Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 407 [Qin people's plan, see Tianjiao again]


In this barrier that was like an isolated island, Yan Pingjing laughed unscrupulously.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

I like this title.

Don't worry, one day, I will become His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

However, when it is time to be polite, you still have to be polite. Yan Pingjing laughed and asked, "Senior Qijie, I am just the second prince, not the crown prince of Emperor Yan, so don't call me the crown prince in the future!"

"No!" Qijie said, "In my heart, your highness the second prince is famous, and now that I see the prince, I think you are even more impressive!"

"So, in my heart, you are the crown prince!"

"Really!" Being praised for his extraordinary momentum, Yan Pingjing pulled his robe and said, "Even so, you should not shout like this in front of outsiders in the future!"

"Yes, your highness the crown prince!" Qijie stood up respectfully and asked, "Your highness, what do you think of the current situation in Yan and Qi?"

Qijie is a Qin citizen.

The reason why he helped the prince of Yan this time was not a whim, but a long-term plan.

After all, the two countries of Yan and Qi have affected the princes of the world.

If Yan is destroyed, the princes will be destroyed!

But the problem is that the current situation of Yan State is incomprehensible. Everyone wants to help Yan State, but they are afraid that Yan State has a backhand.

Resisting the attack of Qi State and beating Qi State back is not a problem.

This is the common interest of all countries in the world!

But I am afraid that the Emperor of Yan has a big trick hidden. When everyone comes to help him, he will take the opportunity to attack and destroy Qi State. Isn't it raising a tiger to harm?

The princes of the world are waiting and testing. Qin State, as one of the few princes capable of unifying the world, is naturally no exception.

On the issue of whether to assist Yan State, Qin State has already quarreled. Qi Jie came to support the second prince on the king's order. On the one hand, he was trying to find out the strength of Yan State, and on the other hand, he was burying a mine in Yan State.

If Yan State really has a backhand, they, the old Qin people, can at least detonate the mine of the second prince of Yan State, right?

"This..." When Yan Pingjing was asked by Qi Jie, he frowned slightly and said, "Now my Yan State is losing ground, probably because of my father's immorality?"

Qi Jie smiled and said, "The Yan Emperor is wise and brave, and the story of buying horse bones with thousands of gold coins is known to all countries. How can he be immoral? Even if someone is immoral, I think it must be the prince!"

"Yes!" The second prince's eyes lit up and said, "It must be the prince's immorality!"

"Then..." Qi Jie asked again: "The combat effectiveness of the Yan State army is not limited to this, why is it losing ground, is there any trick in it?"

"Now all countries in the world want to help Yan State fight against the tiger and wolf Qi State, but why are they still watching from both sides? It's probably because all the countries in the world are afraid that the Emperor of Yan has hidden part of Yan's luck! "

"This is impossible!" Yan Pingjing shook his head and said, "How is it possible? General Qijie, the luck of a country is of great importance, how can it be hidden casually?"

"Besides, even if it is to be hidden, the national luck will be reduced a lot at once. The jars of other countries are not clay sculptures or wood carvings. Won't they notice it?"

Qijie looked at Yan Pingjing with a smile and said, "Your Highness the Crown Prince makes sense!"


"Let's go!"

On the other side, Xu Changan stood up from the ground, holding the Thunder Ruler in his hand and opened a bubble in this boundless Yinsha Qi, like an isolated island, slowly moving forward.

Behind him, Miaoyin and Wulian followed on the left and right respectively.

Wulian held the sword in both hands and his eyes occasionally patrolled the surroundings, and his body was almost close to Xu Changan's right arm.

The bubble moved slowly in the darkness.

Along the way, countless mummies and dry bones were scattered everywhere like gravel. The cold wind blew the flame of the [Netherworld Treasure Lamp] in Xu Changan's hand, stretching the figures of the three people long, and constantly twisting and deforming, projecting them into the surrounding darkness, like the shadows of ghosts.

"How far is it?"

Her voice was a little trembling, and she asked Xu Changan!

Xu Changan said: "The power of Yin Sha is too heavy, we can't walk fast, and we have to explore the dangers around!"

"I estimate that it will take a day to get there!"

"Then..." Wu Lian asked: "Is the immortal spring over there a beautiful mountain and water?"

Xu Changan threw a look at him as if he was an idiot.

Wu Lian shrank his head and stopped asking questions.

A dry skeleton sat on the ground under the tree.

His robes had long turned into dust with the passage of time, leaving only the bones all over his body, but these bones had also been infected by the Yin Sha Qi and had long turned black.

The cold wind blew.

The head of the withered skeleton swayed in the gap between the clavicle and the spine, making an unpleasant sound of crackling.

At first glance, it seemed to be alive.

"Ah..." Wu Lian covered her eyes in fear and said, "Ghost, ghost, ghost..."

Xu Changan helplessly threw the ruler in his hand to Miaoyin, then freed one hand to pull Wu Lian, saying, "Auntie, please, don't scream, okay?"

"If screaming works, there will be no dead ghosts here?"

"But I'm afraid..." Wu Lian's face turned pale.

Xu Changan was sure that she was not lying, because he held Wu Lian's hand and could feel the throbbing of Wu Lian's body.

"Huh..." A faint blue flame was blown out by Xu Changan, and the sea of ​​fire instantly burned the withered bones that had been dead for who knows how many years.

About a day later, Xu Changan looked at the map and said, "We're here. It should be on the right side. Let's look for it!"

Along the way, they met more and more cultivators.

Xu Changan and the other two Jindan teams merged the bubbles, which became much bigger. With more people, the fear of the evil things in everyone's hearts naturally subsided.

"Okay, let's go this way!"

After turning right and walking for another hour, they finally saw the valley where the immortal spring was located.

In the dark and gloomy air here, light films and bubbles flickered, and it was obvious that many people gathered.

"Friend Xu..."

A hearty and familiar voice came.

Then a fat figure broke into the bubble. It was Du Daxing from Tiandao Sect.

"Daoyou Du?" Xu Changan was quite surprised: "How do you know it's me?"

"Hey..." Du Daxing smiled and said: "Don't ask me about this. Anyway, I didn't mark you. Come on...Daoyou Xu, come over and discuss with us how to break the ghosts and monsters in this Jedi so that we can go to the Immortal Spring behind!"

"Oh?" Xu Changan frowned and said: "Can't we just go there?"

"You think too much!" Du Daxing smiled: "This Immortal Spring is in the valley ahead, but if you want to enter the valley, you must enter from the valley entrance. This valley entrance is the only place with heavy yin in [Zhenwu Jedi]. The yin energy is thicker than the evil energy, and it is also a great place for those mummies and ghosts to nourish!"

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