Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 438 [Fifth level of the golden elixir, the Dao-enhancing elixir is completed]

Tian Wen's fear of Qingxu was deep in his bones.

Back then, Qingxu did not attack, but communicated with the power of the heavenly rules with his mind, and controlled the power of space with a thought to crush a transformed god into meat paste.

Tian Wen, with the strong power of incense, had the same cultivation as the old immortal Lianxu of Xuanmen, but under such defense, he did not attack, but just said the word [break] to break the layers of defense on his body.

How can you fight with such means?

Are you kidding?

Dongguang Zhiren, who made Tian Wen respect so much, naturally had to weigh it at this moment.

So even when facing Yunmeng, the Nascent Soul, he did not dare to speak wildly, but said gently: "Yunmeng, right? This seat has no other intentions, just want to know about Xu Changan, the disciple of your Taixuan Xianzong..."

Yunmeng has not spoken yet.

Yan Pingjing, who lost an arm, spoke up: "Senior Dongguang, Xu Changan is a man that the Heaven must kill. He was the one who brought down the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulations!"

"What?" This sentence was once again earth-shattering.

Dongguang Zhiren, Honglian Zhiren, and others all gasped: Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulations?

Of course they had heard about it.

Not only had they heard about this kind of thing, but which powerful sect in the whole world, including the vassal states, had not heard about it?

It was just that they had not paid much attention to the specific name of this cultivator before.

After all, he had died under the Heavenly Tribulation.

But they never expected that this guy was not dead!


Dongguang's eyes were burning, and he said: "Daxing, come here, I have something for you to do!"

Du Daxing came to Dongguang's side.

Dongguang whispered: "Go... to Tianchui Sect to check and find out what this Qingxu is!"


Various legends about Xu Changan were circulating everywhere in the valley.

But at this moment, Xu Changan was in seclusion.

One year!

Two years!

Three years!

In a flash... ten years passed.

Xu Changan's cultivation level was raised to the fifth level!

The Seven Evil Ghost Banner also absorbed enough Yin Qi, and now it has become twenty feet in size, and it is dark and emits black light.

After ten years of unremitting efforts, Xu Changan's divine consciousness has also made great progress.

Great success!

It is still a little short of perfection!


One year!

Two years!

Three years!

In a flash, another sixteen years have passed.

Xu Changan's cultivation level was raised to the fifth level.

The inky black Seven Evil Ghost Banner in front of him finally grew to fifty feet high.

Continue to retreat!

Because Xu Changan's divine consciousness has not yet been perfected.

Six years later, Xu Changan's divine consciousness was finally perfected.

The Tiandi Yu Shenjing Jindan Chapter was perfected.

The Seven Evil Ghost Banner in front of him finally grew to a height of sixty feet.

Among the seven evil ghosts in the Seven Evil Ghost Banner, the Ghost King has reached the Nascent Soul stage, and the other six evil ghosts have also reached the peak of the Golden Core stage.

Let's put it this way.

Waving the ghost banner to summon seven evil ghosts, Xu Changan now has the capital to tangle with the Nascent Soul cultivators.

Divine thought is perfect!

Xu Changan took a step forward and came to the small world.

Here, behind a pile of Wanfa stones that are like a hill, there is a huge fluffy meat ball sleeping.

Dabai is about to break through and is sleeping.

Before, this guy was perfect in the twelfth level of the Golden Core stage. If he breaks through again now, he should be in the Nascent Soul stage.

I don't know if it can transform when it reaches the Nascent Soul stage?

Xu Changan ignored Dabai, he took a deep breath and took out a pill furnace.

Bailian Baoding.

Now that the divine thought is perfect, he must try to see if he can refine the top-grade [Ningzhen Pill].


A ray of pill fire flew out.

Xu Changan began to refine the elixir.

It was the same old routine. He put all the materials in at once.

Purify and refine at the same time.

After all the materials were purified, Xu Changan stretched out his finger and put a drop of blood into the elixir furnace.

Buzz buzz buzz...

Half an incense stick later, twelve rays of light shot up into the sky.

Twelve gray pills were pulled by Xu Changan's mind and fell into his hands.

After a few breaths, the pills were covered with elixir patterns.

Xu Changan took a look.

Twelve Ningzhen Pills, four of which were top-grade and eight were top-grade.

Finally, a top-grade one!




Refining Ningzhen Pills again.

Xu Changan refined more than a dozen furnaces in a row.

Each furnace can stably produce four top-grade and eight top-grade pills.

At this time, he stopped refining the elixir.

Refining [Ningzhen Pills] is not the purpose, but just for practice and to find the feeling.

What Xu Changan really wanted to refine was the [Yun Dao Dan].

It was time to find his own Dao root.

But Xu Changan was not in a hurry.

He first retreated in the same place for three days to calm his mind. After three days, he picked up the Dan furnace again and started to refine the elixir.

Yun Dao Dan requires more than 30 materials in total, and Xu Changan has them all.

And the most important main materials are only three, namely Yu Dao Shen Ma, Po Xin Cao and Wu Dao Tea.

He took out these three main materials and placed them beside him, and took out the elixir formula and read it carefully.

This elixir formula was obtained from the Great Zhou Dan Hall.

Xu Changan had been familiar with it countless times.

According to what is said in this elixir, the Shenma Bathing Dao is equivalent to the Dao of Heaven, and the Poxin Grass communicates with the Dao. If heaven and earth are connected and integrated, they can give birth to Dao roots.

So the question is, what kind of hemp do you use?

There are two kinds of hemp in Xu Changan, one is the ordinary Yudao Shenma jute, and the other is the jute used by Qingxu.

The jute used by Qingxu contains Qingxu's understanding of Tao, which is very advanced.

But here's the thing.

As Emperor Zhou said: Is other people's way your way?

Xu Changan only struggled for three breaths, and then took out a piece of jute that he had never used before.

He decided not to use the cluster that Qingxu had used.

Because this is not enlightenment.

If you are enlightened, you can completely understand the pure and empty way, and that is no problem.

But Xu Changan refined the Dao Yun Dan in order to generate Dao roots.

This is the way!

To establish the Tao, you must establish your own Tao, rather than using other people's understanding to establish the Tao.

Using pure insights to establish the Tao, Xu Changan was worried that it would interfere with his future understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.

"Huh..." He took a deep breath: "Come on..."


The flames rise!

Except for the three main materials, all the auxiliary materials were put into the cauldron by Xu Changan.

Finally, wait until all the auxiliary materials are melted and purified before adding the main materials.

Then nourish it with its own blood.


First furnace!


There is no way, after all, it is the first time to refine Yun Dao Dan.

There was no sadness or joy on Xu Changan's face, and he also knew where the problem lay.

Therefore, when he refined the elixir for the second time, he was more cautious.

Two hours later.

"Whoosh whoosh..." Twelve streams of light flashing with nine colors suddenly rushed out of the void and began to swim in the void.

The power of countless rules between the surrounding heaven and earth condenses.

Ten breaths later, the golden elixir fell into Xu Changsheng's hand.

These elixirs are all nine colors.

Exuding light of nine colors.

Extremely gorgeous.

And on the elixir, a series of elixir patterns appeared.

Four top quality pieces!

Eight top grade pieces.

Xu Changan smiled: Yun Dao Dan was finally refined successfully.

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