shining on them, namely gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

All five attributes are available.

"This..." Everyone was surprised when they looked at the stone in Xu Changan's hand.

"Why are you so fast?"

Jing Shen said: "Could it be that there are a lot of rocks on the side you went to just now?"

What a fart!

Xu Changan couldn't explain it, so he could only smile and said: "I guess so..."

Jing Shen said: "Where did you go just now?"

Xu Changan said: "'s not that far, only a few miles!"

"Come on, let's go there too!" Jing Shen was excited.

Not only was he moved, but the others were also moved.

Especially Xuan Jie Zhi, although he found a few, he did not find any wind attribute stones.

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded, then looked at the direction of the water flow and said, "Go...upstream, over here!"

He took the [Thunder Ruler] in his hand again and walked all the way upstream, but he always felt that something was wrong.

What exactly is wrong?

Xu Changan frowned and couldn't say anything.

After walking about a hundred feet, Xu Changan finally felt something was wrong.

Just as I was walking along, many stones were brought into the small world. There should be patches of open space by the river.

But now, there is no open space by the river, there are still piles of pebbles.

what happened?

"Ah..." Wu Lian shouted again. She hugged Xu Changan and said: "Ghost, ghost, ghost... there is a ghost..."

Xu Changan looked forward and found a mummy by the river.

The mummy was wearing a bright red Taoist robe and seemed to have been dead not long ago.

But in the hands of the mummy, there was a baby.

A baby is naturally a mummy.

It’s really weird, there are people who bring their children to Jedi?

While Xu Changan was thinking, he turned back to look at Wu Lian and said: "It's okay to hug me, but you can't pee on my leg anymore..."

Wu Lian shrank her head and whispered: "Shut up!"

"Besides, do you believe I will give you a sword?"

Everyone paused for a moment!

Yun Meng said: "Let's go, stay away from them, go around..."

Xu Changan took the lead and walked around from the side.

At the same time, a bunch of doubts arose in his heart: No, when I just walked over, I didn't see the corpses of the mother and son?

Could it be that the evil spirit was so strong just now that I didn't see it, and then it passed by their mother and son?

Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

If this mummy still has the ability to attack, give it to me at that time, maybe you will suffer a loss!

After bypassing the corpses of his mother and son, and continuing to walk a hundred feet forward, Xu Changan suddenly stopped and said, "That's not right..."


Xu Changan's words scared the people around him and drew their weapons.

"No, no, no..." Xu Changan quickly waved his hands and said, "What I'm saying is that we are going in the wrong direction!"

"Think about it!" He looked at everyone and said, "When we just walked to the Perfume River, facing upstream, which side of the river is on our left and right?"

Everyone frowned slightly.

Yun Meng said: "It's on the right!"

"That's right!" Jing Shen said, "It's indeed the right side!"

Everyone thought carefully and realized that it was the right one.

But now, look at the river!

When facing the upstream direction, the river ran to everyone's left.

"This... this perfume river can move?" Wulian Nihong was so frightened that her figure trembled: "It can move and came to our left..."


Xu Changan shook his head and said, "I think the river didn't move, but the water did!"

Xuan Jiezhi asked, "Xu Junior Brother, what do you mean?"

Xu Changan said, "Just now, the river was flowing from top to bottom, but now, it seems to be flowing in the opposite direction..."

Everyone's eyes immediately looked at the dark river water.

The river is wide, and the space opened by Xu Changan's thunder ruler can only see a corner of the river.

But even in this corner, the direction of the river can still be distinguished.

"I understand!" Miaoyin said, "We are going in the wrong direction!"

"That's right!" Xu Changan said, "Everyone, let's go back... Let's go back to where we just came from!"

"Let's go!"

Everyone followed Xu Changan back again.

After returning to Baizhang, they saw another dried corpse by the river.

Both corpses!

In the dark space, a dried corpse in a bright red robe sat by the river, and her posture seemed to be staring at the river.

"Go around... Go around..." Wu Lian didn't dare to look directly at the mummy.

Miaoyin was also scared and didn't look at it, turning her face away.

Even the Great Yuanying Yunmeng lowered her head.

Xuan Jiezhi said: "Eh... That's not right... She..."

"Where's her child?"


Hearing Xuan Jiezhi's reminder, everyone raised their heads and looked into the arms of the mummy woman.

The child who was originally in her arms disappeared in a short time.

Xuan Jiezhi said: "This... The child can run away?"

"Ahhhhhhh..." Wu Lian Nihong screamed and trembled, and hugged Xu Changan tightly again.

Xu Changan's face was bitter: "Sister, do you think it's asymmetrical? This time, my other leg was soaked again..."

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