Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 406 [The Fountain of Eternal Youth, Qin People Enter]

"He asked Yan to go to the capital... he is the uncle of the current Emperor Yan!"

Yan went to Beijing and was the uncle of the current Emperor Yan. Legend has it that this man was smart since he was a child and had a dignified appearance. He was the most beautiful man in the Yan Kingdom five hundred years ago.

Originally, the old Emperor Yan wanted to pass the throne to him, but unfortunately Yan went to Beijing to focus on cultivating mysticism and had no interest in the throne.

He even changed his name to "Yan goes to Beijing" to show his determination not to take the throne.

He was extremely talented and could transform into a god at the age of 200, and reached the peak of his transformation at the age of 300.

His achievements in the art of swordsmanship are even more unique. With a sword and his cultivation at the peak of becoming a god, he was able to take on the three swords of Asura Holy Mother without falling behind.

From then on, Asura's Holy Wife never stopped looking at Yan Qujing for thousands of years, and even did not hesitate to take out the broken fairy sword in her clan to help Yan Qujing gain enlightenment.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qujing ostensibly promised that Fei Bu would stay with the Asura clan and live with her, but secretly left secretly with Broken Sword.

This time, there was no news.

The concubine was so unhappy that she hated her to the core.

It was a pity that she couldn't leave the clan she was protecting. Later, when she heard the words Yan went to Beijing again, it was the news that he had fallen into the [Zhenwu Jedi].

"I understand!"

Xu Changan said: "So, Yan Qujing is your biological father?"

He looked at Wu Lian and opened his mouth wide.

Wu Lian Neon jumped up angrily and said: " can't be my biological father. My bone age is less than a hundred years old. He has been dead for five hundred years. How can he be my biological father?"

Xu Changan said: "Oh... then how did your mother give birth to you?"

"Who is your father?"

When Wu Lian heard Xu Changan ask this, instead of being angry, she looked confused: "Yes, who is my father?"

"Don't worry about who your father is!" Xu Chang'an said: "Tell me, what are the weaknesses of Yan Qujing? If we snatch the [Broken Sword] from his hands, where should we start, or in other words, you What’s the weakness of that broken sword?”

Both of them stared at Wu Lian.

Wu Lian frowned: "Weakness?"

"It seems not!"

"My mother said that if Yan Qujing was alive, he would be holding a fairy sword and he could kill [Lianxu] with one sword..."

"I heard that he once ran to the gate of Tiandao Sect alone and beat several unborn old immortals from Tiandao Sect into flight..."

Xu Changan:…………

I specifically asked you to talk about your weaknesses, and I didn’t ask you to scare me, okay?

"Forget it... shut up, stop talking..." Xu Changan waved his hand, then took out the jade map slip and said, "Let me see where Sword Valley is!"

Only a few large locations are identified on the map.

【Perfume River Beach】

【Spring of Youth】

【Sword Valley】

【The Land of Fall】

[The place where immortals are buried]

Everyone has already been to the Perfume River Beach.

The Divine Spring of Youth, I heard that there is a spring here, and one drop of water in it can make up for the loss of mana, so it is not to be missed.

As for the fallen place, it is said that there are a lot of materials for refining weapons.

The Sword Valley was transformed by the sword intention of Emperor Zhenwu, and it was filled with Zhenwu sword intention.

You can understand!

The Immortal Burial Place is the place where the remains of Emperor Zhenwu are buried. There is a huge spiritual lake here. It is said that the Taiyi True Water is in the spiritual lake.

"Don't worry about it now!"

Xu Changan stretched out his hand and said: "The closest thing to us now is the Divine Spring of Youth. Let's go there first and see if we can get some opportunities!"

Wu Lian said: "Okay, let's take it one step at a time. If there is really no way to take out the broken sword, I will inform the Holy Mother and ask her to burn away all the karma around you!"

"do not worry!"

For some reason, Wu Lian suddenly felt that removing Xu Changan's karma was more important than finding the broken sword.

Deep in the canyon!

The power of the evil spirit, as dark as ink, was so strong that it seemed like substance.

"Open..." Da Yuanying, who was wearing a black robe, stretched out his hand and pinched out a grain of light, and the light of the rice grain instantly opened a barrier.

"Your Highness, please come in!"

Yan Pingjing and two Yuanying monks walked into it.

"Huh..." Yan Pingjing took a deep breath after entering.

The three of them each threw out their futons and sat down cross-legged.

Yan Pingjing said: "How far is it?"

"There's still a long way to go!" said the monk on the fifth level of Nascent Soul: "We have now crossed the Divine Fountain of Agelessness, and there is still about half the distance, but the power of this evil is too heavy to continue moving forward. I Suggestions, let’s wait first!”

"Wait until the power of the stars becomes stronger in a few days before going!"

"Yes!" Yan Pingjing nodded: "There are many people coming to Zhenwu Jedi this time, most of them are for the Divine Spring of Agelessness and Taiyi True Water. There should not be many people who know about [Abi Broken Sword]!"

"Are you sure you're in Sword Valley?" Yan Pingjing asked the Nascent Soul fifth level.

The fifth level of Nascent Soul said: "I'm sure, when Yan Qujing fell, many people saw with their own eyes that he was injured by the sword in the valley and was attacked by his enemies!"

"It's a pity that after he died, no one dared to touch his broken sword!"

Yan Pingjing's face suddenly showed a hint of pride: "I, the royal family of the Yan Kingdom, are indeed invincible in the world!"

"Haha..." Nascent Soul fifth level said: "That's natural, but it's just the sword that you rely on. If Your Highness gets this broken sword, no one in the future, Prince of Yan Kingdom, can compete with you!"

The fifth level of Nascent Soul stretched out two fingers and whispered: "You can defend when you retreat, you can also attack when you advance..."

"If Emperor Yan refuses to realize his obsession, we can take advantage of it..."

He made a beheading gesture.

Yan Pingjing's eyes flashed with determination: "The most ruthless emperor's family, if it really comes to that point, there is nothing we can do!"

"Your Highness!" The man in black said: "One more thing, Your Highness, please stop doing those trivial things that have nothing to do with the big plan. Otherwise, we will not lose a Nascent Soul!"


Yan Pingjing thought of Xu Changan.

Before, he wanted the third level of Nascent Soul to sneak attack Xu Changan in order to relieve the hatred in his heart.

But I never expected that Xu Changan was so amazing. Not only did he not die, he also tied up his Nascent Soul with his backhand. In the end, the Nascent Soul was swallowed alive by the ominous thing.

Buzz buzz...

At this moment, a talisman in the hand of the monk on the second level of Nascent Soul suddenly flashed with white light.

The monk said happily: "We're here..."

"Great!" Yan Pingjing said; "The Qin people have finally arrived..."

After half a stick of incense, seven or eight tall monks entered the barrier.

"Master Jijie, are you here in person?" Yan Pingjing looked at the tall and mighty leader in front of him with a fiery expression.

This person's name is Qi Jie, and he is a great Yuanying of the Qin State. Moreover, his body is extremely tyrannical and his strength is endless.

The Qin people, who were not strong in spiritual consciousness, were as comfortable as Xu Changan in this desperate situation.

"Well..." Qi Jie glanced at Yan Pingjing, then knelt down with a sincere pounce: "Qi Jie, see His Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Boom..." The eight Great Nascent Souls of Qin State also knelt down: "See His Highness the Crown Prince!"

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