Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 449 [First meeting with Emperor Yan on the Golden Stage]

Zhuque Street is a straight street.

Its northern end is adjacent to the snow-capped fields, while its southern end is a magnificent palace.

This palace is based on gold, and the entire building is painted with a layer of vermilion paint, making it even more majestic and domineering, and very solemn.

And this building is the Golden Platform.

The Golden Platform is not the king's palace, nor does it belong to the royal family.

It is the place where all the talented people in the entire country work and even live.

Of course, Emperor Yan often lived here and discussed state affairs with his ministers day and night.

But now, the situation in Yan State is very critical.

Almost all the counties and counties south of Jidu were occupied by the Qi army, and the Yan State's national destiny became increasingly weak, almost to the edge of national subjugation and annihilation.

On this day, Le Yi, who was dressed in white robes, personally led Xu Changan and Zhen Qingyan to the golden stage.

In the largest hall, I saw the most legendary old man in the Yan Kingdom: Emperor Yan.

"His Majesty!"

The three of them bowed and saluted, but did not kneel down.

Because Le Yi said that Emperor Yan didn't like others to kneel to him.

"Flat body!"

The tall old man was a little stooped. With the support of a palace servant, he walked down from the high platform step by step, and then stood opposite Le Yi and Xu Changan.

"Xu Changan!"

Emperor Yan's voice was loud and clear: "I have heard people mention you more than once. Are you from Yiyang County of Yan State?"


Xu Changan raised his hand and said: "Xu Changan, a disciple of Xuanmen, was born in Xujia Village, Qingniu Town, Qingfeng County, Yiyang County, Yan State!"

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Yan stretched out his hand, patted Xu Changan's shoulder hard twice, and said: "A native of Yan country, Xu Changan, raised his head and looked at me, always looking at the ground. very?"

Xu Changan then raised his head and looked at the old man in front of him.

He was tall, with gray hair, and wrinkles on his face like old trees.

However, Emperor Yan's eyes were shining with light, appearing wise and far-sighted.

"I heard about what happened between you and my second prince!" Emperor Yan turned around, pointed at the futon next to him and said, "Come... sit down and talk!"

Four people sit on the ground.

Emperor Yan sat in the first place, and Le Yi accompanied him.

Xu Changan sat opposite Emperor Yan, while Zhen Qingyan sat next to Xu Changan.

"I know very well what my son's temperament is, so I sent someone to inquire about the cause and effect. Sure enough, the feud between you two originated from the [Ruins of Qiu Ren]."

"But it's not your fault."

"Everything is due to Yan Pingjing's behavior. I have already punished him and deprived him of the power of incense. Now he has been demoted from a third-grade national scholar to a fourth-grade national scholar!"

Xu Changan was slightly moved.

The third-grade national scholar was reduced to the fourth grade.

In other words, Yan Pingjing's cultivation level dropped from the Golden Core stage to about the Foundation Establishment stage.

So cruel.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Xu Changan cupped his hands.

"Your Majesty!" Xu Changan continued: "Pindao found some divine spring of youth in that Zhenwu Jedi Land. This bottle is dedicated to Your Majesty!"

While talking, Xu Changan took out a porcelain bottle.

This porcelain bottle contains ten drops of divine spring water from the Divine Spring of Youth.

This thing has a great effect on monks, but it is even more attractive to incense warriors. It can greatly extend a person's lifespan.

You must know that no matter what cultivation level this Xianghuo Kingdom scholar has, his lifespan is only ten years and six hundred years at most.

And a drop of [Spring of Youth] can extend your life.

The monks extended the period by sixty years.

As for the national scholars, they can directly extend the period for a hundred years.

Xu Changan believed that for a person like Emperor Yan, it would not be difficult to obtain the divine spring of youth, but even Emperor Yan might not be able to obtain a lot of divine spring water.

Not only can he use this thing for himself, but he can also use it for his family.

Who doesn't want it.

Sure enough, Emperor Yan was immediately overjoyed. He stretched out his skinny hand and said, "Hehehe... Thank you very much, Xu Changan!"

Of course, Xu Changan would also give it to Le Yi, but he had given it to him a long time ago, at Le Yi's house.

Putting the divine spring water of immortality presented by Xu Changan gently on the side of the futon, Emperor Yan returned his gaze.

He looked at Xu Changan and said: "I went through many hardships when I was young. My father admired the wisdom of those sages and sages from three generations above, but misunderstood the words of powerful officials and thieves, so he gave up the throne of Yan State to Zen. Son!”

"As a result, the Yan Kingdom was in chaos. The people and nobles turned against Zi Zhi, and the war lasted for more than 20 years!"

"At that time, I was just an unknown prince, unable to influence the chaos!"

"Later, the people of Qi took advantage of the chaos in our country of Yan to launch a war. In the first battle, they almost occupied the entire territory of our country of Yan."

"Relying on the protection of the spirits of our ancestors, the common people working together, and all the ministers being state officials, we were able to drive the Qi State out of Jidu, the Yan State!"

"After I succeeded to the throne, I worked hard to govern for three hundred years, and finally established the Yan Kingdom today. My greatest wish in my life is to avenge my previous shame and destroy the Qi Kingdom!"


He turned his eyes, and the majestic aura on his body burst out: "Xu Changan, our opportunity for Yan Kingdom has come!"

"Not bad!" Le Yi next to him said with a smile: "Just last month, the four countries of Zhao, Qin, South Korea, and Wei all expressed their willingness to lend us their country's transportation, so that we, the Yan Kingdom, could go south in one fell swoop and follow them. The country is different!"

Xu Changan was shocked inside.

You know, Emperor Yan has been working hard for so many years, and finally he has been waiting for the opportunity.

After retreating step by step, all the countries thought that Yan was going to be destroyed, so they came to rescue him?

That's probably what it means.

Emperor Yan said: "The destruction of Qi is just around the corner, but in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Xu Chang'an, you have to do something for me!"

To be honest, Xu Changan didn't want to be involved in this war.

What does the fight for land between you Xianghuo monks and me, a Xuanmen monk, have to do with it?

But now Emperor Yan found him directly, the question was how to refuse!

Not only was Emperor Yan there, but there was also Le Yi beside him.

Xu Changan owed Le Yi a huge favor.

What a headache.

"Huh..." Xu Changan took a deep breath and did not immediately agree to Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan smiled and did not continue to put pressure on Xu Changan. Instead, he looked at Zhen Qingyan and said, "Princess Song has been traveling among various countries in the past few years. She must be trying to restore her country. I heard from Mr. Su Said it!”

"Yes!" Zhen Qingyan nodded.

Emperor Yan said: "Impossible!"

"Now that the situation of the world has been determined, it will be for the countries to attack and annex, and the strong will devour the weak. One day, the world will be united into one!"

"The Song Dynasty is a place of four wars. It is located between Han, Wei, Zhao, Qi and Chu. It will not last long!"

"Even if the country is restored, what will happen?"

He stared at Zhen Qingyan.

Zhen Qingyan lowered her head.

How could she not know the current situation.

But she was also forced by the situation, and even though she knew there was no hope, she still had to give it a try.

Emperor Yan said: "Let's do this..."

"After this battle, regardless of whether Yan State can destroy Qi State, we will give you the three counties of the Yin and Song Dynasties to settle you!"

"You can still worship your ancestors in the ancestral temple, and you can call yourself king, but you can't arrogantly call yourself emperor, okay?"

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