Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 425 [Old Gu bickers, Tian Wen arranges his troops]


Lao Gu sat on a bluestone slab, looking at the powerful Dongguang Zhiren not far away, and said slowly: "Old bastard Dongguang, these two things you just said are all slandering me. If I hadn't beaten him But you must go over and have your dog’s head hammered!”


Dongguang Zhiren snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"Fellow Daoist Honglian!"

Lao Gu saw that Dongguang Zhiren was no longer paying attention to him, so he raised his head and smiled at Honglian: "It's been a long time... I'm really getting younger and younger."

Hong Lian looked dignified and said: "It's okay. After so many years, Gu Da Ding Dang, how come you are still at the peak of divine transformation?"

"Can't you break through?"

"Hey!" Lao Gu shook his head and said: "Don't talk about practice. I am almost bored to death by practicing practice all day long. It's not easy to meet you, Red Lotus Fairy. Let's not talk about practice. no?"

"Ahem..." After finishing speaking, Lao Gu said: "I went to Qin some time ago and saw a peerless genius in Qin named Lao Ai!"

"Have you heard of this man?"

Lao Gu looked at Honglian with a smile.

Honglian nodded: "I have heard something!"

Lao Gu said: "Senior Sister Honglian, I learned a magical skill from Lao Ai. The magical power is very miraculous. Do you want to take a look?"

Honglian asked curiously: "What kind of magical power is it?"

Lao Gu said: "Lao Ai Wheel Turning Technique!"

Two gleams of cold light immediately flashed in Honglian's eyes. She raised her slender hand slightly, condensed a little grain of light, and suddenly rushed towards Lao Gu, blasting Lao Gu's body into the air.

"Oops..." Lao Gu yelled in mid-air and said, "Senior Sister Honglian, I asked you to see my magical powers with good intentions, but you actually did this to me..."

"You are such a wolf-hearted person!"

The Red Lotus Master sitting on the lotus platform had a calm expression. She raised her head and stared at Lao Gu, and asked coldly: "Do you believe that I will raise my hand and beat you to ashes?"

Lao Gu shook his head: "Believe it or not..."

"Sister, you must be heartbroken!"

"Hmph..." Honglian snorted coldly and stopped talking.

At this moment, the sky darkened slightly, and six more monks fell down.

Among these six people, there are four men and two women. The men are all gray-haired, but the women are all full of energy.

Six people are not simple.

But after seeing Dongguang Zhiren and Honglian Zhiren, these six people quickly saluted: "I have met these two old gods!"

"Haha..." Honglian said: "It turns out that the six gods of Pingtianmen are here!"


Yun Meng was horrified to see it.

The old god Lianxu came with two or three words, and there were these six great transformation gods.

Oh my gosh!

Is the top level of Xuanmen in the entire Yan Kingdom here today?

"So strong!" Jing Shen said in a low voice: "Fellow Taoist Yunmeng, this Pingtian Sect does not have any Void Refining monks, but it is still the top sect in the entire Yan Kingdom, because they have six great transformation gods, each of which is superb! "

"And there are even those who are only one step away from the peak of becoming gods and can advance to the stage of refining the void!"

"There is another formation between these six people that has the same mind. It is said that if the six people become one, they can face the old god directly!"

Yunmeng nodded and whispered: "I've heard of it too!"

"They came here one by one today. What are they doing?"

"For what?" Jing Shen asked: "Isn't it for the broken sword in this Zhenwu Jedi?"

"I heard that there is an immortal sword here. Although it is broken, it is still at the level of an immortal weapon. When Yan went to the capital, he relied on this sword to sweep through Lianxu with his god-forming cultivation!"

Yunmeng nodded.

He also knew that the higher the level of monks in this true martial arts land, the more they would not dare to set foot there easily.

"Gu Dabao, are you there?"

The six gods of Pingtianmen looked at Lao Gu.

The leader of the old man smiled coldly and said: "Okay, last time you broke into our Pingtian Gate, we didn't decide the winner. Today, let me capture and kill this beast!"


He waved his hand and took out an extraordinary broad sword.

Lao Gu Yiran was not afraid and said: "Hey... you are really going to put yourself in a good position. Why the hell did you hit me six times and activate the mountain protection formation? Do you think there is no winner?"

"Do you want Pingtianmen to be shameless?"

After saying this, the six monks from Pingtianmen suddenly turned dark.

A female monk said: "You are shameless... Our Pingtianmen didn't mess with you, why did you come to our house?"

Lao Gu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He smiled and said, "It was dark that day. I accidentally took the wrong road. Hehehe... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"You fart!" the female cultivator said angrily: "It's broad daylight, where is the darkness?"

"Ahem, cough, cough..." Lao Gu said, "Fellow Taoist Tianxiu, if you have something to say, do you really want to talk wait..."


Lao Gu turned his eyes and looked towards the horizon. He swallowed his saliva and said with shock on his face: "A girl is here!"

The powerful men all turned their heads and looked in the direction of Lao Gu's gaze, and their spiritual thoughts came out overwhelmingly.

After a few breaths, the Holy Mother Asura landed in this space.

Today, she wore black clothes!

Her bright eyes are charming, and her skin is as white as snow!

Wearing a black Taoist robe, he looks even more extraordinary.

Lao Gu swallowed hard and said, "I recognize you, you are Asura's Holy Mother, Yan Qujing's old mistress..."

Before he finished his sentence, Lao Gu blasted away with powerful and vast energy again.

"Is it you?"


Dongguang Zhiren, Honglian Zhiren, and the six great gods of Pingtianmen were all quite surprised to see Fei Buqian.

Fei Buqian took her hand back and said, "What's wrong? My Asura's holy weapon is about to be born, so I can't come?"

"Hehe..." Dongguang Zhiren said, "You are wrong, Friend Fei. Back then, this Broken Sword of Abi was indeed your Asura's holy weapon, but everyone in the world knows that you later gave this holy weapon to Yan Qujing!"

"Yan Qujing is dead now, so this Broken Sword of Abi is naturally ownerless!"

"That's right!" Honglian Zhiren also said, "Since it is ownerless, anyone with ability in the world can get it!"


At this moment, a hearty laugh suddenly came from the distant sky: "That's right... This young lady is right. Ownerless things can be obtained by anyone with ability in the world!"

"Today, I, Tian Wen, will also see the weight of this immortal sword!"

As he spoke, a middle-aged man in armor fell from the sky.

Beside him, there were two more people following.

One of them held a horse lance, and was extremely powerful.

The other man was dressed in white, looking like a handsome young man.

If Xu Changan was here, he would definitely recognize them. One of them was Tian Dan and the other was Tian Heng.

"Tian Wen?"

"General of Qi!"

"Mengchang Jun..."

"It's him!"

As soon as Tian Wen arrived, everyone looked at him.

Because he was a little different!

This man was a national scholar, unparalleled, and as powerful as the immortal Lianxu of Xuanmen.

The key point was that this man was the commander-in-chief of the Qi army who led the army to conquer the Yan State. When he came here, the army must not be too far away.

I'm afraid they have already lined up nearby, right?

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