Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 453 [The third picture, Yue Kingdom Dan Hall]

Xu Changan took out a purple jade slip: Basic Mechanism Refining Method.

Although this thing is basic, it is all-encompassing.

It contains basic refining methods!

Basic mechanism production methods!

Basic fire control methods!

Fire refining methods.

Basic material refining methods.

Of course, there is an introduction to various materials in the world.

Xu Changan had never seen an introduction to refining materials before. This time, he wanted to read this [Materials Chapter].

The materials in the world are complicated and numerous.

But overall, like the spiritual plants in this cultivation world, they are divided into grades.

From the first grade to the ninth grade.

The first grade is the lowest, and the ninth grade is the highest.

Xu Changan directly skipped the first, second, and third grades and looked at the eighth and ninth grades.

He felt that his axe was at least made of eighth-grade materials.

The higher the grade of the material, the less there is.

At the eighth grade, there are only a dozen or so.

There is no such material.

There are also more than a dozen materials of the ninth grade.

Xu Changan saw the introduction of a material almost immediately.

[Golden Mother of Creation]: Also known as the Mother of Ten Thousand Golds, it is a material produced when the world was first created. It can absorb ten thousand golds to strengthen itself and is a top-level refining material.

Color: Dark red at low levels, it will turn red after upgrading to a certain grade, and finally turn into purple gold.

The Golden Mother of Creation is resistant to all methods and has the power to break through everything.

There is also a graphic of the specific image of the Golden Mother below.

Xu Changan was excited: Yes, it is the axe in my hand. I didn't expect that this thing is actually the ninth-grade refining material, the Golden Mother of Creation.

According to this material article, the Golden Mother of Creation is not only of high grade, but the key is that it can absorb any gold treasure in the world to strengthen itself, thus possessing boundless power.

It is dark red at the beginning, and it becomes purple gold when it is upgraded to a certain level.


It is enough to use it to warm up your own life magic weapon.


Xu Changan's mind moved, and a wisp of red flames shot out.

Red Lotus Karma Fire!

Red Lotus Karma Fire instantly wrapped up the Golden Mother of Creation.

The rough axe block originally belonged to a Yuanying dried corpse, which was a material that someone had nurtured. Not only did it retain the aura of the dried corpse, but it also had four or five vague formations.

These things must be erased.

The essence of the Red Lotus Karma Fire is a kind of fire, so it not only has the function of burning the karma of the whole body, but can also be used as a divine fire to refine various items.

Under the smelting of the karma fire, the aura and formations on the rough axe block were instantly erased.

Xu Changan got a clean piece of the Golden Mother of Creation.

It still looks like an axe.

"This thing is good!" Xu Changan said to himself, "No need to change the shape, I will also nurture an axe!"


With a thought, this rough axe was directly collected by Xu Changan into his Dantian, nourished with spiritual energy, flesh and blood, and Taoism.

From then on, this axe does not need special refining, and even does not need to be deliberately taken care of. Under the nurturing of the master's Taoism and blood, it will produce a series of array prohibitions and improve its grade.

However, the time required is calculated in days and days.

Put away the axe and the jade slip for refining.

Xu Changan waved his hand and took out another item: the book of prayer for good harvest.

This thing is very magical. Since there is nothing to do, take it out and study it.

Open the first page: the book given by the emperor.

The second page: the book of the Great Yan State!

The third page: the book of prayer for good harvest.

The fourth page is a painting, depicting the Golden Platform, and the scene of the Yan Emperor recruiting talents from all over the world.

The fifth page shows the envoys from Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin coming to help Yan State. Of course, there is also the scene of Xu Changan leaving with the letter from Great Yan State.

The sixth page is blank.

Although it is a blank page, Xu Changan still flipped it.

But the next moment, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

Because, on the sixth page, which was originally a blank page, a picture and text suddenly appeared.

The picture shows a busy city.

On the busy street with countless people watching, five horses pulled a person's limbs and head from five directions.

This picture is familiar to Xu Changan. This is the torture of five horses dismembering a body.

It means that someone will be dismembered by five horses on the busy street.

That's all the pictures.

There is also a poem below.

The name is: Untitled.

The capital Luoyang is near my home.

At the age of sixteen, I followed Guigu Ya.

Leaving Yan and entering Qi, I am an unparalleled warrior.

Vertical and horizontal turned into a bunch of hemp.


Xu Changan took a deep breath, and then felt numb all over.

He had already recognized him. This was Su Xiang.

Zhen Qingyan's adoptive father, the unparalleled national scholar of Great Yan State, and now the prime minister of Qi State.

If it weren't for the incense rosary given by Su Xiang, Xu Changan really couldn't escape from the heavy blockade of Tiezhongtang.

Speaking of which, Su Xiang had saved his life.

However, was Su Xiang going to be torn apart by five horses?

For a while, Xu Changan felt that he couldn't breathe.

He wanted to save him.

But in the end, he shook his head helplessly.

Because he knew that the ending that had been imprinted on the Book of Prayers was a prediction that had already become a foregone conclusion.

It couldn't be changed.

If it could be changed, this picture would not appear on the Book of Prayer for Good Harvests.

If it could be changed, why would the old Taoist in the yellow robe in Yunmeng City hold his head and cry?

Xu Changan no longer had the heart to study the Book of Prayer for Good Harvests, but waved his hand and threw the book directly into the calm water and fire eye in the golden talisman space.

Then he lay down on the fairy boat and headed south.

Two days later, he arrived in Qi.

From Cangbei County of Qi, he took the teleportation array to Linzi City.

Linzi City was the capital of Qi. Xu Changan did not dare to stay, but took the teleportation array again and came to the southernmost county of Qi: Xiapi County.

From Xiapi County to the south, he entered the territory of Yue.

After taking another teleportation array in the border county of Yue, Xu Changan arrived at the capital of Yue: Moling City.

A warm breath blew over.

The wind was moist with a spirit of elegance.

The whole Moling City is full of flowers and beautiful.

Like Jidu, flying is not allowed here.

To walk in Moling City, you either walk and jump, or take a teleportation array, or use a carriage or a carriage pulled by various spirit beasts.

Xu Changan took out the puppet wooden horse he made, and then took out a carriage from the storage space, and sat in the wooden carriage to Yueguo Hall.

Yueguo Hall, located in the core area of ​​Moling City, is one of the stronger forces in Moling City.

Because the Yue people are not good at alchemy, but are proficient in refining tools, the alchemy level of Yue is very low, and the Great Zhou Dan Hall is extremely important.

Xu Changan got off the carriage in a black Taoist robe, then took out a token from his arms and handed it to the person guarding the Dan Hall, saying: "Minghe, the elder of Yan Guotang of the Great Zhou Dan Hall, please inform me!"

The Dan Halls in the world are one family.

All the disciples of the Dan Hall are also the subjects of the Emperor of the Great Zhou. They wear the same clothes, and no matter which country they are in, it is like walking into their own sect.

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