Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 411 [Thirteen again, half a bucket of spiritual spring water]

In front of the monk, a twelve-square grid appeared like before.

Moreover, the numbers in the zodiac grid are also from one to twelve.

Without thinking, he directly pressed his hand on the number [twelve].

After all, the person just now got twelve drops of spiritual spring water because he pressed his hand on the twelve.

No need to think about it? It must be the number twelve.



Not a drop!

"how so?"

The crowd exploded.

Just now everyone was thinking, first look at other people’s numbers, which one should I choose?

It turned out not to be.

Same numbers, but very different results.

"Fellow Daoist Xu!" Du Daxing looked at Xu Changan and asked, "What do you think?"

Xu Changan shook his head and said: "I can't understand it either, but this thing doesn't seem to be an innate barrier. Someone should be controlling this spring water!"


Lin Guifan, Feng Jiu, Fairy Cailian and others all trembled and looked around.

That's right!

Nothing here looks like it was formed naturally.

It must be artificially carved.

That is naturally controlled by people.

In other words, are there any living beings in this valley?

Hiss, hiss...

A chill ran down my spine.

Wulian Nihong shivered even more and asked: "It could also be a ghost controlling it..."

"No matter what!" Lin Guifan said: "We are here anyway, we must give it a try!"

"I come!"

Lin Guifan walked out and landed in front of the dragon head.

Soon, a ray of light came down.

In front of him, the numbers in the zodiac were different again.

It starts at one hundred and one and ends at one hundred and twelve.

Lin Guifan thought about it for a long time before reaching out and pressing the number one hundred and eight.

Buzz buzz...

The dragon's head flashed brightly in an instant.

Drops of spiritual fluid fell.

Twelve drops in total.

Twelve more drops.

Next, Feng Jiu, Du Daxing and the girl next to Feng Jiu also stepped forward to get the spirit spring, and the result was good.

Feng Jiu and Du Daxing both got nine drops, but the girl got five drops.

Du Daxing said: "This thing seems to be related to talent!"

As soon as he said these words, he immediately offended the aunt of Pingtianmen. Aunt Caihe looked at him fiercely and said: "Du Daxing, don't fart with me here!"

"have to!"

Du Daxing didn't share her common sense and simply chose to shut up.

Everyone on the field went forward one by one.

Most of them don't have spiritual spring water, and many of them only have a drop.

The one who got the most spring water was twelve drops.

But there are very few monks who get twelve drops of spring water.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, don't you go and give it a try?" Du Daxing looked at Xu Changan curiously.

He felt that Xu Changan had some hope of being able to surpass twelve drops.

Xu Changan said: "No rush, let them come first!"

After a while, Wu Lian said: "I'm coming!"

A blank space with a twelve-square grid appeared in front of Wu Lian, with no numbers in it.

Can't choose.

"Hey..." Wu Lian Niong angrily pulled out two swords and almost chopped off the black dragon's head, but was sent directly out by the power of the barrier.

Everyone was also sighing.

I’ve never seen anything like this before!

How is this going?

"I'm so angry!" Wu Lian said angrily: "A dog looks down on people... No, it should be a dog dragon. A dog dragon looks down on people..."

Xu Changan shook his head.

He didn't know what was going on.

"I'll do it!" Fairy Miaoyin went over and gave it a try.

Her numbers were unremarkable, ranging from one to twelve, and Fairy Miaoyin chose [one].

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of spiritual spring.

"Huh..." She breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, there was finally a drop.

After Fairy Miaoyin came out, Xu Changan took advantage of the situation and walked over.

Immediately, Lin Guifan, Feng Jiu, Du Daxing, Cai Lianxiangu and others looked over.

They were all curious about how many spiritual springs Xu Changan could take.

Xu Changan did not have too many expectations for himself, but stood in front of the dragon head naturally.

Buzz buzz...

next moment!

A golden light flashed from the wall, covering Xu Changan.

After four or five breaths, the light ends.

Next, comes the exciting part of selecting numbers.

However, Xu Changan did not wait to choose a number, but another purple light shot down from the wall and continued to envelope his body.


This situation is unprecedented.

Before, only Lin Guifan and others paid attention to Xu Changan, but now, all the people looked over.

Buzz buzz...

The purple light went out, and another black light swept over.

Scanned like this three times.

Xu Changan was about to vomit: What are you doing?

He felt as if something was trying to peek into his body.

This... won't you find that my spiritual root is abnormal?

Xu Changan was worried for a while.

At this moment, the twelve palace grid finally emerged.

The first number: Thirteen!

The second number: Thirteen!

The third number: Thirteen!

The entire zodiac grid is all thirteen.

That's not all.

The next moment, before Xu Changan had time to choose, the twelve zodiacs disappeared instantly, and another huge number occupied the territory of the twelve zodiacs.

Still: thirteen!

Xu Changan was confused.

The people outside were even more confused.

"What's going on?"

"What does thirteen mean?"

"How could this happen?"


Hundreds of eyes stared at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan was shocked to the extreme.


He didn't know what this number meant.

However, when Uncle Qingxu ascended, he left him a secret, and that secret was only two words: thirteen.

Could it be related to the extreme realm of the thirteenth realm that I had reached?


Definitely not!

Xu Changan can be sure that this thing has nothing to do with the extreme realm.

If there is a connection, Qingxu will definitely explain it, instead of playing dumb like this, after all, he and Qingxu both know his thirteenth level of the extreme realm.

At this moment, Xu Changan can only take a deep breath and gently hold the huge number [thirteen] with no choice.


The next moment, a stream of milky white water spurted out from the faucet.


Xu Changan was caught off guard by the spring water, but he reacted quickly. With a wave of his hand, he took out a large bucket from the storage ring.

This bucket was the one he used to store blood many years ago.


In a dozen breaths, he collected more than half a bucket of spiritual spring water.

After a few more breaths, the spring water stopped flowing out. Xu Changan saw that there was no more spiritual spring water flowing out, so he put the large bucket directly into the small world.

The barrier opened a gap.

Xu Changan was about to step out.

"Save me... Save me..."

Two seemingly inaudible voices came from this world.

Xu Changan thought he had heard it wrong.

He pricked up his ears and went back to the faucet to listen.

But he never heard those two words again.

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