Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 446 [Underground Spiritual Veins, Snowfield Retreat]

"This is your sect?"

Looking at the few simple buildings on the snow-covered field, and even the place where there was no mountain gate, Xu Changan was filled with doubts from the bottom of his heart.

There are quite a few disciples.

There are about ten elders in the Golden Core Stage, seventy or eighty disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and three to four hundred disciples in the Qi Refining Stage.

So many people, that’s it?

"Haha..." Master Cangzhu blushed and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, these simple houses are important buildings of our sect, not the dojo for our disciples!"


Isn’t this a dojo?

"Then..." Xu Changan asked; "Where is the disciples' dojo?"

Master Cangzhu said: "Underground!"

"You come with me..."

Xu Changan followed him past the buildings, and finally saw the dojo belonging to the disciples.

Ice caves one after another.

To be precise, it was a hole dug by the disciples, but it was just dug out of the ice.

"Try the aura here!"

Xu Changan walked into the cave and felt the spiritual energy inside, and was surprised to find that the spiritual energy inside was very rich. Although it could not keep up with the Taixuan Immortal Sect, it was endless.


"Your Cangzhu Immortal Sect is really unique!"

Xu Changan was a little emotional.

Master Cangzhu looked sincere: "Fellow Taoist saved our lives, so I won't hide it!"

"Actually, our sect was not originally here, but in a medium-sized county in the Yan Kingdom."

"Three years ago, I came here for other reasons. At that time, a huge hole opened in the ice field here, hundreds of feet wide. The distance of tens of thousands of feet under the ice field was a The mountains are as dark as a giant dragon!”

"The mountains are rolling up and down, and the aura is so rich that it's unbelievable!"

"I have seen this with my own eyes, Fellow Daoist Xu, I am absolutely not deceiving!"

"What a pity!" Master Cangzhu continued: "Originally, I thought that this wide crack would exist forever, but in less than half a day, the crack suddenly closed again. I really don't know why?"

Xu Changan frowned: "What do you mean, fellow Taoist, there is a huge spiritual vein under this ice field?"

Cang Zhu Zhenren said: "It is an unparalleled spiritual vein. Once it is born, it will shake the world and be bigger than the spiritual veins of all the sects in the Yan Kingdom!"

"So, I moved the sect here to stick to the spiritual veins!"

"Aside from the occasional harassment by wind-dwelling snow beasts, there are no other threats here. That's right. We have been unable to build a defensive formation at the mountain gate!"

"If we form a defensive formation, we won't be afraid of the wind-dwelling snow beast."

"In the future, my disciples of the Cangzhu Immortal Sect will be able to dig holes and practice with peace of mind!"

Xu Changan nodded.

If there is such an opportunity, I am afraid that as long as he is a monk, he will move here.

The so-called early possession.

"I'll try……"

Xu Changan waved his hand and launched a flying sword.


He is a monk with the fire attribute. After the flying sword became ten feet in size, a layer of fire spiritual power was attached to it.

The flying sword with endless flames landed on the ice, and then spun crazily, like a diamond, suddenly burrowing into the ground.

The ice and snow on the snowfield are all ordinary ice and snow, so they melt very quickly when encountering this flame.

Xu Changan collected the water while drilling.

In less than half a day, he successfully drilled a large hole hundreds of feet deep.

In that cave, there was a lot of spiritual power rising from the ground, and its intensity was far greater than that of Changfeng Valley of Taixuan Immortal Sect.


Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly.

If the hole was drilled deeper, wouldn't the spiritual energy be stronger?

"Tao friendly magical power!" Master Cang Zhu raised his hand: "Fellow Daoist Xu, I intend to invite fellow Taoist to join our Cang Zhu Immortal Sect and become the great elder of our Immortal Sect from now on. If fellow Taoist is willing, I would rather become the head teacher of this sect. I’ll give you the position together, how about we develop our power here together?”

For Cangzhu Zhenren, nothing matters.

It is important to let the sect develop and grow.

It is more important to let the sect gain a foothold.

Xu Changan thought for a while, nodded and said: "I am an ascetic monk and have no desire for power. I want to stay in seclusion here for a while!"

"Of course, I won't join your sect either!"

"But!" Xu Changan looked around and said, "I can help you set up a mountain protection formation, but you have to provide the materials yourself!"


Master Cang Zhu nodded happily and said: "Great, if there is a third-grade mountain guarding formation, then even if the wind-dwelling snow beasts from the Nascent Soul stage come, they should not be able to break through!"

Xu Changan smiled, took out the jade slips and gave the required materials to Master Cangzhu: "Here are the materials, you can collect them yourself!"

"Yes Yes Yes Yes!"

Master Cang Zhu picked up the jade slip and took a look at it, and suddenly looked shocked: "Fellow Daoist Xu... this... is this the fourth grade?"

He thought he had seen it wrong.

Xu Changan nodded: "Yes, it's fourth grade, go ahead, my time is precious!"


He waved his hand, threw out the formation talisman, and several fourth-level formations were displayed.

Fourth grade defensive array!

Fourth grade spirit gathering array!

Fourth-grade Forbidden God Formation!

Three formations covered the hole that Xu Changan had just cut!

He took a step forward and walked into the formation: "Fellow Daoist Cang Shu, tell me when you have collected the materials, and I will help you set up the formation!"

Xu Changan did not waste any time and dived into the [Golden Talisman Space].

With a wave of his hand, a wisp of flame was sacrificed.

The fourth-grade formation requires a lot of materials, and the level is also high, so it is impossible for Cang Shu Zhenren to gather them in a short time.

Xu Changan began to retreat.

Burn the karma on his body.

However, before it started to burn, when this wisp of red lotus karma fire flew out, Xu Changan suddenly found that the water and fire in the golden talisman space seemed to have spirituality and began to retreat.

Especially the immortal netherworld fire.

It seems that the level of this red lotus karma fire is really high.

The immortal netherworld fire and Taiyi Zhenshui are afraid of this small karma fire.


The two-foot-high karmic fire suddenly turned into a ball, covering Xu Changan's body. The karma on Xu Changan was also forced out of his body little by little, and then those mysterious karmas were swallowed by the red lotus karmic fire to strengthen himself.

Of course, Xu Changan was not idle either.

While burning his own karma, he comprehended the [Immortal Nether Fire] to comprehend his [Nine-day Sky Patrol] which he had not yet fully comprehended.

Secondly, he divided a part of his mind to comprehend the [Great Zhou Formation Outline] and [Basic Mechanism Refining Method].

Of course, comprehending the Nine-day Sky Patrol is not enlightenment, not comprehending the power of heaven and earth, but meditation to perfect supernatural powers.

Therefore, even if Xu Changan is full of karma now, it does not have much impact.

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