Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 423 [Ten Thousand Years Sword Corpse, Condensing the True Sword Pill]

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He felt something was wrong.

But for a moment, he couldn't think of what was wrong.

Wu Lian next to him said, "Senior, you just said that you have been enlightened here for so many years?"

"How many years is that?"

Hiss hiss hiss...

Xu Changan's back suddenly had goose bumps.

This old guy, so many years.

He must not have come in this time.

Then... when did he come in?

He didn't become a sword corpse, how powerful is his cultivation.

No wonder, no wonder I can't see through his cultivation, this guy should have surpassed me by two major realms, and his cultivation is above the third level of the Spiritualization Stage.

"Let me think about it!" The old man frowned and said, "Well... about... 130,000 years..."


The old man suddenly said, "I am just a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage, why can I live for 130,000 years..."

"No... No..."

Next to him, Xu Changan was scared to death.

Sure enough!

The next moment, the terrified old man suddenly stood up.


The skin on his face, which was intact just now, suddenly cracked, and then the cracks spread across his body like a spider web, one after another.

The skin and flesh that had long been turned into dust were blown away by the sword intent blowing from afar, turning into a puff of smoke.


The black skeleton fell to the ground.

Wulian hugged Xu Changan, and her body kept shaking.

Xu Changan's fear at this moment disappeared completely.

It's been too long!

Thirteen thousand years!

"This man came here thirteen thousand years ago to comprehend the sword intent, but was attracted by the sword intent. What supported him until now was an obsession. Just now, this obsession suddenly woke up, so it was also dust to dust, earth to earth!"

Miaoyin nodded and said, "That's it!"

The infinite sword intent in the distance turned into a tide again!

The black dry bones on the bluestone were also blown off layer by layer and turned into dust.

There are no storage treasures, no magic weapons left.

There are naturally no spirit stones.

Thirteen thousand years is too long a time, it can corrode everything in the world.

"Too scary!" Wu Lian said: "Even the old immortals in the Refining Void Stage can't resist the sword intent here. Zhenwu Emperor is really invincible in the world!"

"He established the Sword Valley here, is it just to bring disaster to the world?"

Xu Changan was silent after hearing what Wu Lian said: What's the purpose?

What's the purpose of doing this?


Xu Changan shook his head: This is the place where the body of Zhenwu Emperor was abandoned after being beheaded, so the sword marks in this Sword Valley can't be left by Zhenwu Emperor.

It should be someone else.

This place has nothing to do with Zhenwu Emperor.

Could it be that the one who left this sword intent was Zhou Tianzi?

Xu Changan's eyes moved slightly: Zhou Tianzi, the founder of Xianghuo Dao, cut off the twelve dragon veins in the world and prevented the rise of Xuanmen great monks.

Then, with this said, Zhou Tianzi's motive is very obvious.

He left this sword intent behind and kept killing Xuanmen monks.

Even after thousands of years, he was still causing trouble for Xuanmen.

What a strong man!

What a deep calculation.

"Or, let's go!" Wu Lian's little face turned pale.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, these people are comprehending the sword intent, they will definitely not rashly attack us!"

"Wait for me!"

"Watch me turn waste into treasure!"


Xu Changan waved his hand and took out a small tripod.

Bailian Treasure Tripod.

Miaoyin said in surprise: "You... do you want to make pills?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "I want to make pills!"

Wu Lian said: "Brother Xu, don't make trouble... This is the Sword Valley, let's go out to make pills, what do we have to do here?"

Xu Changan said: "Don't talk, just watch!"


He sacrificed the Netherworld Treasure Lamp.

The dark blue flames burned the pill furnace.

When a critical point came, Xu Changan's mind moved, and more than a dozen materials were thrown into the cauldron at the same time.

Half an hour later, more than a dozen materials were thrown in.

Finally, the group of sword intent on the jute was also controlled by Xu Changan's mind and put into the cauldron.

"This is..." Miaoyin said: "Brother Xu, are you refining the elixir with sword intent?"

"Yes!" Xu Changan said: "Ningzhen Dan!"

Ningzhen Dan is a fourth-grade elixir!

It can be taken by cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage. After taking it, not only can they devour the energy in it, but they can also comprehend the power of rules contained in it.

When there is no power of rules, you can use enlightenment tea to refine it.

But if you add your own power of rules, this Ningzhen Dan will become strange.

Just as the great elder of the Great Zhou Dan Hall, Yangming Taoist, said at the beginning, some are red fire attributes, some are golden gold attributes, and some are green wood attributes, etc.

And this time, Xu Changan refined the attribute with sword intent added.

Of course, it is hard to say whether the refining can be successful.

Let's give it a try.

"Swish!" A drop of blood slid into the furnace between Xu Changan's two fingers.

Half an hour later, twelve silver lights in the Bailian Treasure Cauldron suddenly shot up into the sky.

"It's done!" Xu Changan was overjoyed.

With a thought, he pulled the twelve streams of light in the void down, and the pill was collected by the porcelain bottle.

After a few breaths, the pill pattern was imprinted on it.

He got four top-grade pills and eight medium-grade pills.

Xu Changan was overjoyed!


Because before, when he broke through the Jindan stage to refine pills, every time he refined the Ningzhen Pill, he made twelve medium-grade pills, even if he put his own blood in.

But this time, four top-grade pills were produced.

Of course, it was related to his powerful thought. Xu Changan practiced [Emperor Yu Shenjing] and had achieved a small success in the Jindan chapter.

He took out a top-grade [Ningzhen Jiandan] to look at it.

"Is it really made?" Wu Lian said, "Can it be eaten?"

Xu Changan shook his head: "I don't know, but since I refined it into a pill, the evil in it should be removed!"

"I'll try!" Wu Lian said nothing, snatched the pill from Xu Changan's hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Don't..." Xu Changan wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

After Wu Lian swallowed the Ningzhen Sword Pill, she immediately sat cross-legged on the bluestone and closed her eyes and said, "Brother Xu, don't worry. I am naturally sensitive to sword intent, so there should be no problem with this sword intent!"

Xu Changan nodded.

Wu Lian's state of comprehending the sword intent this time was indeed different from before.

She was not obsessed.

Xu Changan turned his eyes and looked at the jute again.

A group of sword intent condensed on that strand of jute.

What to do?

Continue to make pills!

The sword intent here cannot be taken away, and the jute can only condense a group at a time. If you want to take away a large amount of sword intent, there is only one way to make pills.

Fortunately, Xu Changan has prepared a lot of materials for the [Ningzhen Pill].


Then continue to make pills!

Thank you for the great health care reward from fellow Taoist [Hengshida Representative]. I wish you to break the pill and become an infant as soon as possible and step into the strongest!

Thank you!

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