Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 424 [The arrival of the mighty, fighting at the valley entrance]

Compared with the Zhenwu Jedi in the valley, the mouth of the valley is also very lively.

Outside the entrance to Zhenwu Jedi, there are many monks.

Some of these people, like Yunmeng, entered it to look for opportunities, but did not dare to go deep. After going to the Perfume River Beach, they found the Ten Thousand Magic Stones they needed and came back.

Others are representatives of major chambers of commerce, waiting here.

Once someone here brings something good, they will buy it immediately.

At the same time, there were also some people who planned to go in, but did not go in in the end.

Some of these people have lost their courage, and some have not been able to buy the [Lingming Golden Pill] for the time being!

There are all kinds.

"Fellow Taoist Yunmeng, is it already the fifteenth day?" On a high ground, Jing Shen and Yun Meng were sitting cross-legged on a futon, facing each other from afar.

Yunmeng nodded: "Yes, it's been fifteen days... They should be out soon!"

"Fellow Taoist Jingcan, actually you don't have to wait like this, you can go back first!"

Jing Shen smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I also want to go back...but look!"

He pursed his lips.

Yunmeng looked in the direction of Jing Shen's mouth and saw a female disciple wearing a goose-yellow robe, sitting on the ground, holding her chin and looking in the direction of the entrance of the canyon.

It was Li Chuisheng, the granddaughter of Jing Shen.

Yunmeng sighed and said, "This girl is quite stubborn!"

"Yes!" Jing Shen said: "I think she has a crush on Xu Changan, but when I asked her, she refused to admit it!"

Yun Meng withdrew her gaze and looked at Jing Shen: "Fellow Taoist Jing Shen, your An Chengxu seems to be enlightened?"

"Yeah!" Jing Shen smiled: "Hey... After this kid got the Starlight Stone, he entered the realm very quickly. I guess in the future, when he reaches the late stage of the Golden Core, he should be able to give birth to Tao roots in advance!"

Dao roots, that's something that only appears when a monk breaks through to the Nascent Soul.

Of course, you can use [Yundao Dan] to grow Tao roots in advance, but some powerful monks who are against the sky will grow them in advance when the golden elixir period is complete, even if they don't have such a thing as Yun Dao Dan.

"That's right!" Jing Shen said: "Don't just talk about our family's An Chengxu, how is your family's lucky man Chen Xuanli doing now?"

Yun Meng said: "It's not bad. His cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Golden Core. His understanding is pretty good!"

Chen Xuanli is very powerful.

Back then, in the ruins of Qiuren, there were also stone tablets left in the forest of steles.

While the two were talking, the sunlight in the sky suddenly dimmed.

Everyone in Taniguchi raised their heads.

But an old man wearing a purple robe suddenly fell from the sky and landed at the mouth of the valley.

The old man was tall, and his aura was even greater. His eyebrows were white, his hair was as black as ink, and his cultivation was so rich that it could not be seen.

Someone in the crowd recognized him and immediately lay on the ground shivering: "I've seen Dongguang Zhiren!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expression suddenly changed.

You must know that Taoism is divided into four levels: real people, perfect people, sages and saints.

The monks in the four realms of foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, and god transformation can all be called "real people".

However, monks in the four realms of refining the void, integrating the body, Mahayana, and becoming immortal are usually called "Supreme People".

Since he is called the most important person, it means that this person is at least a great monk in Lianxu.

But the word Dongguang made countless monks tremble.

Because everyone in the entire Yan Kingdom Xuanmen knows that Dongguang Old Immortal is one of the two great practitioners of Tiandao Sect.

An old god in the Void Refining Stage.

He has a terrifying lifespan of five thousand years.

The world has forgotten how many years old Immortal Dongguang lived, but they know that he has been practicing cultivation for more than two thousand years.

One person suppressed the entire Yan Kingdom Xuanmen for two thousand years.

Only five hundred years ago, he was chased by Yan Qujing holding a broken sword and fled in embarrassment.

Other than that, there is no second time.

"I've met the old god!"

"Hail the old god!"

"Long live the old god!"

Everyone knelt down and saluted.

Even Yunmeng and Jingcan also knelt down.

"No need to be polite!"

Dongguang Zhiren waved his hand and said: "Everyone, please get up!"

After saying that, Dongguang stepped into the void, sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes and meditated.

No one knew why an old god came at this time.

This guy didn't come here when the valley opened. Why did he come here at this time?

He won't go in either?

What does that mean?


In less than half a stick of incense, the red sun in the sky suddenly dimmed again.

A woman in red clothes fell into the void at some point. She waved her hand, and a red lotus platform emerged.

The woman sat on the lotus platform and looked at Dongguang Zhiren: "Dongguang, I haven't seen you for many years... You haven't visited me for so many years? Why, have you forgotten who was in Yan five hundred years ago? Did Qu Jing’s men save your life?”


Dongguang Zhiren snorted coldly and said, "Senior Sister Honglian, are you going to expose my shortcomings as soon as we meet?"

"Five hundred years ago, if it weren't for you, I would have killed Na Yan in Beijing!"

"Hey..." Hong Lian Zhiren looked disdainful and said, "Just you?"

"As far as I know, Yan Qujing has become a mummy, and he is now in the [Zhenwu Sword Intent Valley]. If you are capable, go over and try to see if he can kill you with his mummy? "

Dongguang Zhiren remained calm and teased: "Sister Honglian, don't laugh at me. What are you thinking about when you come to the valley at this time? Do you need to tell me?"

"Really?" Honglian Zhiren said: "What can't be said?"

"I just want to see who can bring out the broken sword of Avici this year. If there is a chance, I will take it away at the same time!"

"Is there anything that can't be said?"

Honglian Zhiren is the elder of the Chixia Sect, the top sect of Yan State.

Although there is only one old immortal in the Chixia Sect, her cultivation is higher than the two old immortals of the Tiandao Sect.

So theoretically, the strength of the two sects is not much different.

But if someone really brings the broken sword out of the desperate place, it will be amazing.

This thing is a treasure that can change the pattern of Yan State Xuanmen.

Back then, Yan Qujing, a god, could chase two old immortals, which shows the power of the immortal sword.

Therefore, at this time, all the powerful people from all sides also came one after another.

The purpose is to get the Abi Broken Sword.

An old man with white hair and shabby clothes fell from the void.

If Xu Changan was here, he would definitely recognize that this is the driver of Le Yi's family, Lao Gu.

"Gu Dabiantan?" Seeing Lao Gu, Dongguang Zhiren was slightly stunned and said, "Are you here to join in the fun?"

Lao Gu poked his right little finger into his nostrils and stirred it twice. While picking his nose, he said lazily, "Can't I?"

Dongguang Zhiren said, "You, a traitor who defected to Xianghuo Dao, are also qualified to compete for Xuanmen treasures?"

"No, no!" Lao Gu said seriously, "First, I am not a traitor who defected to Xianghuo Dao, I am just a traitor who defected to Le Yi!"

"Secondly... I am not here to compete for any treasures!"

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