Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 399 [Ghost baby crying at night, everyone makes a choice]

"Everyone, pay attention!"

Yun Meng said: "This place is weird!"

Needless to say, almost everyone took out their magic weapons.

But the surroundings were strangely quiet, without any sound.

No baby was seen, nor was the red-robed mummy.

"Fuck his grandma..." Xuan Jiezhi, perhaps because of too much pressure in his heart, immediately took out the sword.


The mana in his body was running, and the violent spiritual power surged out, and the flying sword instantly turned into several feet in size.

Yun Meng said: "Jiezhi, what are you doing?"

Xuan Jiezhi said: "He is a sneaky thing, let's take the initiative and see if he will come out..."

While speaking, Xuan Jiezhi pointed the long sword at the red-robed female mummy.

The sword has not arrived yet, and under the blowing of the sword, the red robe actually floated up, and the smell and breath of the sleeves came from the red robe.


At this moment, before Xuan Jiezhi made a move, a loud and clear baby cry came from the Yinsha mist next to him.

The sound became louder and clearer.

It was creepy to hear.

Xuan Jiezhi did not dare to attack the female corpse in red easily, but turned his head and slashed into the endless dark evil spirit with a sword.


The infinite magic power fell, and the black Yinsha power seemed to be split into two pieces. During the short Yinsha floating, a short baby figure flashed away.


Xuan Jiezhi said: "Look at me killing you!"


He flew over with the wind under his feet, turning into a tornado.

Wherever the tornado went, the Yinsha Qi was pushed away and dared not approach.

However, Xuan Jiezhi searched for a long time in the Yinsha Qi, but did not find the figure of the baby.

Although Xuan Jiezhi's magic power was strong, he didn't dare to stay alone in the evil for a long time, so he retreated.

"Did you find the ghost baby?" asked Jing Can Taoist.

Xuan Jiezhi shook his head and said, "No!"

"Ah..." Fairy Miaoyin was startled and said, "You, you, you... your back..."

She shouted while pointing at Xuan Jiezhi's back.

"Huh?" Xuan Jiezhi asked what happened?

He turned around, but saw nothing.

Yun Meng said, "Don't look, you're on your shoulder..."

At this time, everyone's eyes also fell on Xuan Jiezhi's shoulder, but they saw that there were several white handprints the size of babies on his shoulder.

Xuan Jiezhi's goose bumps exploded all over his body.

"I'll kill this woman first..." He waved his hand and sacrificed the long sword in his hand, but when he turned around, where was the figure of the female corpse by the river?

It was gone long ago.

Xu Changan's eyes moved.

Yun Meng said, "Go quickly... It's too weird here!"

You know, in front of everyone, and with two powerful Yuanying stage masters, this mother and son's mummies disappeared without a trace in an instant.

No one saw how the woman left.

This kind of horror can only be felt by the person involved.

Xu Changan did not dare to neglect it. He raised the thunder ruler in his hand and walked along the river.

Everyone followed closely behind him.

After walking about a hundred feet away, there were cries of babies from the Yinsha behind.

"Damn..." This time even Xu Changan was guilty. He waved his hand and took out a golden thunder talisman and threw it far away!

At the same time, he took out the Netherworld Treasure Lamp and blew it fiercely at the dense Yinsha Qi in front of him.


A hundred feet behind him, it turned into a dark blue sea of ​​fire, and countless Yinsha Qi were burned clean.

The mother and son did not know where they went. Anyway, after waiting for a long time, everyone did not hear the crying again.

Probably left.

"Let's go..."

Keep going forward.

After walking for several miles, there was no more horrible baby crying from behind, and everyone finally felt relieved.

Pieces of cleaned ground were exposed by the river.

Xu Changan nodded. This was where he collected the Wanfa sand and gravel before.

"Hua La La..." After arriving here, the direction of the water flow in the Perfume River suddenly slowed down, and then slowly turned around, changing from upstream to downstream.

"Look!" Xuan Jiezhi said: "This place is too weird, the direction of the river has changed again!"

"Yes!" Yun Meng also nodded. While looking for stones, she asked Jing Can: "Fellow Daoist Jing Can, what do you think? Do you still want to go to the [Immortal Spring] to take a look?"

"No!" Jing Can shook his head and said: "Although the water of this sacred spring is precious, you must have a life to enjoy it!"

"I am old, and I am the head of the Ziwei Immortal Sect. I can't afford to lose it!"

"Once I find the stone here, I will go out, and I won't go deeper!"

Jing Can looked at Yun Meng: "Fellow Daoist Yun Meng, what about you?"

Yun Meng's face was full of hesitation!

To be honest, she really wanted to go to the Immortal Spring. It is said that there is the Immortal Spring Water in the Immortal Spring. Just drink a drop to quickly replenish the mana in the body of the Yuanying period cultivator.

It is an instant!

For the powerful people in the Yuanying period, this is undoubtedly a rare treasure.

At a critical moment, a drop of this stuff is equivalent to a life.

After thinking for about three breaths, Yun Meng finally shook her head and said, "Forget it, I won't go either..."

She was not afraid of death, but her life and death were indeed of great importance.

There were only two Nascent Soul cultivators in the entire Taixuan Xianzong, one was her and the other was Mingjing.

Mingjing had taken the growth-type [Pohua Dan] to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. Although he was also a Nascent Soul, he was not strong.

If she died in this desperate place, the Taixuan Xianzong would face the embarrassing situation of no one to support the facade, and then the decline would be inevitable.

"Disciple is not going either!"

Xuanjie said: "Except for this Wanfa Sandstone, the opportunities here are not needed by other disciples!"

He was a wind-attributed spiritual root, and the biggest purpose of coming here was to find a wind-attributed Wanfa Sandstone to go back and comprehend.

As for some opportunities inside, they had nothing to do with him.

"Chang'an, what about you?" Yunmeng looked at Xu Chang'an.

Xu Chang'an smiled bitterly: He didn't want to go either.

This place was too evil.

But he had to go!

If you don't go inside, you won't be able to find the remains of the man who entered this place five hundred years ago and the broken sword of the Asura clan.

If you can't find the broken sword, not only will your Asura disk be taken away by Fei Buqian, but you won't be able to get rid of your karma.

If you don't get rid of your karma, how can you practice in the future?

Are you going to steal the karma fire from Fei Buqian, the old monster in the Refining Void Period?

"This..." Xu Changan said, "Disciple needs to go inside to see..."

"Okay!" Yun Meng said, "You have to be careful!"

"In addition, this nine-star conjunction lasts for a total of thirty days, but there are also differences in strength!"

"Remember this clearly, on the fifteenth and sixteenth days, the power of the stars is the strongest and the Yin Sha Qi is the weakest!"

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