Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 437 [The name of Qingxu shocked everyone]

"Xu Changan?"

Dongguang Zhiren frowned slightly.

He has never heard of this name: "Da Xing, I have never heard of this person, who is so powerful? Is he a Void Refining Monk or a God Transformation Genius? Why haven't I heard of him? Could it be that he is from Qi State?"

No wonder Dongguang would ask this.

Because, in his imagination, to obtain the fairy sword, he must defeat Yan Qujing's broken body.

How could someone who could defeat the broken body of Yan Qujing be a Nascent Soul cultivator?

"This..." Du Daxing smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

"Why are you laughing?" Dongguang said, "Tell the truth."

"Yes!" Du Daxing said: "Xu Changan is not a god, nor is he an old god of immortality. He is just a golden elixir monk..."


Next to him, Hong Lian Zhiren, who was drinking spiritual tea with gusto, suddenly spit out a mouthful of water: "What? Golden elixir?"

"Yes!" Feng Jiu quickly saluted her ancestor: "Ancestor, not only is he a golden elixir, but he is also only a third-level monk at the golden elixir stage!"

Hong Lian was immediately furious: "Are you all pigs...Abi Broken Sword was actually taken away by a Jindan monk. Are you Nascent Souls all made of paper?"


Thump thump thump...

Feng Jiu and Feng Eleven quickly knelt in front of Hong Lian.

"Forgive me, my ancestors, but I am incompetent!"

"Hmph..." Honglong snorted coldly and said, "You are quite incompetent!"

When she spoke, she looked at Du Daxing and others, and her meaning was obvious: I am not talking about Feng Jiu, but all of you, who are incompetent!

"Um..." Du Daxing scratched his head and said, "Senior Honglian, you can't really blame us for our incompetence... He didn't get this sword by Xu Changan himself, it was given to him by someone else!"




This time, everyone was confused again.

Dongguang said: "What do you mean, Daxing, please explain clearly why someone else sent it to him, who sent it to him? Could it be that Yan went to Beijing?"

The limit that everyone can think of is that Yan goes to Beijing.

Yan Qiu is a mummy in Kyoto, how can he still give someone a fairy sword?

Du Daxing said: "It's the Emperor of Zhou!"


As soon as the words Zhou Tianzi came out, it was like thunder detonating at the entrance of the valley.

After Honglian and Dongguang Zhiren heard the name Zhou Tianzi, they immediately respectfully descended from the clouds and stood on the ground.

Just kidding, if Emperor Zhou was inside, would we still dare to call ourselves the ancestral masters here?

The six gods of Pingtianmen also landed respectfully on the ground.

Lao Gu also put away his previous cynical look.

"The Emperor..." Dongguang took a deep breath: "Still in there?"

"No," Du Daxing said, "Emperor Zhou has fallen for many years. What is inside is the remnant soul of Emperor Zhou. It was he who gave the broken sword to Xu Changan."

"Why?" Honglian asked in confusion: "With so many people here, why did Emperor Zhou give this broken sword to Xu Changan?"

Du Daxing said: "Because, he borrowed a stone drum from Xu Changan, saying that he was going to suppress Emperor Zhenwu because Emperor Zhenwu broke the seal!"

"Stone drum?"

Black lines appeared in everyone's minds.

It can't be one of the Emperor's Twelve Stone Drums.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is...

"Wait..." Lao Gu suddenly spoke, and he asked: "Boy, you just said that Emperor Zhenwu broke the seal. As far as I know, the Taiyi Zhenshui was to suppress Emperor Zhenwu. Why did Emperor Zhenwu break the seal? "

Du Daxing smiled bitterly: "Is it because Taiyi True Water was taken away?"


Taiyi Zhenshui was taken away?


How can it be?

Back then, there had been attempts by powerful people to transform themselves into gods and refine their physical strength, but no one had ever been able to take away the Taiyi True Water. This thing was still taken away?

"Who collected it?" Dongguang couldn't help but ask.

Du Daxing said: "Xu Changan..."


Everyone finally couldn't stand it any longer.

Xu Changan!

Is this Xu Changan again?

Is it this guy in the alchemy stage again?

"How is it possible?" Dongguang Zhiren felt that his brain was running out: "A guy at the third level of the golden elixir stage collected Taiyi True Water and got the Broken Sword of Abi?"

It’s a mess, it’s a mess…

The entire valley mouth was in complete chaos.

"How did he collect it?" Many people wondered.

Du Daxing said: "Anyway, I just set up a big formation, and then used the big formation to trap the Taiyi True Water, and then took it away. As for what the formation is, the disciples didn't understand it!"

Honglian took a deep breath and said: "This son is an extraordinary you know his origin?"

"Which sect?"

This question also stopped Du Daxing and others.

They really don't know Xu Changan's background.

However, Du Daxing glanced and saw several Nascent Souls from the Heavenly Hammer Sect, so he pointed at an elder from the Heavenly Hammer Sect and said: "Five thousand Taoists, aren't your Heavenly Hammer Sect always chasing Xu Changan? You should Do you know his origin? What sect is he from? "

At this moment, Yunmeng was almost scared to death.

"No!" Five thousand Taoists were so frightened that they knelt on the ground with a plop: "No...absolutely not, don't talk nonsense..."

"This..." Dongguang took a deep breath and said: "Five thousand, you don't need to kneel down. Your Sancai ancestor and I are also close friends, so there is no need to kneel down for me!"

As a result, a slap in the face came.

Wu Qian said: "I'm not kneeling down for you..."

He turned his head to look at the sky in the south, and kowtowed several times: "Old Immortal Qingxu, don't listen to their nonsense. We really didn't chase Xu Changan this time. Xu Changan, if I touch Xu Changan's finger, I will die!"

"Old Immortal Qingxu, I know you can hear it!"

"Let's go... Let's go!"

Five thousand Taoists left with their disciples.


? ? ?

Everyone at the scene was numb.

What does it mean?

There is someone behind Xu Changan.

Why are the five thousand Taoists so scared?

Who is the old immortal Qingxu?

Can he scare a Yuanying great man like this?

"Xu Changan...Xu Changan..." Yan Pingjing, who had a broken arm, rushed out of the Jedi, and shouted as soon as he ran out: "Xu Changan took the Taiyi True Water, Xu Changan got the Immortal Sword, we can't let him go..."

"Xu Changan is a disciple of Taixuan Immortal Sect..."

This sentence directly pointed out Xu Changan's origin.


Many people who knew the ancestor Yunmeng turned their heads and looked at her.

"Hmm!" Dongguang Zhiren frowned slightly: "Little girl, are you from Taixuan Immortal Sect?"

"Yes..." Yunmeng was so scared that her face turned pale: "Junior, I am the current helmsman of Taixuan Immortal Sect, Yunmeng!"

"Yunmeng?" Dongguang said: "Come here!"

Yunmeng didn't dare to disobey.

But before she went, Tian Wen spoke here.

"Fairy Yunmeng!" Tian Wen suddenly spoke, bowing to Yunmeng: "Junior Tian Wen, I saw Senior Qingxu last time, and I can't forget it for a long time. Please tell Senior Qingxu that if anyone dares to embarrass Xu Changan today, I will swear to deal with them to the end!"


Dongguang and Honglian were immediately terrified.

Who is Tian Wen?

He is the commander-in-chief of the Great Qi Kingdom's conquest of the Yan Kingdom. He actually called this Qingxu a senior?


What on earth is this Qingxu?

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