Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 412 [Seven Evil Ghost Banner, let’s make a deal]

After a while, Xu Changan did not hear the voice again, so he walked out of the barrier.

Of course, even if he heard the voice for help again, Xu Changan estimated that he would not study how to save people.

Save people?

What a joke.

Save my life?

How many big guys and those old foxes who have lived for thousands of years, how many means will they use to fish in various places?

He has experienced too much fishing.

There is an unknown ominous thing in the black lake of Zhenwu Jedi, throwing out a fake map to fish.

Iron-shaped fish.

When they were in Yunmeng City, the pair of brothers also fished with treasure maps.

The fishing methods of Fairy Qingling and Chen Chong are even more amazing.

After experiencing so much, Xu Changan has long been immune to all poisons.

You want me to take risks without sufficient benefits?

How is it possible?

Next, another cultivator entered the dragon head barrier to play a number game, but it was no different from the previous people, most of them were just a few drops of spiritual liquid.

There are even more people who have nothing.

At this time, countless eyes looked at Xu Changan.

Many people risked their lives to pass through this land of heavy yin, but got nothing, and you, a Jindan-stage cultivator, actually got half a bucket of the holy spring water?

This is too unfair, isn't it?

Many people began to think about it.

"Hey... this Taoist friend!" A Yuanying-stage great man looked at Xu Changan and said, "You have too much immortal spring water, and you can't use it up at all. How about selling me some?"

"Yes, sell some!"

"Just tell me what you need!"

A pair of eager eyes looked at Xu Changan, some wanted to take advantage of the fire, and some wanted to fish in troubled waters.

Xu Changan shook his head calmly and said, "Everyone, it's very simple to want the immortal spring water. After I return to Jidu, I will take it to the [Yanbei Chamber of Commerce] for auction. If you want to buy it, you can go to the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce to bid!"

Fortunately, there are too many people here.

There are more than a hundred people.

Moreover, they are almost all well-known Yuanying masters, so it is almost impossible for them to rob openly.

After all, they all have to have face.

But if they meet alone, then robbing openly is almost inevitable.

"Friend Xu!" Lin Guifan walked to Xu Changan, looked at the others and said: "Friend Xu is my Lin Guifan's best friend, please don't embarrass him, I promise that in the future, Yanbei Chamber of Commerce will have [Immortal Fountain Water] auction!"

"Yes!" Du Daxing of Tiandao Sect also stood up and said: "Friend Lin is also my Du Daxing's friend, please!"

After saying this, at least the Xuanmen monks of Yan State did not dare to rob openly.

"Let's go, let's go..."

"Let's go..."

Everyone left slowly.

In the valley, only Xu Changan's team and Lin Guifan's team were left.

A total of eight people.

Fairy Caihe regretted a little: if she had known earlier, she would have agreed to this guy and teamed up with him.

If they were in the same team, he would have obtained so much water from the Immortal Fountain, and it would be easier to trade some, right?

Now, it's a bit difficult.

However, after thinking for a while, Fairy Caihe took a deep breath and spoke to Xu Changan: "Fellow Daoist Xu, right... My name is Caihe!"

Xu Changan's face was neither sad nor happy, neither resentful nor hateful. He just bowed his hands gently: "Meet Senior Caihe!"

"No need to be polite!" Fairy Caihe said: "I want to exchange some [Fountain of Youth] with you. Fellow Daoist Xu, if you are willing, I can make the decision to let you join our team and go out through this heavy yin land together!"

Suddenly, Wu Lian Nihong showed a trace of sarcasm on her face: Tsk...

Go out?

Who cares.

Xu Changan raised his head, stared at Caihe for a while, and said: "Senior, just say it directly!"

He believed that although Fairy Caihe had no emotional intelligence, she was definitely not a fool!

As expected, Cai He nodded and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, have you heard of the Seven Evil Ghost Banners?"

Xu Changan shook his head: "No!"

"Aunt, let me tell you!" Lin Guifan came out.

He came to Xu Changan and said, "Look, this is a place of heavy yin, but have you ever thought about this ordinary place, which is nothing special compared to other places in Zhenwu Juedi, but why is there such a thick yin energy here!"

Xu Changan narrowed his eyes slightly: Yes.

The yin and evil energy in this place of heavy yin is more than ten times thicker than other places, and it is mainly yin energy, and there is basically no evil energy.

Could it be!

"You mean..." Xu Changan said: "Here, there is something that attracts Yin Qi. Could it be the [Seven Evil Ghost Banner] that Senior Caihe mentioned?"

"Smart!" Caihe nodded and said: "Junior Xu, right..."

Xu Changan: …………

Caihe said to himself: "The right side of the heavy Yin land is the place where the Yin Qi is the thickest. The predecessors have seen it. There is a [Seven Evil Ghost Banner] inserted there. It is a top-grade magic holy weapon. If this ghost banner is refined, it can stimulate Yin evil energy in an instant, covering a range of thousands of feet."

"It is a rare and peerless treasure!"

"Many people have been there before, but even if they are cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, they may not be able to get out alive if they get close to the ghost banner. We just happen to have the means to control the ghost banner. When we control the ghost banner, everyone can take turns to subdue it. I'll give you a sixth chance. How about it?"

Xu Changan looked at the opposite side and understood.

In addition to looking for the Fountain of Youth, these five people also want to subdue the Ghost Banner.

"What's the sixth method?" Xu Changan asked Fairy Caihe.

Fairy Caihe said: "This Ghost Banner is not something that anyone can subdue. Our predecessors have tried it before. Whether it can be subdued depends on chance!"

"We five will do it in turn. If we subdue it, you will have nothing to do. You will be unlucky!"

"If none of us five succeed in subduing it, then I will give you a sixth chance. If you subdue it, the treasure will belong to you!"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "Senior Caihe has made a good deal!"

For them, there is no loss.

After all, if the five of them cannot subdue the Ghost Banner, they will have to leave and return empty-handed.

Now, take Xu Changan with you and put Xu Chang in the sixth place. The result will not change, but you can earn some spiritual springs for free.

It's a good plan.

But Xu Changan nodded and said, "Okay, I agree. I wonder how much spiritual spring water does Caihe Fairy want?"

Caihe Fairy said, "One bottle!"

She took out a small porcelain bottle.

This bottle is not big, it is used to store elixirs.

Although it is not big, this bottle probably has dozens of drops.

And Xu Changan has plenty of spring water, he nodded and said, "Okay!"

Take Caihe Fairy's bottle and fill it for her.

"Okay!" Lin Guifan said, "From now on, everyone is a teammate... Come, let me introduce you, Brother Xu!"

"This is one of the elders of our Pingtian Sect and my aunt, Caihe Fairy, who is at the seventh level of the Nascent Soul Stage!"

Xu Changan nodded. He had seen this before.

Lin Guifan pointed to the very petite girl next to Fengjiu and said, "This is Brother Fengjiu's sister, Feng Shiyi..."

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