Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 450 [Three Counties, Letter from Great Yan]

"Come here, bring the maps of Yan and Qi!"

Emperor Yan waved his sleeves.

The palace man beside him immediately retreated, and in a few breaths he brought a long scroll and opened it.

This is a huge piece of cloth, on which is drawn a map of the entire Yan Kingdom and the surrounding countries.

Very precise.


Emperor Yan pointed his hand and said: "Three counties of Huaxu!"

"There are three counties around Huaxu Leize: [Yiyang County], [Yangshuo County] and [Cangbei County]. One day I conquer Qi, and the land of these three counties will be given to you people of the Yin and Song Dynasties!"

Zhen Qingyan's eyes heated up.

She must be willing.

As Emperor Yan said, it would be extremely difficult for the Song State to restore its homeland.

If the country cannot be restored, it would be a good thing to be able to obtain the three counties of Yan State, thereby establishing a small kingdom and living in peace from then on.

The key is that the Xuanmen in Yiyang County and Yangshuo County among these three places are basically under the control of Xu Changan.

That way, that's even better.

However, Zhen Qingyan also knew that Emperor Yan was not without conditions.

This condition was to ask Xu Changan to promise him something, but Xu Changan did not agree.

Xu Changan also understood.

Since it is an important matter for my wife, I naturally have to take it seriously. He bowed his hands to Emperor Yan and said: "Whatever your Majesty needs me to do, as long as I can do it, I will not hesitate to die!"

It seems sincere, but there is a prerequisite, that is, I must be able to do it.


Emperor Yan nodded and said: "This matter is not difficult for you!"

"You all, go down..."

Emperor Yan waved his hand.

The surrounding palace guards and palace residents all left the hall and closed all nine doors of the hall.

There were only four people in the room, which was brightly lit by candles.

Yan Huang, Le Yi, Xu Changan and Zhen Qingyan.

"Your Majesty, let me speak!" Le Yi volunteered.

Emperor Yan nodded.

Le Yi said: "Xu Chang'an, in fact, our country of Yan has worked hard to govern for three hundred years, and it is not just as simple as it seems. Let's put it this way, the huge fortune you can see on the palace is actually just the Half of luck."

"Another 50% of Yan's luck has been hidden by us!"

"Hidden?" Xu Chang was stunned: "Can this thing be hidden?"

"Don't others know?"

The destiny of the country lies in the palace!

If half of it is suddenly missing, wouldn’t others know?

"Hehehe..." Le Yi laughed loudly and said, "Then do you know when you started hiding 50% of the country's destiny?"

Xu Changan shook his head.

Le Yi said: "Three hundred years ago...from the moment His Majesty ascended the throne, he began to hide!"

Hiss, hiss...

Xu Changan gasped: These old foxes who seek the country, one by one, have such far-reaching plans.

The preparations for the hard work began three hundred years ago.

Who would have thought that Yan State has been hiding since Emperor Yan ascended the throne.

"The four countries of Han, Zhao, Wei, and Qin are willing to lend us money..." Le Yi continued: "They have seen the weakness of our Yan country and the strength of Qi country, but they are not at ease after all. There have been dozens of games between all parties. Years ago, we just achieved our current situation!”

"However, when the envoys from the four countries arrive next month, they will definitely check the national destiny of our Yan country!"

"Although Yan's national destiny has been hidden, it... cannot withstand inspection!"

"Your Majesty's intention is for you to leave Yan State with the other half of Yan State's national destiny!" Le Yi stared at Xu Changan: "This way we can hide it better!"

Xu Changan was confused: I...take away the national destiny?

There was a sneer on Emperor Yan's lips: "All the countries in the world are coming to help me, but are they willing?"

"Are you sincere?"

"It's just that I don't want to sit back and watch Qi become stronger and a behemoth appear in the east!"

"After all, it's all for myself!"

Ordinary people like Xu Changan and Zhen Qingyan can see this, but can Emperor Yan not see it?

Emperor Yan continued: "So you can imagine what will happen once we defeat Qi. They will take away all the luck lent to us. What they want is neither Qi's victory nor Qi's victory. It is not the victory of our Yan State, but the endless consumption of the two countries!"

"But I... don't want to do what they want!" Emperor Yan's eyes crossed the crowd and looked at the map hanging on the wall behind him: "What I want is the Kingdom of Qi... If our Yan Kingdom swallows up the great Qi, then the world will be determined by Yan!"

The huge momentum burst out from Emperor Yan's body again.

"So!" Le Yi added: "What other countries can't think of is that our Yan country has hidden half of its national destiny. When we defeat the Qi countries and withdraw the national destiny of each country, it will be the day when this half of the national destiny returns to the Yan country!"

"At that time, Qi will be destroyed in one fell swoop, and the princes of the world will not have any time to react. Our country, Yan, will become a behemoth on the eastern land. At that time, we will be far away from Qin and Chu, and we will be close to Wei and Han. It is not impossible to enter Luoyang to replace the Zhou Dynasty. Ask the importance of Jiuding!"

Xu Changan and Zhen Qingyan were a little confused.

They guessed half of it, but the other half was even more shocking.

Xu Changan took a deep breath and suddenly asked, "Why did your Majesty choose me?"

Emperor Yan smiled and said nothing, reached out and took out a book from his arms, and handed it to Xu Changan.

When Xu Changan got the book and read it, a familiar feeling came to his heart.

There are only four words on the cover of the book, and they are the ancient Zhou seal script: The emperor gave the book.

Turning to the second page, there are four words again: Dayan Guoshu.


Back then, Xu Changan got a book like this. It was also a book given by the emperor, but it was the official document of Da Qi.

On the third page of the Daqi State Book, there are five characters written on it: "The Emperor of Heaven controls the nerves".

This third page is the real function of this book.

Emperor Yan said: "No problem, just keep reading!"

Xu Changan turned to the third page. There were only three words on the third page: Book of Prayer for Good Harvest.

What's the meaning? Don’t quite understand!

Keep reading!

Page 4.

The fourth page is a picture.

On the screen, there is a golden platform.

Sitting on the golden stage was an emperor whose face could not be seen clearly. In front of him, there was a crowd of ministers.

There are four more poems below.

Poem title: Golden Terrace.

It is always sadder to be alone and weak,

Emperor Yan's golden platform for seeking talents.

Enduring humiliation and hiding the edge for five years,

The heavenly soldiers came straight through the Zi River.

Xu Changan can understand these four lines of poetry, but when they are connected together, he can only understand half of them.

I understood it earlier. It said that the Yan country was weak, and the Emperor of Yan established the Golden State to seek talents, and then endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden for five years, which was three hundred years.

But what does the last sentence "Heavenly soldiers are coming straight through Zishui" mean?

Seemingly seeing Xu Changan's doubts, Zhen Qingyan next to her said: "Zishui is right next to Linzi, the capital of Qi!"

Xu Changan understood: This is talking about the Yan army defeating the capital of Qi.


What's even more explosive is that Emperor Yan said calmly: "This painting was one year after I ascended the throne, and the power of Qi's luck penetrated, and it naturally appeared on this page!"

"The Book of the Kingdom of Dayan is a book of prophecy!"

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