Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 445 [Cangshu Immortal Sect, rescue]


A cyan light passed through the Ashura Holy Land and flew into the vast snowfield.

Xu Changan did not stay, he left.

Naturally, he also rejected Wu Lian.

Wu Lian is very beautiful and a rare good girl.

But so what?

There are too many good girls in the world.

Wu Lian Nihong, Miaoyin Fairy, Fu Nianzhen, Shen Xizhi, Li Chuisheng!


Are they all involved?

Xu Changan didn't want to.

Now, at this moment, he only has the Tao in his heart.

The purpose of cultivation is immortality, not for the three thousand beauties in the harem.

Otherwise, why not go to the mortal world to look for it now?

The wind on the snowfield is still very cold.

When flying here, you can see the cute looking Fengqi Snow Beast from time to time.

Xu Changan did not make a move, because he already had the Dingfengzhu, so there was no need to continue killing.

Killing ordinary spirit beasts will still be contaminated with karma.

However, what Xu Changan did not expect was that on the third day of his flight, he suddenly saw a huge wind-dwelling snow beast.

Yuanying period.

This wind-dwelling snow beast floats with the wind on the snowfield, and can often teleport thousands of feet with a thought.

This Yuanying period wind-dwelling snow beast is very powerful, with a body reaching ten feet high and very brave.

A snow beast actually chased dozens of Xuanmen monks.

Looking at those dozens of Xuanmen monks, they were about to die.

"Daoyou, help me..." A white-haired old man sent a call for help to Xu Changan: "I am Cangshu Zhenren of Cangshu Xianzong, please save me, the three hundred disciples of Cangshu Xianzong are grateful to you!"

"My Cangshu Xianzong will definitely reward you heavily, otherwise I will be struck by thunder!"

Xu Changan took a look.

This old man is at the peak of the twelfth level of the Jindan period.

The disciples around him were even worse. Except for the three early Jindan stage, the rest were in the foundation building stage.

It is conceivable that if it weren't for the Fengqi snow beast deliberately teasing them, they might have been torn to pieces by the snow beast long ago.

Xu Changan nodded and said, "Okay..."

He didn't refuse.

The main reason was that Xu Changan also wanted to try his current combat power.

This trip to the Zhenwu Jedi improved his combat power a lot.

First of all, the Shennian Jindan stage was perfected!

Secondly, the cultivation reached the fifth level of the Jindan stage.

Of course, this is not the key!

The key is that he has a lot of swallowing talismans in his hand, all of which are the kind that swallow the Yuanying stage attacks.

In addition, Xu Changan has the Seven Evil Ghost Banner.

After the Seven Evil Ghost Banner is sacrificed, it can cover a world of hundreds of feet. Under the cover of this Yinsha Qi, the opponent cannot use any rule magic, so the power of this magic will be reduced sharply.

Xu Changan wanted to see if he could fight the Nascent Soul stage Fengqi Snow Beast with all these factors.

Of course, if he couldn't beat it, he could still leave calmly.


Xu Changan waved his hand, and a talisman unfolded.

Array talisman!

After a fourth-grade trap array was unfolded, the Nascent Soul stage Fengqi Snow Beast was trapped.


Seeing that Xu Changan trapped the Nascent Soul stage monster with such a casual trick, Cang Shu Zhenren was shocked and relieved at the same time.

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, thank you, fellow Daoist..."

Xu Changan took a look and said, "Let your foundation-building disciples leave early, otherwise if the snow beast gets angry, it is estimated that there will be heavy casualties. My array can only trap it for a while, not for a long time!"

"Okay!" Cang Shu Zhenren said, "All disciples, go back to the sect first..."

Hua La La...

The disciples ran away cleanly.

Only Xu Changan and Cang Shu Zhenren were left at the scene.

Xu Changan asked: "You can also go, I can do it by myself!"

"No!" Cang Shu Zhenren was more serious and said: "Daoyou is also a Jindan stage cultivator, and may not be a match for this snow beast. You saved me and my disciples, how can I escape now?"

Xu Changan smiled, he didn't expect this guy to be so true.



Finally, the Fengqi snow beast, perhaps because of anger, exerted its energy in its body, and Xu Changan's fourth-grade trap formation trembled.

The fourth-grade trap formation can block the power of a Yuanying stage cultivator.

In other words, a Yuanying stage cultivator cannot easily break it.

But it doesn't mean that a Yuanying stage cultivator can't break it.

After all, this is not a mountain protection formation.

After being attacked by the Fengqi snow beast for about a dozen times, the fourth-grade trap formation was defeated.

Xu Changan did not cast a second trap, but waved his hand, and the black Seven Evils Ghost Banner was taken out.


The Yin evil spirit in it gushed out, covering a radius of a hundred feet in an instant, covering the Fengqi Snow Beast.

Although it was only a small radius of a hundred feet, it was impossible for the Fengqi Snow Beast to teleport away because it could not communicate with the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

It could fly away.

But flying is not teleportation after all, and it would give the opponent a chance to attack.

"This..." Seeing the black magic weapon in Xu Changan's hand, Cang Shu Zhenren was terrified.

What a powerful Yin evil treasure.

"Chirp chirp... Hehehe..."

A huge ghost head flew out of the Seven Evils Ghost Banner, chasing the Fengqi Snow Beast and biting it.


Then, the other six ghost heads also flew out and bit the Fengqi Snow Beast.

Xu Changan didn't even need to do anything, just watched these evil ghosts and the ghost king fight for him.

Of course, although the ghost king is at the Nascent Soul stage, it is a ghost king after all, not a real big Nascent Soul, so when fighting, it has fewer means.

But a ghost king plus six evil ghosts besieged a Fengqi Snow Beast at the first level of the Nascent Soul stage, and finally got the upper hand.

"This Taoist friend... please stop!"

"I was wrong!"

"I dare not hurt your friends in the future!"

"Please stop!"

The Fengqi Snow Beast, which was ten feet tall, actually spoke human language.

Xu Changan was not surprised.

Because many monsters will transform after reaching the Nascent Soul stage, even if they don't transform, they can communicate in human language.

"Okay!" Xu Changan waved his hand and said: "In the future, don't harass our Xuanmen monks passing by on the snowfield!"

"Don't dare!" Fengqi Snow Beast bowed.

Xu Changan then put away the Seven Evil Ghost Banner.

The Nascent Soul Snow Beast communicated with the power of the rules of heaven and earth and fled directly.

"This..." Seeing that Xu Changan did not make a move and only used a magic weapon to drive away the Nascent Soul Snow Beast, and thinking about the evil ghosts just now, Master Cang Shu felt a tingling scalp. He suppressed his inner fear, bowed to Xu Changan, and said: "Fellow Daoist, you are really powerful!"

"You're welcome!" Xu Changan nodded.

Master Cang Shu said: "If you don't mind, please come with me and stay in my sect for a while!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan nodded.

He was a little interested in a sect built on the snowfield.

Who would build a sect on the snowfield?

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