Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 417 [Shura Blood Sutra, Ghost Banner Recognizes its Master]

Xu Changan returned to the Immortal Spring Canyon from the Land of Heavy Yin.

He exhaled a breath, and his figure gradually appeared.

He took a look at the situation in the canyon. There was still no evil spirit in the canyon where the Immortal Spring was located. Fairy Miaoyin and Wu Lian Nihong seemed to be unaware of the changes in the Land of Heavy Yin.

"Brother Xu!"

The two girls ran over nervously.

Xu Changan asked: "Did anyone else come just now?"

"No!" The two girls shook their heads.

Xu Changan asked: "Lin Guifan and the others didn't come either?"


Xu Changan said: "That's good!"

He found a huge rock, threw the cushion on it, and then sat cross-legged on it.

"Brother Xu, what did you do just now?" Wu Lian asked: "You didn't go to collect the Seven Evil Ghost Banner?"

Fairy Miaoyin also looked at him.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Wulian curled her lips and said, "I think it's a good thing you didn't go. If you had gone, you would have died!"

"Hahaha..." Xu Changan laughed.

The three of them sat cross-legged on the boulder.

Fairy Miaoyin said, "What should we do next?"

Wulian said, "We must continue to go inside and explore this [Zhenwu Sword Valley]..."

When Wulian said this, she was naturally thinking about the fairy sword of the Asura clan.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Yes, we still have to go in there, but the Yinsha power is too strong now, so it's not good to go in... Let's wait for a while, when the Nine Stars' power is the strongest, we will go in again!"


Xu Changan took out the map and activated the map from the jade slip, saying, "Look, the places we haven't been to yet are mainly these three!"

"One is the [Falling Land], one is the [Burial Land of Immortals], and the other is this [Zhenwu Sword Valley]!"

"I mean, let's go to the Sword Valley first, and then go to the Burial Land of Immortals!"

"As for this Falling Land, we won't go there!"

The Sword Valley has the Zhenwu Sword, which can comprehend the sword. Of course, for Xu Changan and Wu Lian, the most important thing is that the Sword Valley is the Falling Land of Yan Qujing, where a broken sword is hidden.

This news is not known to everyone yet.

As for the [Burial Land], it is the place where the body of the Great Emperor Zhenwu was buried and suppressed. It is said that there is a huge lake in the Burial Land, and in the lake, there is [Taiyi True Water].

Xu Changan must try these two places.

As for the Land of the Fallen, it is said that there are many refining materials here. Xu Changan is not interested in these, so he does not plan to go.

"Okay!" Wu Lian said: "That's it!"

Miaoyin didn't care. She didn't have any ideas. She just followed the opportunity.

Next, the three of them meditated in seclusion, because there were still ten days before the strongest Nine Stars Power.

This is a good place for seclusion.

Xu Changan waved his hand and threw out several array talismans.

Even Wu Lian and Miaoyin could not set foot in his temporary dojo.

Of course, Xu Changan was not a stingy person, and he also gave the two some array talismans. Naturally, the two of them also had their own temporary dojo.

The first thing was to take out the [Seven Evil Ghost Banner].

This is a magic holy weapon, about ten feet high, all black, with a dark black light flashing on the ghost flag, and various scarlet blood-like lines and runes wrapped around it.

This is the same as the Asura disk, it is a blood treasure.

So if you want to use it, the first thing is to drip blood to recognize the master.

Xu Changan cut his finger, and a drop of blood dripped on the ghost flag.

Buzz buzz buzz...

The ghost flag immediately absorbed Xu Changan's blood.

Because there was no ghost king, and there was no Yin Qi on the ghost flag, Xu Changan succeeded in recognizing the master without any effort.

Let's put it this way, not only Xu Changan, but anyone can succeed in recognizing the master in this situation.

After successfully recognizing the master, Xu Changan also had a new understanding of this Seven Evils Ghost Banner.

A very strong thing.

Let's put it this way, this ghost flag can absorb Yin Qi.

Once it is used, it can form a Yin Evil area with a maximum range of several thousand feet around it. This area isolates the sky and the earth, and the power of rules cannot be used.

In this way, even an old guy in the Nascent Soul stage will have his combat power weakened by several percent.


This ghost flag can also contain living souls. If the living souls are highly cultivated, they can naturally be summoned to fight.

For example, the ghost king in the Spiritualization stage before.

The ghost flag can contain one main soul and thirty-six secondary souls at the same time.

When the ghost flag is waved in battle, not only the Yin Qi is diffused, but also thirty-seven evil ghosts fly out to fight.

It can be said to be extremely powerful.

Of course, this thing has a huge disadvantage like all demonic ghosts, which is afraid of thunder and lightning.

If you encounter thunder cultivators, it is best not to use it.

Next, it is to refine it with the blood refining method.

It took Xu Changan decades to refine the [Asura Plate] before.

The level of this ghost flag is definitely not comparable to the Asura Plate, but it is impossible to refine it without several years of effort.

The main thing is...Xu Changan's [Blood Refining Method] was taken from the [Nine Nether Blood Sutra], and its level is a bit low, not quite enough.

Thinking of this, Xu Changan smiled slightly, then stepped out of his temporary dojo and came to the door of Wu Lian Nihong: Here, there is a great expert in playing with blood!

"Why are you looking for me?"

Wu Lian invited Xu Changan to his dojo, and the two sat on the ground.

Xu Changan asked: "Princess, do you Asuras all practice blood?"

"Yes!" Wu Lian nodded: "What's wrong?"

"That!" Xu Changan took a deep breath and said: "I want to ask you for a blood refining method, so... I won't ask you for nothing, the jade slips here are all earth-shattering, you can choose any one!"

Xu Changan took out a few jade slips.

The result!

Wu Lian didn't even look at his jade slip, and said: "Brother Xu, you risked your life to help my Asura clan find the broken sword. Whether it succeeds or not, I owe you a huge favor!"

"So, don't be so polite!"

"This is the [Ashura Blood Sutra] practiced by my Asura clan. You can take it and read it!"

"After reading it, remember to return it to me!"

Xu Changan was naturally not polite. He said: "Okay, thank you, I am just referring to it, not practicing, and I will never pass it on to others!"

"Don't worry!"

Returning to his own dojo, Xu Changan put the jade slip on his forehead.

The information inside was naturally peeked by him one by one.

He wanted the Asura Blood Sutra, not to practice, but to see if there was any method of blood refining treasures behind this blood sutra.

Found it.

Behind this Asura Blood Sutra, there is a spell called [Secret Art of Treasure Refinement], which is specially used to refine treasures.

The level is naturally higher than that of the blood refining method.

When using it to refine treasures, the speed is naturally faster.

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