Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 452 [Entering Yunmeng again, the yellow robe cries bitterly]

After leaving Jidu, Xu Changan directly sacrificed the immortal boat.

The huge fairy boat went straight into the sky and flew southward.

Originally, the fastest one rode on Dabai's back and let Dabai go on his way.

Unfortunately, Dabai suddenly fell asleep recently. Xu Changan guessed that it was on the verge of destruction, so he couldn't disturb it.

Dabai lies alone in a small world and retreats.

Next to it, there is a pile of stones taken out from the perfume river beach like a hill, the kind whose skins have not been rubbed off.

Therefore, Xu Changan's options now are very limited. If he wants to leave the Yan Kingdom quickly, he can only ride on the fairy boat and leave.

Fortunately, the speed of the fairy boat was very fast. He had purchased it from the Yanbei Chamber of Commerce when he went to the Asura Tribe. A few days later, Xu Changan's fairy boat flew to Lulong County.

In Lulong County, there is the Shangzong Taixuan Immortal Sect.

Resisting the urge to take a look at Fu Nianzhen and Shen Xizhi, Xu Changan did not stop, but drove his fairy boat directly past Lulong County and continued south.

In about two days, we arrived at Yiyang County.

This place has been occupied for nearly twenty years, but fortunately, it has not had a particularly big impact on Xuanmen and mortals.

Whether it belongs to Yan State or Qi State, not much has changed.

Xu Changan did not return to Taixuanmen!

When the fairy boat passed by a vast swamp, Xu Changan waved his hand to collect the boat and landed on the ground.


Yunmeng Shifang.

This is where his journey of cultivation begins.

So whenever he comes here, Xu Changan can't help but stop here and take a tour.

This time is no exception.

He did not fly directly to the small island in the middle of Yunmengze because of his advanced cultivation. Instead, like an ordinary low-level monk, he found a canoe by the lake, rowed it himself, and slowly arrived at the island in the middle of the lake.

The layout of the island doesn't seem to have changed at all.

As noisy as ever.

It's just that the stall owners here have changed how many stalls they have.

"Storage bag, storage bag, three hundred yuan for a low-grade spiritual stone!"

"The best wine, a spiritual stone for a vat!"

"Fellow Taoists, please come here to see the magical jade slip I have here!"

The crowds were huge and crowded.

Someone grabbed Xu Changan's robe, mysteriously took out a storage bag, and asked him if he wanted to see the treasure.

Xu Changan smiled and refused them all.

This is where the lowest level Xuanmen monks gather, so the smell of fireworks is still quite strong.


Suddenly, a miserable cry came over.

Everyone looked sideways.

Xu Changan turned his eyes in the direction of the voice. Next to the street where countless monks were coming and going, a fourth-level Taoist in the Qi Refining Stage wearing a dirty yellow robe appeared in his eyes.

Xu Changan's brows twitched sharply.

He had seen this yellow-robed Taoist before.

When I first entered the world of cultivation, I spent five spiritual stones here to buy a [Hundred Treasures Book of Cultivation] from this old guy.

Later, after his spiritual root was shattered, the old man sold him 100,000 low-grade spiritual stones in Yunmeng Market and bought a jade slip with the words "Hongmeng Breath" on it.

Unexpectedly, when I came here today, I met this bad old man again.

Buying something is not the key.

The key is, isn't this guy at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage?

How many years has it been and you are still not dead?

Xu Changan secretly calculated that when he first came to Yunmeng Shifang, he was only thirteen years old, and now he is over one hundred and forty years old.

In other words, this old man has been here for at least 130 years?

Is it reasonable?

This is definitely not an ordinary fourth-level disciple in the Qi refining stage.

Maybe some tall and unfathomable old monster is experiencing the world of mortals here.

However, since he is a fairy-level senior, why are he crying in this busy city today?

I am puzzled!

Forget it, if you don’t understand it then just don’t understand it.

It's better to stay away from this old monster who doesn't know how many years he has lived.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, calmed down the almost non-existent aura on his body, and turned to leave.

"Young man, please wait..."

A dirty, skinny hand suddenly and unknowingly placed itself on Xu Changan's right arm and pulled him.

Xu Changan turned around, and it was the old man.

The old Taoist cried with tears in his eyes.

"Hehehe..." Xu Changan smiled awkwardly and said, "Senior, this is..."

"Have you really replenished your spiritual roots?" The old Taoist in Huangpao wiped the tears on his face, looked at Xu Changan and asked: "Will the descendants be willing to worship me as their teacher?"

Xu Changan scratched his head in embarrassment.

The old man stared at Xu Changan for three breaths, and seemed to think of something extremely sad, so he hugged his head and cried again.

This time, Xu Changan did not dare to leave rashly. He knelt down next to the old man and asked, "Old man, why are you in such pain?"

The old Taoist Huangpao cried and said: "One of my disciples is about to die. I couldn't help but feel sad, so I cried. Is there a problem?"

Xu Changan curled his lips: "That means your disciple is not dead yet?"

"Yes!" Huangpao said: "We are not dead now, but we will soon!"

Xu Changan said: "Then you are going to save him?"

"I can't save him... wuwuwuwu... I can't save him..." The old man cried even harder. He waved his hands at Xu Changan while crying: "Young man, go away... I would like to accept you as my disciple, but I dare not!"

"Go, go!"

Xu Changan stood up, respectfully performed a Taoist ceremony to the old Taoist in yellow robe, and then turned and left.

He did not continue to stroll in Yunmeng City, but walked out directly.

After leaving Yunmeng Lake, Xu Changan sacrificed the fairy boat again and continued to go south.

Not far south of Yunmeng Lake is Huaxu Lake.

Huaxu Lake, also known as Huaxu Lei Lake, is famous among all countries because of the huge thunder in it. It is considered a desperate place at the junction of Yan State and Qi State. However, for billions of years, no one has collected the thunder in Lei Lake, which shows the power of the thunder.

The sky above Huaxu Lake was filled with miasma. Xu Changan, who was now at the sixth level of the Jindan stage, did not dare to force his way in. He drove the flying boat all the way east to bypass Lei Lake, and then continued to the south.

Taking advantage of the gap in the immortal boat's flight, Xu Changan sat cross-legged on the deck, controlling the flight of the immortal boat while taking out something.

A dark red axe blank.

This was obtained from killing the Yuanying stage mummy in the Zhenwu Jedi. Xu Changan guessed that the axe blank was made of a kind of Kaitian material.

But he didn't know what the specific material was.

He didn't have time to study it before.

Now that he is at the sixth level of the Jindan stage, it's time to study it and warm up his own life magic weapon.

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