Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 422 [Evil Sword Intention, Huang Ma's Merit]

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Lin, I'm very grateful!"

Xu Changan bowed.

Lin Guifan said, "Let's go..."

The five of them found a place together and began to comprehend the sword intent.

Of course, as Lin Guifan told Xu Changan, they were just trying it out, just to verify their swordsmanship a little bit here, and they shouldn't absorb the sword intent revealed by the giant sword recklessly.

Otherwise, they would really die.

"Let's go!" Xu Changan said, "What Lin Guifan said should be true, let's find a place to take a look!"

When I walked in the Sword Valley before, I just felt that the Sword Valley was so lively.

Now, it feels too deserted.

I thought that the sword comprehenders were all dried corpses for tens of millions of years?

Not far ahead, on a huge bluestone, sat a monk in white. He might have just arrived and had not yet entered the state of enlightenment, so there was no small sword on his head!

The man saw Xu Changan, turned his head and looked at him, then nodded and saluted.

Xu Changan said: "Or, let's do it here too!"

After all, this person can be confirmed to be a living person. Otherwise, if he squeezed in with those old mummies for thousands of years to comprehend the truth, wouldn't it be scalp numb.


The other two also agreed.

The three of them went up to the bluestone together.

Xu Changan bowed to the man in white next to him: "Excuse me!"

The man smiled and said: "No problem, I just got through a round of enlightenment. The Zhenwu sword meaning is really vast and boundless!"

"Daoyou please!"

After saying that, the man in white sat up straight and continued to comprehend the truth.

Soon, a small silver sword floated above his head.

Xu Changan turned on the wisdom light and looked at the man's cultivation, but he looked lonely.

Didn't see it!

What's going on?

Could it be that the man's cultivation is too high?

That's not right!

Didn't Lin Guifan just say that the higher the cultivation level, the less likely it is to come here?

That means there is some magic weapon that can block the cultivation level.

Xu Changan didn't care too much. After all, when he entered the Zhenwu Forbidden Land this time, he would use the wisdom light from time to time to see other people's cultivation level, but there were more than a dozen cultivators who were not seen through by him.

Not a small number.

After all, each family has its own secret techniques, and it is normal for someone to be good at hiding.

Xu Changan no longer entangled in this issue, and the three of them sat down one by one.

He did not sacrifice the [Array Collection Talisman], because the array in the Array Collection Talisman is either a trap array or a defensive array.

Once this thing is thrown out, it can isolate the sword intent, so what's the point of understanding it.

"Come on!"

Buzz buzz buzz...

Xu Changan took a deep breath, stretched out his mind slightly, and began to absorb a small amount of sword intent.

He kept Lin Guifan's advice in mind and did not dare to be too obsessed.

As a result, Xu Changan was overthinking.

Damn... There is no way to understand it at all.


First, he is not a sword cultivator, and he knows almost nothing about the sword.

From the beginning of cultivation to now, he has never practiced any secret arts, spells, and techniques related to the sword.

Secondly, his cultivation is too low, only the third level of the Golden Core Stage, and he cannot communicate with the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

So, combining these two points, Xu Changan found that he could not comprehend the sword meaning here no matter what.


I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

Turning his head to look at the fairy Miaoyin next to him, she was the same and could not comprehend.

“I’m afraid I don’t have this opportunity!” She shook her head and said, “I can’t resonate with the sword meaning here at all!”

Without resonance, it is impossible to condense the sword.

“Well!” Xu Changan nodded, and in a blink of an eye, he looked at Wu Lian next to him.

Wu Lian is different. This girl has been practicing swordsmanship since she was a child, and she is holding two invincible black and red swords on her body, so she just sat down and landed, and she suddenly realized it.

The vast sword intent attacked Wu Lian's head like flowing water, and soon a small silver sword condensed on her head.

The small sword was still growing at a very fast speed.

When he sighed, Xu Changan was still a little envious, but after ten breaths, he felt something was wrong.

The small sword on Wu Lian's head was getting bigger and bigger!

"She is addicted!" Miaoyin saw it: "Senior Brother Xu, stop her quickly..."

"Wulian... Wu Lian..."

Xu Changan tried to shake Wu Lian's neon body!

Chi Chi Chi...

Wu Lian's body suddenly had countless sword intents turned into small swords and cut towards Xu Changan.

Good guy!

Really addicted.

Xu Changan tried several methods, and even shaking vigorously didn't work.

What to do?

"Open..." Xu Changan gritted his teeth and took out the strand of [Bath Dao Shen Hemp] jute from the storage space.

This jute once bathed in the Taoism of the Qingxu Patriarch, and has the function of a magical artifact that can ward off all things.

I just don't know if I can cut off this evil sword intent this time.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Very quickly!

As soon as Huang Ma appeared, he immediately formed a barrier around him, isolating those sword intents.


"Puff puff..."

Wulian suddenly spat out three mouthfuls of blood, her face was pale, she opened her eyes with some fear, and said: "What a terrible sword intent... Brother Xu... Thank you..."

"So strong!"

Xu Changan asked: "What happened to you just now?"

"I don't know!" Wu Lian shook her head, her face full of fear: "I just tried to comprehend it, and then I could never come back. I knew I would be addicted, but I just couldn't cut it off!"

"Brother Xu, you just called me, called me, pulled me, shook me... I saw it all clearly!"

"I also tried my best to cooperate with you, and wanted to wake up from this damn evil sword intent!"

"Unfortunately, it just didn't work!"

"Too scary!"

"Well!" Xu Changan nodded and said, "Don't comprehend it. Fortunately, I have this magic hemp, otherwise you'd be dead!"

The three of them raised their heads at the same time and looked at the jute floating in the void.

But they saw that a small silver sword was condensed on the jute at this moment.

Then, with the power of the long whale sucking the river, it was sucking the surging sword intent outside.

"Huh..." Xu Changan said: "Interesting!"

But it's not difficult to understand.

This jute was once used as a medium for the Qingxu Patriarch to communicate the rules of heaven and earth!

The Qingxu Patriarch relied on him, returned to his true self in one thought, and then ascended to heaven in broad daylight.

It can be seen that the jute carried such a vast power of heaven and earth, so it can condense rules and sword intent, and Xu Changan was not surprised.

About an incense stick of time later, the small sword on the jute disintegrated by itself.

A ball of silver sword intent was gathered by the jute and fell into the void in front of Xu Changan.

"This..." Xu Changan was a little puzzled: the jute helped me condense a ball of sword intent!

But I can't use it either.

"What a pure sword intent!" The white-clothed man who was enlightened next to him suddenly turned his head and looked at the jute in Xu Changan's hand, saying: "Can the Yudao Shenma condense sword intent?"

"I have been enlightened here for so many years, and I have never seen such a strange thing!"

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