Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 410 [Shenquan Black Dragon, Numbers Game]

"Are you so early?"

Fairy Caihe looked at Xu Changan with a gloomy expression.

Xu Changan said: "Maybe, we are lucky and haven't encountered many ghosts and monsters!"

"Hmph..." Lady Caihe snorted coldly and said, "I'm telling you, that's what it is!"

"Just because you're lucky for a moment doesn't mean you'll always be lucky. Have you taken the Fountain of Youth?"

She stared at Xu Changan with cold eyes.

Xu Changan stopped talking.

He felt that the big Yuanying in front of him lacked experience and did not even have the most basic emotional intelligence, just like a child.

"Auntie!" Lin Guifan said, "I've seen it with my spiritual mind, and there doesn't seem to be a spiritual spring in this valley!"



Everyone nodded.

Du Daxing asked Xu Changan: "Fellow Daoist Xu, have you found the spiritual spring?"

Xu Changan said: "If you find me, I will have left long ago. Am I still here waiting to be beaten by everyone?"

Du Daxing laughed loudly: "That's true!"

"Don't worry, everyone!"

Among the group of monks who entered behind Xu Changan and in front of Lin Guifan, a white-haired elderly Nascent Soul spoke. He said: "The divine spring has not been opened yet. Once the number of people entering this place reaches one hundred, the divine spring of immortality will It will be closed and no one else can enter!”

"At that time, the divine spring will truly open!"

Everyone looked at the old man.

Lin Guifan nodded and said: "It should be right, I have heard this statement too!"

As for how the spring of youth is opened, it is just a legend.

After all, it was last opened five hundred years ago.

Xu Changan sat cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and thinking!

Restore mind and mood.

You really have to be careful here, because you can use your spiritual thoughts in this canyon. Naturally, the Great Yuanying monks can also use their spiritual consciousness to communicate the power of the rules of heaven and earth. Xu Changan has two Yuanying level puppets and wants to kill them. Nascent Soul is absolutely impossible.

The only thing you can do is to be defensive and try not to conflict with others.

As time goes by, there are more and more monks in this valley.

After about another day's work, one hundred people finally gathered enough.


There seemed to be a force of rules falling between heaven and earth, covering the canyon with a radius of several thousand feet.

A barrier is formed.


At this moment, a huge cliff in the valley opened, revealing a space.

There was a black divine dragon carved from an unknown material in that space. It was lifelike, and there was even pressure from the dragon clan sweeping over it.

"Black Dragon..." the old Nascent Soul said: "This is right here... Everyone, please come in. How much [Fountain of Youth] we can get depends on our chances!"


Hundreds of monks each turned into streams of light and flew up, and within a breath, they all landed in that space.

After the black dragon statue, there is another smooth stone wall.

On the stone wall, a faucet like a faucet was installed.

There is another hole the size of a pearl in the mouth of the dragon head.

"This is the Divine Spring of Youth!" The old man pointed to the dragon head and said, "It is said that every monk has a chance to get the spring water!"

"As for how much you can take, it depends on your chance. You still have a choice!"

"Hehehe... I will do my duty, I will come first!"


The old man's body flashed and he was the first to fall under the dragon's head.

The others all regretted that they had known that the first one would have taken the lead.

Once the old man got close to the dragon head, a barrier blocked him.

Outsiders cannot enter, but they can clearly see the situation inside through the transparent barrier light.

Buzz buzz...

A light suddenly flashed on the smooth stone wall behind the dragon head.

The light fell on the old man.

In about four or five breaths, the light dissipated, and instead, another twelve-square grid was revealed on the stone wall!

There are four rows horizontally and three columns vertically.

There are ten grids in total.

There is a number on each grid.

From one to twelve!

The old man smiled.

It was his first time to come to this divine fountain of youth, but his master had been here once before and told him that if a number from one to twelve appeared, don't choose anything else, just choose nine.


Because of the other numbers, most of them don't have spring water.

Or only a few drops or two of spring water comes out.

When the number [Nine] is chosen, nine drops of spring water will flow out.

Even though there are only nine drops, this is a huge wealth.

The old man raised his hand and pressed it hard on the number [nine].

The next moment, the dragon's head shined brightly.

The old man took out a porcelain bottle and placed it under the faucet.


Tick ​​tock!

A drop of spring water falls.

there is none left!

Just one drop.

"No..." The old man was confused: "Isn't there nine drops?"

"Why only one drop?"

After waiting for a long time, there was only this drop.

But there was no second chance, and the old man was directly pushed out by the power emanating from the dragon head.

"I come……"

After the old man came out, Lin Guifan's aunt Caihe Xiangu ran over at lightning speed!

Buzz buzz...

A barrier is formed!

A ray of light fell on Fairy Caihe.

Then, a twelve-square grid appeared on the stone wall in front of Fairy Caihe.

There were twelve numbers on it.

However, they were not from one to twelve, but several seemingly unrelated numbers.

Eighty-eight, sixty-six, ninety-nine, three-four-four, four-seven-seven...


Anyway, there was no pattern.

Fairy Caihe was stunned.


Because she was ready. If it was twelve numbers from one to twelve, she would definitely choose twelve.

Twelve is an extremely large number. Each furnace of alchemy has twelve pills, and each level of cultivators has twelve levels, etc. Twelve is a common number in the world of cultivation.


It didn't lose two.

That's all!

Looking at the three words ninety-nine in the middle, Fairy Cailian pressed it directly.

The largest one is ninety-nine again, which must be good.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

No spiritual spring flowed out.

Instead, Fairy Caihe was pushed out by the power of the formation.

"This..." Fairy Caihe was stunned.

However, no one paid attention to her, and then someone rushed over and landed in front of the dragon head.

The numbers in front of the third person were from one to twelve again.

Everyone stared with wide eyes to see clearly, wanting to accumulate some experience.

The number pressed by the monk was the same as the number guessed by Fairy Caihe, and he directly pressed [twelve].




Twelve drops of the immortal spring dripped down at once.


Everyone was overjoyed.

So, the number should be twelve!

Only Fairy Caihe was so angry that she trembled all over!

"I'll do it!" After the monk came out, two people rushed over immediately.

The two of them also fought a move because of the order of succession, and the winner was able to enter the dragon head barrier.

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