Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 448 [Return to Jidu, the Emperor of Yan’s Request]

Jidu is still the same!

Nothing has changed at all!

Xu Changan did not disguise himself as a crane this time, but used his true appearance to go directly to find Zhen Qingyan.

"Senior, wait a minute, I'll pass the message right now!"

Outside a huge house, a woman wearing a silk robe cupped her hands and entered the inner courtyard.

After about half a stick of incense, Zhen Qingyan walked out of the courtyard in person.

Seeing Xu Changan, she breathed a sigh of relief.

A trace of longing and deep worry were projected in her beautiful eyes. She stepped forward and grabbed Xu Changan's hand in three steps, and asked: "How have you been in these years? I heard that you went to the Shura tribe. But it’s gone forever, has the karma on your body been eliminated?”

Xu Changan smiled apologetically, and finally held her slender and boneless hand, saying: "It's almost done, don't worry, I'm fine!"

"Follow me!" Zhen Qingyan pulled Xu Changan into the courtyard.

This is a very grand courtyard.

It's a thousand feet wide inside!

"I have been living here since I moved out of Yaxiang's mansion!" Zhen Qingyan leaned her head on Xu Changan's shoulder, and the two of them walked forward slowly: "I, Yin, am the one who lives in this courtyard. Song people!”

"Yes!" Xu Changan unfolded his spiritual thoughts, scanned her body, and found that this woman's cultivation had actually reached the eleventh level of the Golden Core stage.

It is only one step away from the twelfth level of Dzogchen.

He asked: "Madam, have you given birth to your Dao roots?"

Zhen Qingyan shook her head and said, "Not yet. Most of them can only be born at the Nascent Soul stage. A very small number of geniuses will be born at the twelfth level of the Golden Core stage. I am not so defiant yet!"

Xu Changan waved his hand, took out a [Yundao Pill] and said: "It's all my fault, I should have given this pill to you earlier!"


Zhen Qingyan took the Yun Dao Pill and said with some surprise: "Have you already refined it?"

"Yeah!" Xu Changan nodded.

"Oh my God, it's still the best?"

Zhen Qingyan put away the Yun Dao Pill and asked: "When can you give me the [Breaking Pill] you promised me? I'm already at the eleventh level!"

Xu Changan thought for a while and said: "It's almost time. There are still two main materials that are not available. When I find these two main materials, I will go to refine them!"

"I'll give you a top quality one then!"

"Okay!" Zhen Qingyan looked happy.

Then she lowered her head, brought her hot lips to Xu Changan's ear, and kissed him gently.

Xu Changan felt slightly numb, and finally thought of something, and asked: "Madam, last time you said you would give me a bloodline, what happened next?"

"Are you giving birth?"

Xu Changan looked at Zhen Qingyan with burning eyes.

Zhen Qingyan puffed out and her eyes almost turned to water. She looked at Xu Changan with some confusion and said: "I didn't get pregnant last time, otherwise... during this period of time, we can give it a try..."

She stared at Xu Changan, with a cunning and charming look in her eyes.

Xu Changan immediately felt a fire burning in his heart.

In the next month, Xu Changan and Zhen Qingyan did not practice or retreat.

In Jidu, life is just like the life between a mortal couple.

Both of them were very content with this peaceful day.

However, this calm was soon broken.

Lao Gu, a great monk in the Void Refining Stage, suddenly came to the two of them one day, picking his nostrils.

"Lao Gu?" Xu Changan was surprised: "Your hair has turned black!"

Lao Gu still looks slovenly, but now he has become much younger.

His originally gray hair turned as black as ink.

"Yes!" Lao Gu nodded: "Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to enter this realm of virtual refining. Now that I have five thousand years of life, isn't it just that I am young?"

"Madam praised me some time ago!"

Xu Changan:…………

"That's right!" Lao Gu looked at Zhen Qingyan and Xu Changan and said, "My husband said that he wants to see you two. You should pack up and go there as soon as possible!"

Mr. Xianggong is now the Prime Minister of the Yan Kingdom, and the Yaqing of the past!


Le Yi saved Xu Changan's life.

So Xu Changan naturally didn't dare to disobey, he cupped his hands and said: "Okay, let's go there right away!"

The two followed Lao Gu to Le Yi's mansion.

Although Le Yi is now the chief minister of Yan State, his residence is still the same as before and has not changed.

"No need to salute me!" Outside the hall, Le Yi personally came out to greet the two of them: "Xu Chang'an, come on... come into the room and say!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan entered the hall.

Le Yi said: "Princess Song does not need to avoid it, come in together!"

Zhen Qingyan, who was about to avoid it, also stepped into the hall. She sat next to Xu Changan.

Le Yi laughed and said: "They are really a perfect couple..."

"Xu Changan!" he said: "Time flies so fast, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye!"

"You are already at the sixth level of the Golden Core Stage!"

Xu Changan said: "You, old man, can't say that you haven't made any progress this time. You are already the Prime Minister!"

"Hahahaha..." Le Yi laughed and said, "That makes sense!"

"Let's get down to business!"

His face suddenly became serious and he said, "Is there some trouble between you and the second prince?"

"I already know everything about you two!"

"Emperor Yan also knows!"

Xu Changan was a little nervous.

He and Yan Pingjing were not just celebrating a festival.

It could be said that they were enemies of life and death.

In the Ruins of Seeking Benevolence, the two were just celebrating a festival, but this time in the Zhenwu Desolate Land, they almost used all their means to kill each other.

However, by chance, neither of them died.

But Yan Pingjing broke an arm by him.

If this happened to the prince, it would be a bit serious.

If the Emperor Yan pursued this matter, Xu Changan would be in trouble.

"Don't be afraid!" Le Yi waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty is not a narrow-minded person. He has sent people to understand the cause and effect of this matter. He has said that it is not your fault. It was the Second Prince who did something wrong!"

"He also said that he hopes you can shake hands and make peace in the future and turn hostility into friendship!"

Xu Changan breathed a sigh of relief.

But just as he breathed a sigh of relief, Le Yi said, "So, tomorrow His Majesty invites you to the Golden Terrace to discuss important matters!"

"And you!" Le Yi smiled and turned his gaze to Zhen Qingyan: "Princess Song, His Majesty said that he will summon you as well!"

"Ah?" Zhen Qingyan was stunned, then pointed at herself with her slender index finger, and said uncertainly: "Prime Minister Le, are you sure His Majesty wants to summon me?"


Le Yi's face was solemn: "It's to summon you, and it's about your plan to restore the Yin Song Kingdom. Everything will be finalized tomorrow, so you must go there too!"

Xu Changan's brows trembled: Restoration?

That means Yan is preparing to fight back against Qi's invasion?

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