Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 416 [Unkind and unjust, Chang'an takes the banner]

Xu Changan was not angry, of course, nor was he too surprised.

In the world of cultivation, do you think others will treat you sincerely?

That would be too childish.

On the surface, the senior fellow Taoist is shouting happily, but behind the scenes, he is doing things that make the fellow Taoist die but not the poor Taoist.

Lin Guifan and the others did this kind of thing today, and it's not like Xu Changan has done it before.

Used to it!

Xu Changan was not far away from the five of them, watching silently, waiting for his best opportunity.

Because he had the Invisibility Talisman and the Invisibility Talisman attached to his body, others naturally had no way of knowing Xu Changan's existence.

"Aunt... I'm afraid it won't be possible to kill this beast..." Lin Guifan looked at the God-Transformation Ghost King who was trapped in a special formation on the ground and said, "The only way now is to trap him, and then we try to Try to conquer this ghost flag!"

"Okay!" The others nodded in agreement.

Xu Changan, who was not far away, smiled: Conquer?

What a big spring and autumn dream.

If this ghost king is not dead, even if you subdue him, you will only be defeated and become a ghost in this ghost banner.

"Follow the order!" Fairy Caihe said, "I come first, do you have any objections?"

"No!" Everyone nodded.

This is what they agreed upon first.

Fairy Caihe walked up to the black ghost flag!

She made a cut on her palm with her flying sword, and then red blood spurted out, and she smeared it on the black flagpole.

Buzz buzz...

The red blood quickly seeped into the ghost flag.

"It's not good..." Fairy Caihe shouted and said, "It's sucking my blood..."

Xu Changan looked over and saw blood spurting out from the opening on Fairy Caihe's hand, rushing toward the dark ghost flag pole.

"damn it……"


After all, Xiangu was the Great Yuanying, and she cut off the connection between herself and Guiban with a wave of her hand.

But in this case, she couldn't collect the ghost flags.

"Aunt... you..." Lin Guifan hesitated.

The pale-faced Fairy Caihe said: "Guifan, it's your turn... you go and try it!"

"Okay!" Next, Lin Guifan went over to subdue Ghost Banner.

But the result was the same as Fairy Caihe, which ended in failure.

Next, Du Daxing, Feng Jiu, and Feng Shiyi also went there in turn, but without exception, they were unable to collect the ghost flags.

"That's all..." Lin Guifan took a deep breath and said, "If we can't kill this ghost king in the divine transformation stage, we can't even think about subduing this ghost..."

"Then what should we do?" Feng Shi asked: "We can't just leave, right?"

"What can you do if you don't leave?" Du Daxing said: "If you ask me, it's better to take Xu Changan with me. If we don't play tricks on him the first time, maybe that kid really has a way to break the situation!"

"After all, he often surprises!"

As soon as this was said, everyone fell silent.

"Forget it!" Lin Guifan said: "It's just a sacred weapon. If you don't have a destiny, you have no destiny. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to go to Xu Changan now!"

If you go looking for it now, doesn’t that mean you’re telling people that we were playing tricks on you the first time?

"Let's go!" Fairy Caihe shook her head and said, "Let the Ghost King go, and let's leave here."

"And!" She glanced at everyone coldly and said: "Today we conspired to deceive Xu Changan. No one is allowed to tell it. No one is allowed to mention it in the future. Just pretend it never happened. After all , we didn’t collect the ghost flags either!”

"Whoever talks about this again, don't blame me for being rude to him!"


"We will definitely not talk nonsense!"

"Let's go!"

The five people left reluctantly.

Maybe the five people were far enough apart, and no one was controlling the formation that trapped the Ghost King. After about a dozen breaths, the formation broke apart.

With a swish, the Ghost King got into the Seven Evil Ghost Flags.

Xu Changan did not appear immediately.

He is waiting.

After waiting for a full hour to confirm that Lin Guifan and others would not return, he waved his hand and took out two Nascent Soul level puppets!

He was still standing there, motionless, but he controlled the puppet, approaching Onibata from the left to the right.

Originally, Xu Changan was unable to conquer the Seven Evil Ghost Banners.

But when he was being chased by the Ghost King in the Divine Transformation Stage, he had an idea and took out the [Yin Evil Crystal], and then threw it away from a distance. When the Ghost King saw the Yin Evil Crystal, he seemed to see a giant monster. He passed by like a tonic, not even caring about killing the enemy.

At this time, Xu Changan had a bold plan.

Just like collecting the [Immortal Fire] in the Ruins of Qiuren, as long as this thing is attracted to the golden talisman space, everything will be solved naturally.

However, how to collect the golden talisman space requires some thought.

After all, there is still the immortal fire in the golden talisman space. This thing looks quite scary, and ghosts naturally dare not approach it.

Don't be afraid!

Let’s try it!



After getting closer, the black flag on the huge Seven Evils ghost flag waved violently. In a breathless time, the ghost king in the transformation stage fell from the flag again and was about to attack the two Nascent Souls approaching the ghost flag. period puppet.

At this moment, the ghost king in the divine transformation stage suddenly smelled a pure evil force.

A crystal stone shining with black light appeared in his eyes.

For him, this pure crystal stone is a great tonic.

I just ate one before.

Following his nature, the ghost king instantly turned into a gust of wind and flew towards the crystal stone.

What he didn't know was that there was a trap waiting for him with an open mouth.

This is a [Spirit Beast Bag].

The Yin Sha Crystal is in the spirit beast bag!

When the ghost got into the spirit beast bag, Xu Changan immediately closed the spirit beast bag, and then in a very short time, he sent the spirit beast bag into the golden talisman space with a thought.

Because he knew that this spirit beast bag could not trap the ghost in the spirit transformation period.

Sure enough!

Feeling that he was tied up, the ghost was furious and tore the spirit beast bag into countless pieces with a bang.

However, when he escaped from the spirit beast bag, he suddenly found an endless dark blue sea of ​​fire in front of him.


The flames surged and directly submerged the ghost king.

As a bystander, Xu Changan watched the whole process of the ghost turning into ashes after holding on for three breaths in the immortal nether fire.

At the moment when the ghost king was burned to ashes, the huge ghost flag next to it, which was a hundred feet high, suddenly shrank.

It suddenly became ten feet long and fell into Xu Changan's hands.

Xu Changan was naturally not polite. He picked up the ghost flag, took away the two puppets of the Nascent Soul stage, and flew out directly to the immortal spring.

The reason why the land of heavy yin can exist is because these seven evil ghost flags are constantly absorbing the yin energy in the Jedi.

Now that the ghost king is dead and the ghost flag has been taken away by Xu Changan, it is only a matter of time before the yin energy here dissipates.

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