Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 464 [Nine-day Sky Tour, Dabai's True Form]


Xu Changan waved his hand and threw the palm-sized, two-foot-high red lotus fire into the immortal netherworld fire.


Xu Changan even felt the exclamation of the immortal netherworld fire from the level of consciousness.

It trembled, and the whole sea of ​​fire trembled violently.

Looking down from a high altitude, you will find that the immortal netherworld fire occupies about one-third of the entire golden talisman space, which is extremely huge, like a dark blue ocean.

And the palm-sized red lotus fire fell into it, as small as a speck of dust.

However, this tiny red lotus fire greedily opened its big mouth and kept absorbing the energy of the immortal netherworld fire.

The immortal netherworld fire cannot be resisted, cannot be resisted.

This is the pressure of the high level on the low level.

The immortal netherworld fire is one of the ten great heavenly fires in the cultivation world.

And the red lotus fire is the supreme divine fire in the fairy world.

The level difference between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud.

It was destined to be a long process for the Red Lotus Karma Fire to devour the Unquenchable Hell Fire. Xu Changan had no intention of watching and stepped out of the Golden Talisman Space.

He came to the valley.

He walked around the valley and found his disciple Fuchu.

"Master!" Fuchu saluted Xu Changan with red eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Xu Changan said, "Master, you seem to be possessed?"

Fuchu bowed his hands and said, "Disciple refines this [Gathering Spirit Pill], but it can't get a top grade anyway, this..."

"I was just asking Master!"


It took Xu Changan several days to teach Fuchu how to refine the pill.

During this period, he also asked Fuchu that no envoy from the State of Yan came.

He had been in seclusion in the Golden Talisman Space for fifty-three years, and only more than five years had passed outside.

After instructing Fuchu, Xu Changan returned to the Taoist temple, stepped out, and walked into the small world.

The small world continued to grow as his cultivation increased, so the concentration of spiritual energy inside could never rise.

However, the spiritual plants inside grew very well.

Fusang tree, five-color infant lotus, ruler square barley, enlightenment tea tree, etc.

There are also some other high-quality spiritual plants.

In the core position, there is a black hill.

This hill is very small, but it is made up of pieces of black stones the size of goose eggs. These stones were picked up by Xu Changan on the Xiangshui River Beach in Zhenwu Jedi. Later, they were given to Dabai to rub the skin. As a result, Dabai fell asleep while rubbing.

To be precise, he fell into a deep sleep.

This kind of deep sleep is a precursor to a breakthrough.

Now, he has been sleeping in this small world for nearly two hundred years.

It is not known when he will sleep!

Fortunately, Dabai's body looks very normal. It lies on the grass. With every breath, purple mist flows out of its mouth and nose. The entire white fur is wrapped in a layer of purple airflow.

It looks extremely mysterious.

Xu Changan did not disturb it, and teleported in the small world in one step, and came to the distance.

"Huh..." He took a deep breath, and his body floated in the void.

Above his head, the sun was shining, and the sky was blue.

Under his feet, the mountains were undulating, and thousands of peaks stood in a row.


Xu Changan shouted.

The fire attribute spiritual power in his body flowed like boiling water, and the void around him was slightly deformed because of the violent agitation of the fire spiritual power.

The next moment, a bright sun condensed from his head.







A total of nine fireballs as dazzling as the sun suddenly floated around Xu Changan's body.

Three on the top of his head.

Two in front of him!

Two behind him!

Two under his feet!

The nine fireballs were like nine suns, slowly moving around Xu Changan according to a certain trajectory.

A vast and sacred breath instantly swept the world.

Countless creatures within a thousand feet of the surrounding area trembled in fear, worshipping him as a god.

From a distance, Xu Changan, surrounded by nine suns, was the supreme god of this world.

The nine suns patrolling the sky, finally understood.


Xu Changan took a step forward and crossed a distance of a hundred feet.

A big sun under his feet fell to the ground with a bang.


In front of him, behind him, and above his head.

The suns fell one after another.

Each sun hit a mountain below.




Nine huge mountains were broken into dust in a wave of his hand.

The so-called breaking mountains and breaking seas is nothing more than this.

"Huh..." Xu Changan looked at the heaven-defying magical power he had displayed, and his eyes glowed with a strange brilliance.


It was simply too powerful.


The consumption was also great.

As soon as this nine-day patrolling the sky magical power came out, almost all of the fire attribute spiritual power in his body was drained, leaving nothing behind.

Fortunately, he still has six other Dantian.

Otherwise, when facing a strong enemy, if this level of attack cannot kill in one blow, the consequences will still be very serious.

At this moment, a breath that made all the gods palpitate suddenly came from between heaven and earth.

Xu Changan turned his head suddenly.

I saw a purple divine light as thin as a silk thread rising into the sky in the far distance.

Xu Changan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Dabai!"

That's right!

That was where Dabai was sleeping.

He took a deep breath, moved his feet and swept through countless spaces, and in an instant he landed a thousand feet away from where Dabai was sleeping.

Just now, from a distance, this purple-gold light was like a thin line from the ground to the sky.

But when he got closer, he found that it was not a light, but a thick purple-gold light column.

The light column came out from Dabai's body, and vast energy gushed out and rushed into the sky along the light column.




Nine energy waves blasted out in succession.

Then, Dabai's body, who was sleeping, floated into the void along the light column, and then froze in the void about a thousand feet away from the ground, slowly turning.

Dabai's body became extremely huge, and purple mists emanated from its white hair.

Xu Changan stood in the void in the distance, and his eyes shrank slightly.

He saw that a bunch of golden hair suddenly grew out of the bald spot on Dabai's head.

The hair grew very fast, and it grew ten feet in almost a thought.

At the same time, Dabai's already long ears suddenly became longer, and suddenly grew to the same length as the body, and the white ears also turned purple.

A bright purple.

The originally chubby body became thin.

The thick and heavy limbs also became extremely agile at this time.


No longer exists.

It completely changed its shape. He closed his eyes and stood in the void, like a giant beast from ancient times, and also like a mythical beast standing on the eaves of the Yan Kingdom's royal palace.

At a certain moment.

It opened its eyes.

Red eyes with vertical pupils, cold and ruthless.


Dabai opened his mouth, and a huge roar accompanied by a substantial energy wave went out in all directions.

This roar seemed to come from the fairyland, covering the world and shocking dragons and snakes.

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